January 16 Thursday, 2025
Lesson 189 that で GO
☆Words & Phrases
**drop by:
Shiho, I want to drop by the bookstore.
**actual bookstore:
True, but I like being in an actual bookstore.
I know what you mean. Some book reviews can be misleading.
**Tell me about it.:
You can’t believe everything that you tread on the net. – Tell me about it.
**out there:
There’s so much biased information out there.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
What kind of book are you looking for?
この文の What kind of book(どんな種類の本)もその例
I don’t know where in Tokyo he lives.
I just want to see what they have.
wh節は疑問形を伴わない – そのため疑問の意味を持たない – 文の部品
この文の what they have は what の後ろが平叙文となっているため、wh節であり、「何を彼らは持っている(のか)」「彼らが持っているもの」の両用の形
What do they have?

☆Target Forms
You can’t believe everything that you read on the net.
that が which, who よりも優先されるケースもある
この文の関係代名詞は which よりも that 優先
先行詞に all, any, every, no がつき「全・無」を表す場合は、that が優先となる
everything を that 以下で説明展開しましょう。which はそもそも使わ なくなってきたので that を選ぶのに迷いはないはずです。「使わない」でもOK。
that you read on the net
You can’t believe everything that ( ) you read on the net.
① You’re the only person that ( ) knows the password.
→ the only(唯一の)、the first(最初の)、the last(最後の)など 「唯一」が感じられる先行詞も that 優先(who がダメということではない)
② She’s the smartest person that I’ve met ( ).
→ 最上級がつく先行詞も 「唯一」が感じられ that 優先
③ The man and the dog that I walked past ( ) were wearing matching jackets.
→「人」と「人以外」を先行詞としてとる場合、who, which ではなく that を選ぶ
D: Okay. It’s practice time. So, there are many options sometimes – that, which, who, or nothing. And it can be a little confusing. But I’ll give you some advice when in doubt, go with “that”. All right?
R: Let’s begin,
– that knows the password, that knows the password
– You’re the only person that knows the password.
D: Great work. Let’s keep it up,
– that I’ve met, that I’ve met
– She’s the smartest person that I’ve met.
R: Okay. And one more,
– that I walked past, that I walked past
– The man and the dog that I walked past were wearing matching jackets.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
①あなたの基準に合うスマートフォンはひとつだけです。それは新しい Big West 16です。
**price tag:
R: And remember guys. Radio Eikaiwa is the program that you need if you want to keep improving.
D: That’s right, everyone.
January 16 Thursday, 2025
Lesson 189 that で GO
☆Words & Phrases
**drop by: 立ち寄る
Shiho, I want to drop by the bookstore.
※ by は「近く」、drop は「ポテっと落ちる」なので、「ポテっと近くに落ちる=立ち寄る」のイメージです!
**actual bookstore: 実際の書店
True, but I like being in an actual bookstore.
**review: 評価記事、書評
**misleading: 誤解を招くような、ミスリードするような
I know what you mean. Some book reviews can be misleading.
**Tell me about it.:(同感を示して)まったくだ。
You can’t believe everything that you tread on the net. – Tell me about it.
ネット上で読むものをすべて信じるわけにはいかないよ – まったくよね。
**biased: 偏った、偏見のある
**out there: そこら中に
There’s so much biased information out there.
※ so much biased information と much が使われているのは、information が不可算名詞だからです!可算名詞なら many ですね
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
What kind of book are you looking for?
この文の What kind of book(どんな種類の本)もその例
I don’t know where in Tokyo he lives.
I just want to see what they have.
wh節は疑問形を伴わない – そのため疑問の意味を持たない – 文の部品
この文の what they have は what の後ろが平叙文となっているため、wh節であり、「何を彼らは持っている(のか)」「彼らが持っているもの」の両用の形
What do they have?
彼らは何を持っているの ですか?

☆Target Forms
You can’t believe everything that you read on the net.
that が which, who よりも優先されるケースもある
この文の関係代名詞は which よりも that 優先
先行詞に all, any, every, no がつき「全・無」を表す場合は、that が優先となる
everything を that 以下で説明展開しましょう。which はそもそも使わ なくなってきたので that を選ぶのに迷いはないはずです。「使わない」でもOK。
that you read on the net
You can’t believe everything that ( ) you read on the net.
① You’re the only person that ( ) knows the password.
→ the only(唯一の)、the first(最初の)、the last(最後の)など 「唯一」が感じられる先行詞も that 優先(who がダメということではない)
② She’s the smartest person that I’ve met ( ).
→ 最上級がつく先行詞も 「唯一」が感じられ that 優先
③ The man and the dog that I walked past ( ) were wearing matching jackets.
→「人」と「人以外」を先行詞としてとる場合、who, which ではなく that を選ぶ
D: Okay. It’s practice time. So, there are many options sometimes – that, which, who, or nothing. And it can be a little confusing. But I’ll give you some advice when in doubt, go with “that”. All right?
R: Let’s begin,
– that knows the password, that knows the password
– You’re the only person that knows the password.
D: Great work. Let’s keep it up,
– that I’ve met, that I’ve met
– She’s the smartest person that I’ve met.
R: Okay. And one more,
– that I walked past, that I walked past
– The man and the dog that I walked past were wearing matching jackets.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
①あなたの基準に合うスマートフォンはひとつだけです。それは新しい Big West 16です。
There’s only one smartphone that ( ) meets your criteria. It’s the new Big West 16.
※ criterion の複数形
This is the nearest hotel that ( ) has rooms available. Why don’t we stay here?
Have a look around. Everything that ( ) has a price tag is for sale.
**price tag: 値札
R: And remember guys. Radio Eikaiwa is the program that you need if you want to keep improving.
D: That’s right, everyone.
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営業時間:平日 9:00~21:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
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