January 29 Wednesday, 2025
Lesson 198 追加情報を述べる② – which の多彩
D: I don’t remember asking for that explanation.
☆Words & Phrases
Welcome back. On today’s show we have an unusual guest.
Thank you, Kelly. – Sota, I’ve heard a lot about you.
You were the president of a small shogi club in Japan.
Yes, that was back in high school.
Is shogi popular in Australia? – Yes, surprisingly.
Eventually I want to open shogi classrooms worldwide.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
You are running an international shogi school.
この文の runは「運営する」という意味で使われているが、runは「走る」
run にもともと「運営する」という意味があるわけではない
この文は「他動型」。動詞の働きかけが直接目的語に及ぶ型なので、「~を走らせる → ~を運営・経営する」となる
Eventually I want to open shogi classrooms worldwide.
この文の worldwide は「世界中で」で、副詞の働きをしている
なぜなら、worldwide が動詞句=open shogi classrooms の後ろにあり、説明ルールによりその説明となっているため
この単語は、例えば「worldwide issues(世界規模の問題)」などと名詞の前に使えば、形容詞にもなる

☆Target Forms
We’re planning to open a classroom in Sydney, which my girlfriend Masami recommended ( ).
「, which」はとても頻度の高い「追加情報を盛り込む」形。名詞はもちろん、文中のさまざまな要素に追加情報を盛り込むことができる
関係代名詞節に空所 ( ) があることは変わりません。前の文全体をしっかり受け、recommended の後ろにある空所と組み合わせる意識で続けます。
We’re planning to open a classroom in Sydney,
We’re planning to open a classroom in Sydney, which my girlfriend Masami recommended ( ).
① We ate uni, which ( ) is a local favorite.
→ 名詞「ウニ」にwhich で追加情報
② He’s extroverted, which I am not ( ).
→ whichが形容詞 extroverted に追加情報を盛り込んでいる
not の後ろに extroverted と組み合わされる空所がある
③ The meal had seven courses, all of which ( ) were delicious.
all of which(そのすべて)
half of which(その半分)
both of which(その両方)
D: All right everyone. It’s time to jump into today’s practice. Again, we’ll be adding extra information, this time using “which.” Now, the “pause” is the key indicator, this is extra information. So, today we’ll focus on that pause and practice together. We have three sentences, all of which we’ll practice.
R: All right guys. Let’s begin,
– uni, which is a local favorite
Full sentence,
– We ate uni, which is a local favorite.
D: All right. Let’s keep going,
– extroverted, which I am not
Let’s try the whole sentence,
– He’s extroverted, which I am not.
R: Okay. And our last sentence,
– seven courses, all of which were delicious
All together,
– The meal had seven courses, all of which were delicious.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
**height of comfort:
**tend to ~:
O: Hey guys. I say a lot of things, all of which are true.
D: Most of which are true.
R: You do tend to exaggerate a bit.
January 29 Wednesday, 2025
Lesson 198 追加情報を述べる② – which の多彩
D: I don’t remember asking for that explanation.
☆Words & Phrases
**unusual: 普通ではない、めずらしい
Welcome back. On today’s show we have an unusual guest.
Thank you, Kelly. – Sota, I’ve heard a lot about you.
ありがとう、ケリー – ソウタさん、あなたのおうわさは、いろいろとお聞きしています。
※I’ve heard a lot about you. は全文を覚えて初対面の人に使いたいです(こう言われて嫌な気持になる人はいないから!)
**president: 部長、会長
You were the president of a small shogi club in Japan.
日本では小さな将棋 クラブの部長をされていたそうですね。
Yes, that was back in high school.
**surprisingly: 意外にも
Is shogi popular in Australia? – Yes, surprisingly.
オーストラリアでは、将棋は人気があるのですか?- はい、意外なことにそうなんです。
**eventually: とうとう、やっと、最終的には、やがて、いつかは
**worldwide: 副)世界中で 形)世界的な、世界的規模の
Eventually I want to open shogi classrooms worldwide.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
You are running an international shogi school.
この文の runは「運営する」という意味で使われているが、runは「走る」
run にもともと「運営する」という意味があるわけではない
この文は「他動型」。動詞の働きかけが直接目的語に及ぶ型なので、「~を走らせる → ~を運営・経営する」となる
Eventually I want to open shogi classrooms worldwide.
この文の worldwide は「世界中で」で、副詞の働きをしている
なぜなら、worldwide が動詞句=open shogi classrooms の後ろにあり、説明ルールによりその説明となっているため
この単語は、例えば「worldwide issues(世界規模の問題)」などと名詞の前に使えば、形容詞にもなる

☆Target Forms
We’re planning to open a classroom in Sydney, which my girlfriend Masami recommended ( ).
「, which」はとても頻度の高い「追加情報を盛り込む」形。名詞はもちろん、文中のさまざまな要素に追加情報を盛り込むことができる
関係代名詞節に空所 ( ) があることは変わりません。前の文全体をしっかり受け、recommended の後ろにある空所と組み合わせる意識で続けます。
We’re planning to open a classroom in Sydney,
We’re planning to open a classroom in Sydney, which my girlfriend Masami recommended ( ).
① We ate uni, which ( ) is a local favorite.
→ 名詞「ウニ」にwhich で追加情報
② He’s extroverted, which I am not ( ).
→ whichが形容詞 extroverted に追加情報を盛り込んでいる
not の後ろに extroverted と組み合わされる空所がある
③ The meal had seven courses, all of which ( ) were delicious.
all of which(そのすべて)
half of which(その半分)
both of which(その両方)
D: All right everyone. It’s time to jump into today’s practice. Again, we’ll be adding extra information, this time using “which.” Now, the “pause” is the key indicator, this is extra information. So, today we’ll focus on that pause and practice together. We have three sentences, all of which we’ll practice.
R: All right guys. Let’s begin,
– uni, which is a local favorite
Full sentence,
– We ate uni, which is a local favorite.
D: All right. Let’s keep going,
– extroverted, which I am not
Let’s try the whole sentence,
– He’s extroverted, which I am not.
R: Okay. And our last sentence,
– seven courses, all of which were delicious
All together,
– The meal had seven courses, all of which were delicious.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
We stayed at the Hotel New Onishi, which is a five-star hotel. It was the height of comfort.
**height of comfort: 快適さの頂点
He says a lot of things, half of which aren’t true. He tends to exaggerate a bit.
**tend to ~: ~する傾向がある
**exaggerate: 誇張する
I started going to the gym recently, which was my doctor’s suggestion.
**suggestion: 提案
O: Hey guys. I say a lot of things, all of which are true.
D: Most of which are true.
R: You do tend to exaggerate a bit.
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