January 13 Monday, 2025
Lesson 186 補助要素 that を用いた関係代名詞節
☆Words & Phrases
Were you expecting something larger? – I suppose I was.
**fill up:
Someday all this will be filled up. – I am certain it will.
**for now:
For now, I think we should hurry to the new girls’ school.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
-thing/-one / -bodyで終わる名詞の説明
Were you expecting something larger?
something の後ろに larger と説明が行われている

There aren’t many tall buildings yet.
not many という「not + 強い表現」のコンビネーション。強い表現の強さを減じる意味となる

☆Target Forms
Is there any place that you want to visit later?
先行詞 any place(どこかの場所)と、visit の目的語位置が空所 ( ) の関係代名詞節が組み合わされ「このあと、あなたが行ってみたい – どこかの場所」となっている
この文で使われた that は「関係代名詞」と呼ばれるが、I think that ~ や、the fact that we are in the 1860s と同じ、節を導入する補助要素で、先行詞をしっかりと後続の節に「導いて」いる
関係代名詞を使わず any place you want to visit later でもOK
「使わない」場合、that を用いるよりもカジュアルに響く
any place とまず名詞を言い切り、対応する場所を空所にしておく – 基本は Lesson 184と同じ。さらに that を使って「しっかり」つなぎます。
Is there any place
Is there any place that you want to visit ( ) later?
① I have a jacket that you can borrow ( ).
→ borrow の目的語に空所
a jacket をその説明に正確につなぐ that を用いている
② We went to the restaurant that you suggested ( ).
→ suggested の目的語に空所
that を使ってしっかりつないでいる
③ The cake that you baked ( ) turned out great.
**turn out:
→ baked の目的語が空所
D: All right everyone. It’s time for「関係代名詞節」with “that.” Remember, “that” is a big arrow, it points in the direction of the next idea. So, it’s a good structure for this. We have a「名詞」and then the「説明」and that feeling, all right?
R: That’s right. Repeat after us,
– a jacket that you can borrow, a jacket that you can borrow
All together,
– I have a jacket that you can borrow.
D: Great work. Keep it up,
– the restaurant that you suggested, the restaurant that you suggested
– We went to the restaurant that you suggested.
One more time,
– We went to the restaurant that you suggested.
R: Okay. And one more,
– the cake that you baked, the cake that you baked
– The cake that you baked turned out great.
Once more,
– The cake that you baked turned out great.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
O: Umm, “The explanation that my professor gave was very easy to understand.” David, are you talking about me?
D: Oh, I’m William. I was talking about Professor Peacock, right? Jessica?
R: Sure, yeah.
O: Not me, huh?
R: Unfortunately no.
January 13 Monday, 2025
Lesson 186 補助要素 that を用いた関係代名詞節
☆Words & Phrases
Were you expecting something larger? – I suppose I was.
とても静かで、こぢんまりした街ですね – そうだったかもしれません。
**fill up:(隙間を)埋める
**certain: 確信がある
Someday all this will be filled up. – I am certain it will.
いずれ、この辺りは、 どこも建物で埋まっていくのでしょう – きっとそうなると思います。
※ (be) filled up は「満たされる、一杯になる」というニュアンスですね!
**for now: とりあえず、今のところ
**hurry: 急いで行く
For now, I think we should hurry to the new girls’ school.
※ for now の for は「範囲」を表しています!
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
-thing/-one / -bodyで終わる名詞の説明
Were you expecting something larger?
something の後ろに larger と説明が行われている

There aren’t many tall buildings yet.
not many という「not + 強い表現」のコンビネーション。強い表現の強さを減じる意味となる

☆Target Forms
Is there any place that you want to visit later?
先行詞 any place(どこかの場所)と、visit の目的語位置が空所 ( ) の関係代名詞節が組み合わされ「このあと、あなたが行ってみたい – どこかの場所」となっている
この文で使われた that は「関係代名詞」と呼ばれるが、I think that ~ や、the fact that we are in the 1860s と同じ、節を導入する補助要素で、先行詞をしっかりと後続の節に「導いて」いる
関係代名詞を使わず any place you want to visit later でもOK
「使わない」場合、that を用いるよりもカジュアルに響く
any place とまず名詞を言い切り、対応する場所を空所にしておく – 基本は Lesson 184と同じ。さらに that を使って「しっかり」つなぎます。
Is there any place
Is there any place that you want to visit ( ) later?
① I have a jacket that you can borrow ( ).
→ borrow の目的語に空所
a jacket をその説明に正確につなぐ that を用いている
② We went to the restaurant that you suggested ( ).
→ suggested の目的語に空所
that を使ってしっかりつないでいる
③ The cake that you baked ( ) turned out great.
**turn out: ~になる、~に成り行く
→ baked の目的語が空所
D: All right everyone. It’s time for「関係代名詞節」with “that.” Remember, “that” is a big arrow, it points in the direction of the next idea. So, it’s a good structure for this. We have a「名詞」and then the「説明」and that feeling, all right?
R: That’s right. Repeat after us,
– a jacket that you can borrow, a jacket that you can borrow
All together,
– I have a jacket that you can borrow.
D: Great work. Keep it up,
– the restaurant that you suggested, the restaurant that you suggested
– We went to the restaurant that you suggested.
One more time,
– We went to the restaurant that you suggested.
R: Okay. And one more,
– the cake that you baked, the cake that you baked
– The cake that you baked turned out great.
Once more,
– The cake that you baked turned out great.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
Tell me about the places that you visited What were your impressions of them?
**impression: 印象
The explanation that my professor gave was very easy to understand. I’m much more confident now.
**confident: 自信に満ちた
Is there anyone that you’d like me to introduce you to? I know everyone here.
O: Umm, “The explanation that my professor gave was very easy to understand.” David, are you talking about me?
D: Oh, I’m William. I was talking about Professor Peacock, right? Jessica?
R: Sure, yeah.
O: Not me, huh?
R: Unfortunately no.
名古屋駅前【AI×英会話】名古屋BEGビジネス英会話ジム – AIで鍛えるビジネスで使える英語力。仕事も日常も、一歩先へ。
営業時間:平日 9:00~21:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階