January 15 Monday, 2024
Lesson 186 発言タイプ:感情⑤恋愛感情
☆Words & Phrases
Adam, have you noticed anything unusual about Roxy lately?
Unusual? No, she seems really happy.
That’s what I mean. She’s never that happy.
Masaru? I didn’t think he was her type.
**now that ~:
Now that you mention it, she did buy some new clothes recently.

☆Grammar and Vocabulary
① Have you noticed anything unusual about Roxy lately?
anything unusual に注目!形容詞 unusual が anything を後ろから修飾し「何かふだんと違うこと」となっている。
これは -thing / -one/ -body で終わる名詞に特徴的な語順。anything(何か・何でも)、anybody(誰でも)、someone(誰か)といった名詞は意味が希薄なため、説明による支えが頻繁に必要になるため。「説明ルール:説明は後ろに置く」が生み出す典型的な語順のひとつ。
② That’s what I mean.
what I mean は wh節。wh語で始まるが、疑問形を伴わず疑問の意味を持たない文の部品。「私が何を意味している(のか)=私が意味していること」両用の形。
What do you mean?

☆Typical Expressions
I think she has a crush on Masaru.
have a crush on ~ は「~に熱を上げる・夢中な」で、何を見ても何を聞いてもその人を思い出す、恋愛初期の心の動きを表す表現。
crush からは心がキューッと押しつぶされている感じが伝わってくる
① I like you.
I care about you.
Is he into me?
→ like は一般的な「好き」だが、ロマンチックな感情を表すことも可能
care about には恋愛感情が強くにじむ
be into ~ は、恋愛以外にも使われる「~に夢中な・熱中している」で、「好き」という表現を使っていないため、深刻さは感じられない
② I’m in love with you.
I have fallen for you.
I have a thing for you.
I have feelings for you.
in love は 「恋愛の心理状態にある」
fall for ~ は「~にほれ込む・~を好きになる」で、強い恋愛感情
have a thing for ~ は人以外にも使える「~が好き」
have feelings for ~ は 「feelings(感情・気持ち)を持っている → 好き」となり、強い恋愛感情。feelings は必ず複数形にすること!さまざまな気持ちが交錯しているため
③ I’m head over heels for her.
→ head over heels は「真っ逆さま」。真っ逆さまに恋に落ちることから「夢中な・首ったけ」
④ They like each other.
They are in love.
They love each other.
like each other はそれほど深刻ではなく友情も含む
in love は「ラブラブ❤」。おそらくつきあい始めで盛り上がっている
love each other は愛情の中に深さ・穏やかさが感じられる
R: Okay everyone. It’s time to practice. You’re gonna love today’s expressions. I’m sure about that.
D: All right, everyone. Let’s jump right in,
– I like you.
– I care about you.
– Is he into me?
R: Continuing on,
– I’m in love with you.
– I have fallen for you.
– I have a thing for you.
– I have feelings for you.
D: All right. Let’s keep going,
– I’m head over heels for her.
Let’s try one more time,
– I’m head over heels for her.
R: Great! And let’s do our last few,
– They like each other.
– They are in love.
– They love each other.
D: Great phrases. Thanks for practicing. I hope you enjoyed it.
R: I hope you were into today’s practice.
☆Typical Expressions in Action
**feel the same:
②ああ、君は彼女に熱を上げているのですね?彼女が部屋に入ってく るたびに、あなたの顔が明るくなっていますよ。
**light up:
**bottle up:
O: Hey guys. If someone suddenly said to you “I love you,” would you be surprised?
D: Ah! If they meant it as like, I love you as a fan, not really, but if they looked me deep in the eyes, and said “I love you,” yeah, it would be a bit of a shock.
R: Usually saying “I love you” in that kind of situation, implies an already established relationship.
January 15 Monday, 2024
Lesson 186 発言タイプ:感情⑤恋愛感情
☆Words & Phrases
**unusual: 普通でない、いつもと違う
**lately: 最近、近ごろ
Adam, have you noticed anything unusual about Roxy lately?
Unusual? No, she seems really happy.
※ she seems really happy は説明型オーバーラッピング(SVC)の形です。「she = really happy に見える・思える(seems)」ですね!
That’s what I mean. She’s never that happy.
※ She is never that happy. の that は「最近の幸せいっぱい」なことを受けていますね!
Masaru? I didn’t think he was her type.
※ I didn’t think ~. と not を think に付けて前に置くのが英語の標準の語順です。I thought he was not ~. とはあまり言いませんね💦
**now that ~: 〜だから、〜であるからには、(今や)~なので
**clothes: 服、衣服、衣類
Now that you mention it, she did buy some new clothes recently.
※ clothes [klóʊ(ð)z] は複数形です。✖ some clotheses とは言いません!

