January 8 Wednesday, 2025
Lesson 183 名詞+節(同格節)
R: But, first things first. This is Akino Roza and let’s begin our lesson!
D: And I’m David Evans. All right guys. Let’s get to it.
☆Words & Phrases
I’ve always wanted to see the English countryside.
**after all:
I guess this isn’t a huge movie set after all.
We must accept the fact that we are in the 1860s.
But we have to get back somehow.
**even if ~:
Megan, even if we can get the Omega 3 into space again, how do we get back…to the future?
**first things first:
That will be a challenge, certainly. But, first things first.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
I guess this isn’t a huge movie set after all.
動詞(句)の後ろに節を置いて説明する「説明ルール: 説明は後ろに置く」の形
ここでは guess([何となく] 思う)の内容を this isn’t 以降が説明している
after all は「結局・最終的には」
Let’s see what we can do in Oxford.
let’s see は「見てみよう」で、see の内容を what以下が説明するリポート文
what 以下では、we can do in Oxford と後続に疑問形が伴っていないことに注意!
wh語で始まりながらも疑問の意味を持たない「文の部品」= wh節
What can we do in Oxford?
☆Target Forms
We must accept the fact that we are in the 1860s.
この文では名詞 the fact と後続の節(that we are in the 1860s)がこのルールで結ばれ、説明の修飾関係が作られている
名詞 the fact(事実)と言っただけでは伝わらない内容を、節を使って詳しく説明しましょう。that は「導く」イメージ。「the fact というのは…」と正確に後続の節につなげる意識で使われます。
We must accept the fact
We must accept the fact that we are in the 1860s.
① I heard a rumor that you got promoted.
I heard the news that you got promoted.
→ a rumor、the news の内容説明を節で説明
② We came to the conclusion that we should hire more staff.
→ the conclusion を節で説明
③ I like your proposal that we should cancel the meeting.
I like your idea that we should cancel the meeting.
D: Hey, all right. It’s practice time. Now, there are some words that demand more information. A rumor, the news, your idea… Ah! What rumor? What news? What idea??「あー気になる!!」So, we need an explanation, and where do you put it? That’s right, after. So, let’s practice.
R: Okay guys. Ready to go?
– a rumor that you got promoted
– I heard a rumor that you got promoted.
– the news that you got promoted
– I heard the news that you got promoted.
D: Great work. keep it up,
– the conclusion that we should hire more staff
– We came to the conclusion that we should hire more staff.
R: All right. A couple more,
– your proposal that we should cancel the meeting
– I like your proposal that we should cancel the meeting.
– your idea that we should cancel the meeting
– I like your idea that we should cancel the meeting.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
O: Hey guys. “You can’t escape the conclusion” – this sounds rather strong, right?
D: Ah, “escape” doesn’t mean “you’re trying to escape.” It means, there is only one route, there is only one conclusion. So it’s not an accusation.
January 8 Wednesday, 2025
Lesson 183 名詞+節(同格節)
R: But, first things first. This is Akino Roza and let’s begin our lesson!
D: And I’m David Evans. All right guys. Let’s get to it.
☆Words & Phrases
**countryside: 田舎、田園地帯
I’ve always wanted to see the English countryside.
※I’ve always wanted to ~(ずっと~したいと思っていた)はまとめて覚えておきましょう!
**huge: 巨大な
**after all: 結局、最終的には
I guess this isn’t a huge movie set after all.
**accept: 受け入れる
We must accept the fact that we are in the 1860s.
**somehow: 何らかの方法で、どうにかして、なんとかして
But we have to get back somehow.
でも、私たちは 何とかして戻らないと。
**even if ~:(仮定の話として)たとえ~だとしても
Megan, even if we can get the Omega 3 into space again, how do we get back…to the future?
**challenge: 難題、課題
**first things first: まずは大事なことから始める
That will be a challenge, certainly. But, first things first.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
I guess this isn’t a huge movie set after all.
動詞(句)の後ろに節を置いて説明する「説明ルール: 説明は後ろに置く」の形
ここでは guess([何となく] 思う)の内容を this isn’t 以降が説明している
after all は「結局・最終的には」
Let’s see what we can do in Oxford.
let’s see は「見てみよう」で、see の内容を what以下が説明するリポート文
what 以下では、we can do in Oxford と後続に疑問形が伴っていないことに注意!
wh語で始まりながらも疑問の意味を持たない「文の部品」= wh節
What can we do in Oxford?
☆Target Forms
We must accept the fact that we are in the 1860s.
この文では名詞 the fact と後続の節(that we are in the 1860s)がこのルールで結ばれ、説明の修飾関係が作られている
名詞 the fact(事実)と言っただけでは伝わらない内容を、節を使って詳しく説明しましょう。that は「導く」イメージ。「the fact というのは…」と正確に後続の節につなげる意識で使われます。
We must accept the fact
We must accept the fact that we are in the 1860s.
① I heard a rumor that you got promoted.
I heard the news that you got promoted.
→ a rumor(うわさ)、the news(ニュース)の内容説明を節で説明
② We came to the conclusion that we should hire more staff.
→ the conclusion(結論)を節で説明
③ I like your proposal that we should cancel the meeting.
I like your idea that we should cancel the meeting.
D: Hey, all right. It’s practice time. Now, there are some words that demand more information. A rumor, the news, your idea… Ah! What rumor? What news? What idea??「あー気になる!!」So, we need an explanation, and where do you put it? That’s right, after. So, let’s practice.
R: Okay guys. Ready to go?
– a rumor that you got promoted
– I heard a rumor that you got promoted.
– the news that you got promoted
– I heard the news that you got promoted.
D: Great work. keep it up,
– the conclusion that we should hire more staff
– We came to the conclusion that we should hire more staff.
R: All right. A couple more,
– your proposal that we should cancel the meeting
– I like your proposal that we should cancel the meeting.
– your idea that we should cancel the meeting
– I like your idea that we should cancel the meeting.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
I welcomed the news that you’re joining our department. We really need someone with your experience.
**welcome: 歓迎する・好感を持って受け止める
**department: 部署
There’s a rumor that the Desperate Rats are making a new album. That would be so awesome!
You can’t escape the conclusion that we need a bigger house. We need more bedrooms.
**conclusion: 結論
O: Hey guys. “You can’t escape the conclusion” – this sounds rather strong, right?
ねえ、みんな。「You can’t escape the conclusion(その結論から逃れることはできない)」って、ちょっと強い表現に聞こえるよね?
D: Ah, “escape” doesn’t mean “you’re trying to escape.” It means, there is only one route, there is only one conclusion. So it’s not an accusation.
**accusation: 非難、誹謗中傷
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営業時間:平日 9:00~21:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
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