December 19 Thursday, 2024
Lesson 174 仮定法⑤if節を用いた仮定法2
O: Behold my physique!
R: Behold “Radio Eikaiwa.”
D: It Is something to behold.
☆Words & Phrases
Mr. Emori, I’ve already seen the miniature Kinkakuji in your garden.
I know that. But tonight I have another surprise for you.
Behold! I put lights on it. – Wow! It’s so pretty!
It certainly is.
If I’d had more time, I would have dug a small pond next to it.
Just imagine the reflection!
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
I’ve already seen the miniature Kinkakuji in your garden.
How do you like it?
How did you like it?

☆Target Forms
If I’d had more time, I would have dug a small pond next to it.
この文の if節は「実際にはそうではなかったのだが」と、過去の事実に反する仮定を行っている。そのため「時表現をずらし」、本来過去形を使うべきところを過去完了形(I’d had= I had had)としている
結びの節は would have + 過去分詞
「will have + 過去分詞」は「それまでに」起こったことに関して予測・推量などをする形
ここでは、ありえない仮定を置いているので、will have ~(~しただろう)を控えめにして、would have ~(~したでしょうねぇ)とホンワカ結んでいる
過去完了形をしっかり練習してきた成果がここで生きてきます。気楽に 過去完了形を口から出してくださいね。would have は「1単語」と考えて一気に。would’ve と短縮されることもよくあるフレーズですよ。
If I‘d had more time,
I would have dug ~
If I‘d had more time, I would have dug a small pond next to it.
① If I had seen you, I would have said hello.
→ 過去に対する反事実的な仮定であるため if節内は過去完了
「~したでしょうねぇ」は would have ~
② If I had been there, I could have helped you.
→ could have ~ を使い「~できたでしょうねぇ」
③ If I had started earlier, I would be done by now.
→ 結びの節に気を付ける
would have ~ ではなく would ~、つまり「(今は)~でしょうねぇ」と、現在について述べている。つまり「過去に〜していたとすれば、今は~でしょうねぇ」という文
D: Today’s practice has an「if節」with「過去完了形」plus “would” “could”. This「if節」, it didn’t happen. But let’s imagine the result. That’s the “would” “could” result. Let’s practice.
R: Repeat after us guys,
– If I had seen you, I would have ~, If I had seen you, I would have ~
– If I had seen you, I would have said hello.
D: All right, good work. Let’s continue,
– If I had been there, I could have ~ If I had been there, I could have ~
– If I had been there, I could have helped you.
R: And one more,
– If I had started earlier, I would ~, If I had started earlier, I would ~
– If I had started earlier, I would be done by now.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
**be ready:
**total surprise:
December 19 Thursday, 2024
Lesson 174 仮定法⑤if節を用いた仮定法2
O: Behold my physique!
R: Behold “Radio Eikaiwa.”
D: It Is something to behold.
※Behold my physique! のイメージです↓

「ジャーン」という効果音が聞こえてきそうです笑 冒頭のセリフは、大西先生のジョークでしょうね笑
☆Words & Phrases
**miniature: 小型模型
Mr. Emori, I’ve already seen the miniature Kinkakuji in your garden.
**another: もう一つの、他の
I know that. But tonight I have another surprise for you.
**pretty: きれい、かわいい
Behold! I put lights on it. – Wow! It’s so pretty!
さぁ、ご覧あれ!あれにライトを取りつけたんです – まあ!とてもきれいだわ!
※pretty は「かわいい」だけでなく、「すてきな、美しい」という意味もあります!ちなみに pretty の「かわいい」は女性が魅力的であることを表します。子猫や赤ちゃんが「カワイイ」は cute です!
**certainly: 確かに、本当に
It certainly is.
**pond: 池
If I’d had more time, I would have dug a small pond next to it.
※dug は dig の過去分詞形ですね!dig-dug-dug です
Just imagine the reflection!
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
I’ve already seen the miniature Kinkakuji in your garden.
How do you like it?
How did you like it?

☆Target Forms
If I’d had more time, I would have dug a small pond next to it.
この文の if節は「実際にはそうではなかったのだが」と、過去の事実に反する仮定を行っている。そのため「時表現をずらし」、本来過去形を使うべきところを過去完了形(I’d had= I had had)としている
結びの節は would have + 過去分詞
「will have + 過去分詞」は「それまでに」起こったことに関して予測・推量などをする形
ここでは、ありえない仮定を置いているので、will have ~(~しただろう)を控えめにして、would have ~(~したでしょうねぇ)とホンワカ結んでいる
過去完了形をしっかり練習してきた成果がここで生きてきます。気楽に 過去完了形を口から出してくださいね。would have は「1単語」と考えて一気に。would’ve と短縮されることもよくあるフレーズですよ。
If I‘d had more time,
I would have dug ~
If I‘d had more time, I would have dug a small pond next to it.
① If I had seen you, I would have said hello.
→ 過去に対する反事実的な仮定であるため if節内は過去完了
「~したでしょうねぇ」は would have ~
② If I had been there, I could have helped you.
→ could have ~ を使い「~できたでしょうねぇ」
③ If I had started earlier, I would be done by now.
→ 結びの節に気を付ける
would have ~ ではなく would ~、つまり「(今は)~でしょうねぇ」と、現在について述べている。つまり「過去に〜していたとすれば、今は~でしょうねぇ」という文
D: Today’s practice has an「if節」with「過去完了形」plus “would” “could”. This「if節」, it didn’t happen. But let’s imagine the result. That’s the “would” “could” result. Let’s practice.
R: Repeat after us guys,
– If I had seen you, I would have ~, If I had seen you, I would have ~
– If I had seen you, I would have said hello.
D: All right, good work. Let’s continue,
– If I had been there, I could have ~ If I had been there, I could have ~
– If I had been there, I could have helped you.
R: And one more,
– If I had started earlier, I would ~, If I had started earlier, I would ~
– If I had started earlier, I would be done by now.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
If you had warned me, I would have been ready. The inspection was a total surprise to me.
**warn: 警告する
**inspection: 検査
**be ready: 準備する
**total surprise: 全くの驚きである
If you hadn’t been asleep, you could have seen the aurora. It was spectacular!
**asleep: 眠って(いる状態の)
**aurora: オーロラ
If I had accepted the transfer, I’d be living in Paris now. But I don’t regret my decision.
**transfer: 転勤
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