November 27 Monday, 2023
Lesson 156 発言タイプ:難易①難易を伝える
R: Sensei, are you reading a book?
O: No, I’m playing a video game on the phone.
R: Hey everyone. I’m Akino Roza.
D: And I’m David Evans. Let’s get ready for today’s lesson. It’s a real page-turner.
☆Words & Phrases
**social media:
Helen, are you checking social media?
Oh, I thought you liked reading paper books, not e-books.
**a thousand:
Usually I do, but this time I’m reading War and Peace by Tolstoy. It’s over a thousand pages!
It’s a massive book.
For me, finding time is quite easy. The hard part is finding the right book. – Good point.

☆Grammar and Vocabulary
① I tried reading it once but gave up.
「try +動詞-ing形」は「実際にちょっとやってみる」
try の目的語には to不定詞が使われることもあるが意味が異なる
I tried to read it, but I had no time.
「try + to 不定詞」は「(これから)しようと試みる」。まだやってはいない!
この2つの意味の差は、動詞-ing形と to不定詞の性質による。
矢印(→)のイメージを持つ to を用いる to不定詞には「これからする」のニュアンスが感じられる。
② It does take time.
助動詞 doによる強調
助動詞のdoは通常の動詞のdoと同じように「do, does,did」と変化する
I love him. → I do love him.
I loved him. I did love him.

☆Typical Expressions
It’s hard to find time to read books.
hard(難しい)を it ~ to… で使った基本的な言い回し。itで心に浮かんだ情景を受け、「難しいんだよ」と文を始める。その後、何が難しいのかをto以下で説明していく。
① It’s easy to do that.
It’s tough to do that.
It’s difficult to do that.
→ まずは基本的な形容詞を
② It’s a breeze to do that.
It’s an ordeal to do that.
It’s a struggle to do that.
It’s rough to do that.
③ My boss is hard to satisfy ( ).
My boss is tough to satisfy ( ).
My boss is easy to satisfy ( ).
→難易形容詞のとる典型的な形。to以下の動詞の目的語に空所( )があり、その空所( ) と主語が一致する。satisfy my boss(私のボスを満足させる)の意味関係になるということ
④ That is a hard nut to crack.
→ a hard nut to crack「割るのが難しいnut(木の実)」つまり比喩的に「難問・気難しい人」のこと
That is a tough one.
That is no walk in the park.
→ walk in the park はスイスイ気軽なこと。それを noで強烈に否定している
That is no easy task.
That is no easy thing.
D: All right everyone! It’s time for today’s practice. In English remember we want to say the important word as quickly as we can. “It’s easy,” “It’s tough,” “It’s difficult.” And after that, we explain. So let’s practice that pattern today.
R: All right. Let’s start!
D: Here we go,
– It’s easy to do that.
– It’s tough to do that.
– It’s difficult to do that.
R: Let’s continue,
– It’s a breeze to do that.
– It’s an ordeal to do that.
– It’s a struggle to do that.
– It’s rough to do that.
D: All right. Keep up the pace,
– My boss is hard to satisfy.
– My boss is tough to satisfy.
– My boss is easy to satisfy.
R: And our last few. Stay with the rhythm,
– That is a hard nut to crack.
– That is a tough one.
– That is no walk in the park.
– That is no easy task.
– That is no easy thing.
Well, guys you did so great, you made it look easy!
D: Great work, everyone.
☆Typical Expressions in Action
**get lost:
**from now on:

