January 21 Tuesday, 2025
Lesson 192 前置詞+関係代名詞
D: Roza, you look a little bored. Are you okay?
R: Well, what can I say? Sensei’s opening was just “OK.”
☆Words & Phrases
Oh, look, the festive lights are still up.
**big dinner:
It’s good to walk after a big dinner.
Oh, this is the street on which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed.
Cindy, I want to give you this.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
It’s good to walk after a big dinner.
it ~ to …
it は「受ける」単語。ここでは心の中の情景を it で受け、まず It’s good と文を始めている
でもそれだけでは何が「good」なのか分からないため、it の内容を to不定詞で展開している →「豪勢なディナーのあとで散歩するのは、ね」
Will you marry me?
marry のイメージ
marry me は他動型(SVO)
日本語の「私と結婚する」を参考にすると ✖marry with me となりそうだが、それは不可!
marry が他動型で用いられるのは、この動詞に「~をゲットする」という質感があるため
get a book と同じように「目的語に動詞の働きかけが及ぶ」他動型となる

☆Target Forms
You’re the person with whom I want to spend the rest of my life.
この文はそもそも次の、前置詞 with の目的語位置の空所 ( ) と the person が組み合わされる形
You’re the person who I want to spend the rest of my life with ( ).
with を関係代名詞の前に置き形を整える、そのひと手間にフォーマルな感触が漂う
前置詞の後ろは「目的語」であることが強く意識されるため、who の目的格 whom を使用する
元の文を作ることができるなら、withを前に出すだけ。前に出したら関係代名詞は whom ですよ。思い切って作ってみましょう。
You’re the person who I want to spend the rest of my life with ( ).
You’re the person with whom I want to spend the rest of my life.
① This is the street on which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed.
→ the street which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed on から on を前に出す
② This is the man I’ve been looking for ( ).
→ look for ~(~を探す)、look after ~(~の世話をする)、take advantage of ~(~を利用する)といったまとまった形で意味を成す句動詞の場合、前置詞を分離して ✖ the man for whom I’ve been looking などと使うことはない。分離してしまうと意味が分かり辛くなるため
D: Okay everyone. It’s time for the practice. And today, we’ll sound very formal so, imagine you are wearing a tuxedo or a formal dress as we use the preposition first in these sentences. Okay?
R: All right guys. Let’s begin,
– on which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed, on which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed
All together,
– This is the street on which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed.
One more time,
– This is the street on which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed.
D: Very nice. All right. Let’s continue,
– I’ve been looking for, I’ve been looking for
And all together,
– This is the man I’ve been looking for.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
**hear from ~:
**reach ~ at…:
**look after:
D: Oh man, I think it will go well. I don’t know, what do you think, Roza?
R: I think it could go either way. Guess what you’ll have to find out.
January 21 Tuesday, 2025
Lesson 192 前置詞+関係代名詞
D: Roza, you look a little bored. Are you okay?
R: Well, what can I say? Sensei’s opening was just “OK.”
☆Words & Phrases
**festive: クリスマスに関連した、お祭り気分の
Oh, look, the festive lights are still up.
※festive lights は「にぎやかな明かり」ですね。ここでは、クリスマスの後に残った明かりのことを意味しています!
**big dinner: 豪勢なディナー
It’s good to walk after a big dinner.
**film:(~を)撮影する ※動詞
Oh, this is the street on which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed.
Cindy, I want to give you this.
※give you this で「あなたに・これを・あげる」。授与型(SVOO)ですね
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
It’s good to walk after a big dinner.
it ~ to …
it は「受ける」単語。ここでは心の中の情景を it で受け、まず It’s good と文を始めている
でもそれだけでは何が「good」なのか分からないため、it の内容を to不定詞で展開している →「豪勢なディナーのあとで散歩するのは、ね」
Will you marry me?
marry のイメージ
marry me は他動型(SVO)
日本語の「私と結婚する」を参考にすると ✖marry with me となりそうだが、それは不可!
marry が他動型で用いられるのは、この動詞に「~をゲットする」という質感があるため
get a book と同じように「目的語に動詞の働きかけが及ぶ」他動型となる

☆Target Forms
You’re the person with whom I want to spend the rest of my life.
この文はそもそも次の、前置詞 with の目的語位置の空所 ( ) と the person が組み合わされる形
You’re the person who I want to spend the rest of my life with ( ).
with を関係代名詞の前に置き形を整える、そのひと手間にフォーマルな感触が漂う
前置詞の後ろは「目的語」であることが強く意識されるため、who の目的格 whom を使用する
元の文を作ることができるなら、withを前に出すだけ。前に出したら関係代名詞は whom ですよ。思い切って作ってみましょう。
You’re the person who I want to spend the rest of my life with ( ).
You’re the person with whom I want to spend the rest of my life.
① This is the street on which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed.
→ the street which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed on から on を前に出す
② This is the man I’ve been looking for ( ).
→ look for ~(~を探す)、look after ~(~の世話をする)、take advantage of ~(~を利用する)といったまとまった形で意味を成す句動詞の場合、前置詞を分離して ✖the man for whom I’ve been looking などと使うことはない。分離してしまうと意味が分かり辛くなるため
D: Okay everyone. It’s time for the practice. And today, we’ll sound very formal so, imagine you are wearing a tuxedo or a formal dress as we use the preposition first in these sentences. Okay?
R: All right guys. Let’s begin,
– on which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed, on which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed
All together,
– This is the street on which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed.
One more time,
– This is the street on which Arnold Sylvester’s last movie was filmed.
D: Very nice. All right. Let’s continue,
– I’ve been looking for, I’ve been looking for
And all together,
– This is the man I’ve been looking for.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
Who is the person from whom you heard the news? Was it Alice?
**hear from ~(~から聞く)
Please provide a phone number at which you can be reached. We will call you.
**reach ~ at…:(電話など)・・・で~に連絡をとる
The children I look after go home at 3 p.m. After that I’m free.
**look after: 世話をする
D: Oh man, I think it will go well. I don’t know, what do you think, Roza?
R: I think it could go either way. Guess what you’ll have to find out.
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営業時間:平日 9:00~21:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
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