October 22/29 Tuesday, 2024
Lesson 137 説明ルール③動詞句修飾
☆Words & Phrases
Oh, something smells wonderful!
What’s she making? – Beef and potato croquettes.
**be good at/in ~:
Adam is good in the kitchen. As a cook, I mean.
He’s never been good at cleaning up.
**hopefully ~:
Hopefully Roxy is better at that.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
She knows how to make that?
wh語 + to不定詞
how to ~
「wh語 + to不定詞」はたいへん頻繁に使われる形。
what to ~
where to ~
when to ~
how to make that は how(どのように・やり方)を to不定詞で説明し「(これから)それを作る、ね」ということ。
I don’t know what to do next.
She’s not sure where to park her car.
Can you tell me when to submit the report?
Please help her clean up.
help の目的語説明型(SVOC)
help は目的語説明型を作る代表的な動詞のひとつ。説明語句に動詞原形を用いることに注意!
「彼女が片づけをするのを help(手伝う)」ということ。

☆Target Forms
She is busy cooking dinner for us.
この文は、動詞句 is busy を cooking dinner for us が説明している。「何をやっていて忙しいのか」の説明である。
is busy の内容を説明する意識で cooking 以下を並べます。
is busy – cooking dinner for us
She is busy cooking dinner for us.
① He runs so fast.
He speaks so fast.
He learns so fast.
He eats so fast.
→ 動詞を説明する意識で so fast を置く
② Don’t get me wrong.
→ get me の説明が wrong
③ I went there by bus.
I went there by train.
I went there by car.
→「手段・方法」を表す by ~ で went there を説明
④ We got home exhausted.
→ 過去分詞 exhausted で got home を説明
D: Okay everyone. It’s practice time. Do you want to explain more about the「動詞句」? You can! It’s easy. Just put it after. Okay? Let’s practice.
R: Repeat after us,
– runs – so fast
– He runs so fast.
– He speaks so fast.
– He learns so fast.
– He eats so fast.
D: Great work. Let’s keep going,
– get me – wrong
– Don’t get me wrong.
R: Okay. Let’s do some more!
– went there – by bus
I went there by bus.
I went there by train.
I went there by car.
D: All right. One more for you,
– got home – exhausted
– We got home exhausted.
One more time,
– We got home exhausted.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
**with care:
D: Sensei, you said you are good at making nabe but are you good at cleaning up after cooking?
O: Of course!
October 22/29 Tuesday, 2024
Lesson 137 説明ルール③動詞句修飾
☆Words & Phrases
Oh, something smells wonderful!
※ smells wonderful(いい匂いがする)、その前の something(何か)の状態を説明しています。something が主語で、smells (wonderful)が述語です
**croquette: コロッケ
What’s she making? – Beef and potato croquettes.
(彼女は)何を作っているんだろう?- 牛肉とポテトのコロッケよ。
**be good at/in ~: ~が得意/~で得意
Adam is good in the kitchen. As a cook, I mean.
He’s never been good at cleaning up.
※ be good at ~, be good in ~ など、後ろの前置詞は変わることがしばしばあります!主に be good at ~ は「何かの活動・行為が得意」で be good in ~ は「何か特定の状況や分野で上手くやる」ことを表します
**hopefully ~: 願わくは~であってほしい、できることなら〜であってほしい
Hopefully Roxy is better at that.
※Roxy is better at that は「ロキシーはそれがより得意である」ですね!
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
She knows how to make that?
wh語 + to不定詞
how to ~(どのように~するのか・~のやり方)
「wh語 + to不定詞」はたいへん頻繁に使われる形。
what to ~(何を〜するべきか)
where to ~(どこで・どこに〜するべきか)
when to ~(いつ〜するべきか)
how to make that は how(どのように・やり方)を to不定詞で説明し「(これから)それを作る、ね」となる。
I don’t know what to do next.
She’s not sure where to park her car.
Can you tell me when to submit the report?
Please help her clean up.
help の目的語説明型(SVOC)
help は目的語説明型を作る代表的な動詞のひとつ。説明語句に動詞原形を用いることに注意!
「彼女が片づけをするのを help(手伝う)」ということ。

☆Target Forms
She is busy cooking dinner for us.
この文は、動詞句 is busy を cooking dinner for us が説明している。「何をやっていて忙しいのか」の説明である。
is busy の内容を説明する意識で cooking 以下を並べます。
is busy – cooking dinner for us
She is busy cooking dinner for us.
① He runs so fast.
He speaks so fast.
He learns so fast.
He eats so fast.
→ 動詞を説明する意識で so fast を置く
② Don’t get me wrong.
→ get me の説明が wrong
③ I went there by bus.
I went there by train.
I went there by car.
→「手段・方法」を表す by ~ で went there を説明
④ We got home exhausted.
→ 過去分詞 exhausted で got home を説明
D: Okay everyone. It’s practice time. Do you want to explain more about the「動詞句」? You can! It’s easy. Just put it after. Okay? Let’s practice.
R: Repeat after us,
– runs – so fast
– He runs so fast.
– He speaks so fast.
– He learns so fast.
– He eats so fast.
D: Great work. Let’s keep going,
– get me – wrong
– Don’t get me wrong.
R: Okay. Let’s do some more!
– went there – by bus
I went there by bus.
I went there by train.
I went there by car.
D: All right. One more for you,
– got home – exhausted
– We got home exhausted.
One more time,
– We got home exhausted.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
I spent the day doing laundry and cleaning the house. It was a typical Sunday for me.
**typically: 典型的な
He always handles our baby with care. He’s a very gentle father.
**handle: 扱う
**with care: 気を付けて、注意して
My package arrived damaged. I’d like a refund, please.
**damaged: 損傷して、壊れて、ダメージを受けて
**refund: 返金
D: Sensei, you said you are good at making nabe but are you good at cleaning up after cooking?
O: Of course!
営業時間:平日 9:00~22:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階