O: It’s hard to find time to read books.
D: That’s right. It’s hard. You’re certainly right about that.
November 27 Monday, 2023
Lesson 156 発言タイプ:難易①難易を伝える
R: Sensei, are you reading a book?
O: No, I’m playing a video game on the phone.
R: Hey everyone. I’m Akino Roza.
D: And I’m David Evans. Let’s get ready for today’s lesson. It’s a real page-turner.
**page-turner: 読み出したらやめられない本、息もつけないほど面白い本
☆Words & Phrases
**social media: ソーシャルメディア、SNS
Helen, are you checking social media?
Oh, I thought you liked reading paper books, not e-books.
※ I thought の thought と you liked の liked の間に時制の一致が起こっています!
**a thousand: 1,000の、何千もの
Usually I do, but this time I’m reading War and Peace by Tolstoy. It’s over a thousand pages!
※ a thousand は形容詞で「1,000の、何千もの、無数の」というような意味です。数としての1,000ではありません。over a thousand pages は「1000ものページを超えて」
**massive: 巨大な
It’s a massive book.
**quite: (思ったより)かなり、なかなか
For me, finding time is quite easy. The hard part is finding the right book. – Good point.
私の場合、読書の時間を作るのはとても簡単よ。難しいのは、自分に合った本を見つけることね。- それはよい指摘です。
※ right book は「正しい本=自分に合った本」ですね!

☆Grammar and Vocabulary
① I tried reading it once but gave up.
「try +動詞-ing形」は「実際にちょっとやってみる」
try の目的語には to不定詞が使われることもあるが意味が異なる
I tried to read it, but I had no time.
「try + to 不定詞」は「(これから)しようと試みる」。まだやってはいない!
この2つの意味の差は、動詞-ing形と to不定詞の性質による。
矢印(→)のイメージを持つ to を用いる to不定詞には「これからする」のニュアンスが感じられる。
② It does take time.
助動詞 doによる強調
助動詞のdoは通常の動詞のdoと同じように「do, does,did」と変化する
I love him. → I do love him.
I loved him. I did love him.

☆Typical Expressions
It’s hard to find time to read books.
hard(難しい)を it ~ to… で使った基本的な言い回し。itで心に浮かんだ情景を受け、「難しいんだよ」と文を始める。その後、何が難しいのかをto以下で説明していく。
① It’s easy to do that.
It’s tough to do that.
It’s difficult to do that.
→ まずは基本的な形容詞を
② It’s a breeze to do that.
It’s an ordeal to do that.
It’s a struggle to do that.
It’s rough to do that.
③ My boss is hard to satisfy ( ).
My boss is tough to satisfy ( ).
My boss is easy to satisfy ( ).
→難易形容詞のとる典型的な形。to以下の動詞の目的語に空所( )があり、その空所( ) と主語が一致する。satisfy my boss(私のボスを満足させる)の意味関係になるということ
④ That is a hard nut to crack.
→ a hard nut to crack「割るのが難しいnut(木の実)」つまり比喩的に「難問・気難しい人」のこと
That is a tough one.
That is no walk in the park.
→ walk in the park はスイスイ気軽なこと。それを noで強烈に否定している
That is no easy task.
That is no easy thing.
D: All right everyone! It’s time for today’s practice. In English remember we want to say the important word as quickly as we can. “It’s easy,” “It’s tough,” “It’s difficult.” And after that, we explain. So let’s practice that pattern today.
R: All right. Let’s start!
D: Here we go,
– It’s easy to do that.
– It’s tough to do that.
– It’s difficult to do that.
R: Let’s continue,
– It’s a breeze to do that.
– It’s an ordeal to do that.
– It’s a struggle to do that.
– It’s rough to do that.
D: All right. Keep up the pace,
– My boss is hard to satisfy.
– My boss is tough to satisfy.
– My boss is easy to satisfy.
R: And our last few. Stay with the rhythm,
– That is a hard nut to crack.
– That is a tough one.
– That is no walk in the park.
– That is no easy task.
– That is no easy thing.
Well, guys you did so great, you made it look easy!
D: Great work, everyone.
☆Typical Expressions in Action
His lectures are really hard to follow.
**follow: ついていく
Be careful driving over there. The roads are confusing, so it’s easy to get lost.
**confusing: 混乱させるような・紛らわしい
**get lost: 道に迷う
It was no walk in the park, but I was able to fix your computer. Be careful with it from now on, OK?
**from now on: 今からずっと ※ onは継続のニュアンスです
※過去に実際に「できた」は could ではなく was [were] able to が優先です!

O: It’s hard to find time to read books.
D: That’s right. It’s hard. You’re certainly right about that.
営業時間:平日 9:00~22:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階