September 10 Tuesday, 2024
Lesson 107 動詞句修飾② – フレーズで説明
☆Words & Phrases
Akira, we have a problem. – What’s wrong, Estella?
I know. We’re doing everything we can.
Maybe there was some accident up in space.
**jump to conclusions:
Let’s not jump to any conclusions.
**handle ~ with care:
We need to handle this matter with care.
Don’t say anything about this to anyone yet, Akira.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
We’ve lost contact with Omega 3.
Let’s not jump to any conclusions.
Let’s not ~
not はそれ以降の内容を否定する単語。この文の Let’s not ~ は「jump to any conclusions しない」ことを呼びかけている。
Let’s~ は使えても、Let’s not ~ はなかなか使えないのでしっかり練習する!
jump to conclusions は「(慎重に考えずに)結論を急ぐ・即断する」

☆Target Forms
We need to handle this matter with care.
動詞句 handle this matter を with care(慎重に)が説明している
動詞(句)の後ろに並んだら、ひとつの単語でも複数語のカタマリでもその説明。とってもシンプルですね。with care を「カタマリ」と考えて handle this matter の後ろに並べましょう。
We need to handle this matter
We need to handle this matter with care.
① I went there by bus.
I went there by train.
I went there by car.
→ by ~ は「手段・方法」を表すフレーズ
② Do it as I told you.
Keep it as it is.
→ as は「=(イコール)」を表す
③ Fold your paper the way I showed you.
Fold your paper the way I did.
Fold your paper the same way.
→ way は「やり方・方法」
R: Okay everyone. Today, again, we’ll practice adding extra information to the end of the sentence. I’m sure you’ve got used to it by now, so let’s jump right in!
– I went there, I went there
– I went there by bus.
– I went there by train.
– I went there by car.
D: All right. Keep it up,
– Do it
– Do it as I told you.
– Keep it
– Keep it as it is.
R: Keep going,
– Fold your paper, Fold your paper
– Fold your paper the way I showed you.
– Fold your paper the way I did.
– Fold your paper the same way.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
**with caution:
**prefer to ~:
**do one’s hair:
O: Hey, shall I do my hair the way I used to?
D: Sensei, I don’t think your hairstyle has changed in the last ten, fifteen years!
September 10 Tuesday, 2024
Lesson 107 動詞句修飾② – フレーズで説明
☆Words & Phrases
Akira, we have a problem. – What’s wrong, Estella?
アキラ、問題発生です – どうしたのですか、エスレラ
※What’s wrong? は人や機械の調子がおかしいときに使われる疑問文「どうしたの?」ですね!
I know. We’re doing everything we can.
※doing everything we can(私たちができること全てやっている)はまとめて覚えておきましょう
Maybe there was some accident up in space.
※この文の up in space(宇宙空間で)の up は、空間的な広がりや位置の高さ(上)を表しています。in space だけでもOKですが up を付け加えると、地球にいる人たちから見た「宇宙ははるか上の方にある」という感覚を強調できます。おそらくそういうイメージで使われているのだと思います!
**jump to conclusions:(慎重に考えずに)結論を急ぐ、即断する、早合点する
Let’s not jump to any conclusions.
**handle ~ with care: ~に慎重に対処する、~を注意して取り扱う
**matter: 問題、事柄
We need to handle this matter with care.
Don’t say anything about this to anyone yet, Akira.
※anything… anyone… と any, any が重なっています。何も言うな、誰にも言うな、とう強い使い方です!
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
We’ve lost contact with Omega 3.
Let’s not jump to any conclusions.
Let’s not ~
not はそれ以降の内容を否定する単語。この文の Let’s not ~ は「jump to any conclusions しない」ことを呼びかけている。
Let’s~ は使えても、Let’s not ~ はなかなか使えないのでしっかり練習する!
jump to conclusions は「(慎重に考えずに)結論を急ぐ・即断する」

☆Target Forms
We need to handle this matter with care.
動詞句 handle this matter を with care(慎重に)が説明している
動詞(句)の後ろに並んだら、ひとつの単語でも複数語のカタマリでもその説明。とってもシンプルですね。with care を「カタマリ」と考えて handle this matter の後ろに並べましょう。
We need to handle this matter
We need to handle this matter with care.
① I went there by bus.
I went there by train.
I went there by car.
→ by ~ は「手段・方法」を表すフレーズ
② Do it as I told you.
Keep it as it is.
→ as は「=(イコール)」を表す
③ Fold your paper the way I showed you.
Fold your paper the way I did.
Fold your paper the same way.
→ way は「やり方・方法」
R: Okay everyone. Today, again, we’ll practice adding extra information to the end of the sentence. I’m sure you’ve got used to it by now, so let’s jump right in!
– I went there, I went there
– I went there by bus.
– I went there by train.
– I went there by car.
D: All right. Keep it up,
– Do it
– Do it as I told you.
– Keep it
– Keep it as it is.
R: Keep going,
– Fold your paper, Fold your paper
– Fold your paper the way I showed you.
– Fold your paper the way I did.
– Fold your paper the same way.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
Drive with caution. We’re entering a school zone.
**with caution: 慎重に・用心して
I prefer to travel by bus. It’s much more relaxing than driving.
**prefer to ~:(…よりも)~するほうを好む
※much more relaxing は、much(はるかに)が比較級 more relaxing を強調しています
Do your hair the way you used to. I liked the old style better.
**do one’s hair: 髪を整える
O: Hey, shall I do my hair the way I used to?
D: Sensei, I don’t think your hairstyle has changed in the last ten, fifteen years!
営業時間:平日 9:00~22:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階