November 16 Thursday, 2023
Lesson 149 発言タイプ:正誤判断②間違いであることを伝える・判断を避ける
☆Words & Phrases
Oh, Professor Peacock, it’s been ages. You must have been busy. – Jessica, hello. You can say that again.
So, you married your old flame.
Congratulations. I’m so happy for you.
**How are things (going) with you?:
Anyway, enough about me. How are things with you?
I’m going to visit the famous ruins.
**Göbekli Tepe:
Do you mean Göbekli Tepe in Turkey?

☆Grammar and Vocabulary
① It’s been ages.
② You must have been busy.
「助動詞+完了形」 は、助動詞の意味合いと完了形の「そのときまでに」の意識の組み合わせ
must have + 過去分詞「~だったにちがいない」

☆Typical Expressions
That’s not exactly right.
この文では「not + 強い表現」のコンビネーションを使い、語気を和らげている
exactly right 「正確に・まさに正しい」
それを not で否定し、
not exactly right「必ずしも正しくはない」
That’s wrong.(それは間違いです)より、はるかに耳に優しい表現となっている
① That’s not quite right.
That’s not exactly right.
I don’t think that’s correct.
I’m afraid I don’t agree with that.
not quite right は 「not + 強い表現」で、quite right(まったく正しい)というわけではない、ということ
② I wouldn’t say that.
would が条件「私なら」を含み「(私なら)そうは言わないでしょう」としている。直接「間違いだ」と言わないための工夫
③ There’s no clear-cut answer here.
I’m not ready to cast my vote on that.
I haven’t taken a side on that yet.
→ 正誤判断ができないときには、その旨を伝えること
cast my vote
take a side
D: All right. It’s time for today’s practice. Most people don’t want to be confrontational. They prefer to be non-confrontational. Today’s phrases practice being indirect of or soft about disagreeing with someone.
R: Great explanation, David.
D: Okay. Here we go,
– That’s not quite right.
– That’s not exactly right.
– I don’t think that’s correct.
And one more,
– I’m afraid I don’t agree with that.
R: Let’s continue,
– I wouldn’t say that.
Now for this one, be sure to emphasize the “that”. Let’s try it again together,
– I wouldn’t say that.
D: Great work. Sometimes there’s more than one answer. These phrases will help you express that. Here we go,
– There’s no clear-cut answer here.
– I’m not ready to cast my vote on that.
And one more,
– I haven’t taken a side on that yet.
All right. Let’s go one more time,
– I haven’t taken a side on that yet.
Great job, everyone!
R: I’m afraid I don’t agree with that, David.
D: Really? Why not?
R: ‘cause I think everyone did absolutely fantastic!
D: Ah ~, I can get on board with that.
☆Typical Expressions in Action
O: Oh! That’s not exactly right.
D: Yeah, Roza. I think you’re missing “at all”.
D: There you go.
O: Ah ~, you’re being confrontational!
November 16 Thursday, 2023
Lesson 149 発言タイプ:正誤判断②間違いであることを伝える・判断を避ける
☆Words & Phrases
Oh, Professor Peacock, it’s been ages. You must have been busy. – Jessica, hello. You can say that again.
まあ、ピーコック教授、お久しぶりです。あなたは忙しかったに違いありません。 – ジェシカ、こんにちは。全くその通りです。
※ You can say that again. は、しみじみとした同意、を表します!
**flame: 恋人
So, you married your old flame.
※ ○marry you を ✖ marry with you ~ とするのは間違いなので注意です!
※ Why does “flame” mean “sweetheart”?
D: Oh, in English, we compare “romance” to “fire” quite often.
R: Yeah, so oftentimes you’ll hear people say “My heart burns for you”. So “flame” is a very appropriate image.
Congratulations. I’m so happy for you.
※ Congratulations は必ず複数形です。「おめでとうがいっぱい」というイメージです!
※ I’m so happy for you. 難しいフレーズではありませんが、スラっと口から出てくるように練習しておきましょう!
**How are things (going) with you?: あなたの状況はどうですか?
Anyway, enough about me. How are things with you?
**ruins 遺跡
I’m going to visit the famous ruins.
**Göbekli Tepe: ギョベクリテペ(トルコにある巨大な石柱が立ち並ぶ遺跡)
Do you mean Göbekli Tepe in Turkey?

☆Grammar and Vocabulary
① It’s been ages.
② You must have been busy.
「助動詞+完了形」 は、助動詞の意味合いと完了形の「そのときまでに」の意識の組み合わせ
must have + 過去分詞「~だったにちがいない」

☆Typical Expressions
That’s not exactly right.
この文では「not + 強い表現」のコンビネーションを使い、語気を和らげている
exactly right 「正確に・まさに正しい」
それを not で否定し、
not exactly right「必ずしも正しくはない」
That’s wrong.(それは間違いです)より、はるかに耳に優しい表現となっている
① That’s not quite right.
That’s not exactly right.
I don’t think that’s correct.
I’m afraid I don’t agree with that.
残念ながら、 それには同意できません
not quite right は 「not + 強い表現」で、quite right(まったく正しい)というわけではない、ということ
② I wouldn’t say that.
would が条件「私なら」を含み「(私なら)そうは言わないでしょう」としている。直接「間違いだ」と言わないための工夫
③ There’s no clear-cut answer here.
I’m not ready to cast my vote on that.
I haven’t taken a side on that yet.
→ 正誤判断ができないときには、その旨を伝えること
clear-cut は「明確な」
cast my vote は「投票する」
take a side は 「どちらか一方の側につく」
D: All right. It’s time for today’s practice. Most people don’t want to be confrontational. They prefer to be non-confrontational. Today’s phrases practice being indirect of or soft about disagreeing with someone.
**confrontational: 対決を辞さない、対立的な
R: Great explanation, David.
D: Okay. Here we go,
– That’s not quite right.
– That’s not exactly right.
– I don’t think that’s correct.
And one more,
– I’m afraid I don’t agree with that.
R: Let’s continue,
– I wouldn’t say that.
Now for this one, be sure to emphasize the “that”. Let’s try it again together,
– I wouldn’t say that.
D: Great work. Sometimes there’s more than one answer. These phrases will help you express that. Here we go,
– There’s no clear-cut answer here.
– I’m not ready to cast my vote on that.
And one more,
– I haven’t taken a side on that yet.
All right. Let’s go one more time,
– I haven’t taken a side on that yet.
Great job, everyone!
R: I’m afraid I don’t agree with that, David.
D: Really? Why not?
R: ‘cause I think everyone did absolutely fantastic!
D: Ah ~, I can get on board with that.
☆Typical Expressions in Action
That’s not exactly right. I went to college in Washington, but I’m not from there.
I don’t think that’s correct. Where did you get that info?
「それは間違っている」 と言うより、「それが正しいとは思わない」 のほうがやわらかく響きますよ。
I wouldn’t say that. Yes, he’s inexperienced, but he’s not unfit for his job.
**inexperienced: 経験不足
**unfit: ピッタリしていない
O: Oh! That’s not exactly right.
D: Yeah, Roza. I think you’re missing “at all”.
D: There you go.
O: Ah ~, you’re being confrontational!
営業時間:平日 9:00~22:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階