February 5 Wednesday, 2025
Lesson 203 形容詞による修飾③形容詞を重ねる
O: Hey Roza. I’ll paint David behind this old house.
R: Wow, he’s bigger than the house. Your painting is not very realistic, is it?
D: No, no, no, he was just painting my larger than life personality.
O: Ah!!
☆Words & Phrases
**be all for ~:
Great! I’m all for doing new things. What are we doing?
Let’s make a painting together, just you and me.
**look like ~:
I’ll paint a big old house right here. There! Looks like my dad’s house.
It’s easy. Now it’s your turn.
**be good at ~:
You’re good at painting people.
Hey, Bob, this is pretty fun!
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
Let’s do something different today.
-thing/ -one / -body で終わる名詞の後置修飾
something を different が修飾している
-thing/ -one/ -body で終わる名詞はしばしば後ろに修飾語が置かれるが、それは「説明」をしているから
「説明ルール: 説明は後ろに置く」によって、後ろからの修飾となる
I’ll paint a girl in a beautiful silk dress.
助動詞 will
この文の助動詞 will は「意志の will」

☆Target Forms
I’ll paint a big old house right here.
big と old が前置きされ「大きく」「古い」と「家」のタイプを指定している
主観的な評価である「大小」を表す big より「新旧」の old はその家が持つ本質的な性質に近い、そのため big old house という語順になる
本質的な性質に近いものが近くに配置される – を意識しながら音読・暗唱ですよ。
big old house
I’ll paint a big old house right here.
① Look at that beautiful silk dress.
→ beautiful は主観的な「感想・評価」
silkは「材質」なので、silk のほうが dress の本質的性質に近いため、この語順となる
② How do you like my new black leather jacket?
R: It’s practice time. Today we will practice combining adjectives. So get into the habit of saying these phrases in a connected flow. All right? Let’s begin.
D: Let’s get to it!
– beautiful silk dress, beautiful silk dress
– Look at that beautiful silk dress.
Once more,
– Look at that beautiful silk dress.
D: Great work. Let’s keep going,
– new black leather jacket, new black leather jacket
– How do you like my new black leather jacket?
Let’s go one more time,
– How do you like my new black leather jacket?
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
**used to ~:
O: Hey guys. Look at my beautiful new brown leather jacket.
D: Would you say this is beautiful?
R: Yeah. It’s well, it’s really nice. But David, your blue floral color shirt is also very nice.
D: Mur mur mur… Thank you.
February 5 Wednesday, 2025
Lesson 203 形容詞による修飾③形容詞を重ねる
O: Hey Roza. I’ll paint David behind this old house.
R: Wow, he’s bigger than the house. Your painting is not very realistic, is it?
D: No, no, no, he was just painting my larger than life personality.
O: Ah!!
☆Words & Phrases
**be all for ~: ~に大賛成である
Great! I’m all for doing new things. What are we doing?
Let’s make a painting together, just you and me.
※「描いてみよう」は Let’s make a painting なんですね。1枚の絵を一緒に作ってみよう、と言うのですね!
**look like ~: ~のように見える
I’ll paint a big old house right here. There! Looks like my dad’s house.
※ (It) looks like my dad’s house. は説明型オーバーラッピング(SVC)の形です。It = my dad’s house のように見える [looks like] ですね!
※There! は、感嘆詞で「よし!」「できた!」のような意味になります。何かを完成させたり、強調したりするときに使われる表現です
It’s easy. Now it’s your turn.
※your turn = 君の番、覚えておきましょう!
**be good at ~: ~が得意
You’re good at painting people.
**pretty: とても
Hey, Bob, this is pretty fun!
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
Let’s do something different today.
-thing/ -one / -body で終わる名詞の後置修飾
something を different が修飾している
-thing/ -one/ -body で終わる名詞はしばしば後ろに修飾語が置かれるが、それは「説明」をしているから
「説明ルール: 説明は後ろに置く」によって、後ろからの修飾となる
I’ll paint a girl in a beautiful silk dress.
助動詞 will
この文の助動詞 will は「意志の will」

☆Target Forms
I’ll paint a big old house right here.
big と old が前置きされ「大きく」「古い」と「家」のタイプを指定している
主観的な評価である「大小」を表す big より「新旧」の old はその家が持つ本質的な性質に近い、そのため big old house という語順になる
本質的な性質に近いものが近くに配置される – を意識しながら音読・暗唱ですよ。
big old house
I’ll paint a big old house right here.
① Look at that beautiful silk dress.
→ beautiful は主観的な「感想・評価」
silkは「材質」なので、silk のほうが dress の本質的性質に近いため、この語順となる
② How do you like my new black leather jacket?
R: It’s practice time. Today we will practice combining adjectives. So get into the habit of saying these phrases in a connected flow. All right? Let’s begin.
D: Let’s get to it!
– beautiful silk dress, beautiful silk dress
– Look at that beautiful silk dress.
Once more,
– Look at that beautiful silk dress.
D: Great work. Let’s keep going,
– new black leather jacket, new black leather jacket
– How do you like my new black leather jacket?
Let’s go one more time,
– How do you like my new black leather jacket?
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
Excuse me, have you seen my dog? She’s a small brown toy poodle.
See that old wooden building? That used to be a school.
**wooden: 木造の
**used to ~: かつて~だった・~したものだった
He gave me a cute big white teddy bear. I was so surprised!
O: Hey guys. Look at my beautiful new brown leather jacket.
D: Would you say this is beautiful?
R: Yeah. It’s well, it’s really nice. But David, your blue floral color shirt is also very nice.
D: Mur mur mur… Thank you.

名古屋駅前【AI×英会話】名古屋BEGビジネス英会話ジム – AIで鍛えるビジネスで使える英語力。仕事も日常も、一歩先へ。
営業時間:平日 9:00~21:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階