☆Grammar and Vocabulary
① Have you noticed anything unusual about Roxy lately?
anything unusual に注目!形容詞 unusual が anything を後ろから修飾し「何かふだんと違うこと」となっている。
これは -thing / -one/ -body で終わる名詞に特徴的な語順。anything(何か・何でも)、anybody(誰でも)、someone(誰か)といった名詞は意味が希薄なため、説明による支えが頻繁に必要になるため。「説明ルール:説明は後ろに置く」が生み出す典型的な語順のひとつ。
② That’s what I mean.
what I mean は wh節。wh語で始まるが、疑問形を伴わず疑問の意味を持たない文の部品。「私が何を意味している(のか)=私が意味していること」両用の形。
What do you mean?

☆Typical Expressions
I think she has a crush on Masaru.
have a crush on ~ は「~に熱を上げる・夢中な」で、何を見ても何を聞いてもその人を思い出す、恋愛初期の心の動きを表す表現。
crush からは心がキューッと押しつぶされている感じが伝わってくる
① I like you.
I care about you.
Is he into me?
→ like は一般的な「好き」だが、ロマンチックな感情を表すことも可能
care about には恋愛感情が強くにじむ
be into ~ は、恋愛以外にも使われる「~に夢中な・熱中している」で、「好き」という表現を使っていないため、深刻さは感じられない
② I’m in love with you.
I have fallen for you.
I have a thing for you.
I have feelings for you.
in love は 「恋愛の心理状態にある」
fall for ~ は「~にほれ込む・~を好きになる」で、強い恋愛感情
have a thing for ~ は人以外にも使える「~が好き」
have feelings for ~ は 「feelings(感情・気持ち)を持っている → 好き」となり、強い恋愛感情。feelings は必ず複数形にすること!さまざまな気持ちが交錯しているため
③ I’m head over heels for her.
→ head over heels は「真っ逆さま」。真っ逆さまに恋に落ちることから「夢中な・首ったけ」
④ They like each other.
They are in love.
They love each other.
like each other はそれほど深刻ではなく友情も含む
in love は「ラブラブ❤」。おそらくつきあい始めで盛り上がっている
love each other は愛情の中に深さ・穏やかさが感じられる
R: Okay everyone. It’s time to practice. You’re gonna love today’s expressions. I’m sure about that.
D: All right, everyone. Let’s jump right in,
– I like you.
– I care about you.
– Is he into me?
R: Continuing on,
– I’m in love with you.
– I have fallen for you.
– I have a thing for you.
– I have feelings for you.
D: All right. Let’s keep going,
– I’m head over heels for her.
Let’s try one more time,
– I’m head over heels for her.
R: Great! And let’s do our last few,
– They like each other.
– They are in love.
– They love each other.
D: Great phrases. Thanks for practicing. I hope you enjoyed it.
R: I hope you were into today’s practice.
☆Typical Expressions in Action
I care about you. Do you feel the same?
**feel the same: 同じことを感じる
②ああ、君は彼女に熱を上げているのですね?彼女が部屋に入ってく るたびに、あなたの顔が明るくなっていますよ。
Aww, you have a crush on her, don’t you? Your face lights up whenever she enters the room.
**light up: 明るくなる
If you have feelings for him, you have to tell him. Don’t keep that bottled up inside.
**bottle up: 瓶詰めにする → 押し殺す
O: Hey guys. If someone suddenly said to you “I love you,” would you be surprised?
D: Ah! If they meant it as like, I love you as a fan, not really, but if they looked me deep in the eyes, and said “I love you,” yeah, it would be a bit of a shock.
R: Usually saying “I love you” in that kind of situation, implies an already established relationship.
営業時間:平日 9:00~22:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階