February 4 Tuesday, 2025
Lesson 202 形容詞による修飾②形容詞フレーズ
D: Ah, it’s like you’ve found the fountain of youth.
O: Uh-huh. Yes, that’s right!
☆Words & Phrases
Teaching is a rewarding but demanding job. It’s definitely hard work.
They’re amazing. All my students are bright and hardworking.
I’m sure some of them will contribute to the world someday.
**Who knows?:
Yeah, who knows? Maybe you’re teaching some future leaders.
You know…maybe we can inspire them more.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
So are mine.
主語 – 助動詞倒置
この文の主語は mine(私のもの)で、主語の前に are があり、主語 – 助動詞倒置(be動詞も助動詞に含めた名称)が行われている
この形は「感情の高揚」を伴う形。ダイアログにある Me, too.(私も)と同種の意味だが、それより「私のものも同じだよ!」という強い同調が感じられる
I’m sure some of them will contribute to the world someday.
この文は、動詞句 am sure の後ろで確信の内容を説明している

☆Target Forms
Teaching is a rewarding but demanding job.
この文の、rewarding but demanding(やりがいはあるが、きつい)もその例。単体の形容詞と同様に、タイプを指定する修飾
ここで大切なのは、いくつかの単語をカタマリとして扱う意識。rewarding but demanding をカタマリとして意識しましょう。
rewarding but demanding
Teaching is a rewarding but demanding job.
① It was a long and difficult journey.
→ and でつなぐことも頻繁にある
② It was a long, though easy test.
It was a long, albeit easy test.
→ though ~ と albeit ~ は「~だけれど」
③ All my students are bright and hardworking.
→ ここではbe動詞の後ろ「説明語句」の位置に形容詞フレーズが置かれており、主語の説明となる
D: All right. It is time for today’s practice, everyone. Today we’ll link some adjectives together using conjunctions. It’s a “two-for-one” feeling. Remember them as a chunk. We have conjunctions like and, but, though, albeit. There is many different flavors, so let’s practice them together.
R: All right. Repeat after us,
– long and difficult
– It was a long and difficult journey.
D: Great work. Let’s keep going,
– long, though easy
– It was a long, though easy test.
Let’s try “albeit” now,
– It was a long, albeit easy test.
R: Okay. And one more,
– bright and hardworking
All together,
– All my students are bright and hardworking.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
**quick and easy:
**take time:
O: Hey guys. There is no quick and easy way to lose weight. True, right?
D: If it’s quick, it won’t be easy. And if it’s easy, it won’t be quick.
R: Well, the important thing is to be happy in the body that you are in. Sensei, you are perfect and beautiful as you are.
O: I know.
February 4 Tuesday, 2025
Lesson 202 形容詞による修飾②形容詞フレーズ
D: Ah, it’s like you’ve found the fountain of youth.
O: Uh-huh. Yes, that’s right!
☆Words & Phrases
**rewarding: 満足感が得られる、やりがいがある
**demanding: 骨の折れる、きつい
**definetely: 間違いなく、絶対に
Teaching is a rewarding but demanding job. It’s definitely hard work.
※dininetely は会話に勢いつける言葉です
**bright: 賢い、明るい
**hardworking: 勤勉な、勉強熱心な
They’re amazing. All my students are bright and hardworking.
※bright は子供にも使える「賢い」という言葉です。もともとは「明るい」という意味で、そこから「賢い」につながっています!ニュアンスは「頭の回転が速い」「機転が利く」「理解が早い」です
**contribute: 貢献する
**someday: いつの日か、いつか
I’m sure some of them will contribute to the world someday.
※someday は「いつの日か(未来の不特定のある時点で)」で副詞です。some day は「(未来の)ある特定の1日」で「形容詞 + 名詞」ですね
**Who knows?: 誰にもわかりません。/ひょっとすると(ありえます)。
Yeah, who knows? Maybe you’re teaching some future leaders.
※Who knows? は「誰が知るのですか?→ 誰も分かりません」ですね
**inspire: 刺激を与える、励ます
You know…maybe we can inspire them more.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
So are mine.
主語 – 助動詞倒置
この文の主語は mine(私のもの)で、主語の前に are があり、主語 – 助動詞倒置(be動詞も助動詞に含めた名称)が行われている
この形は「感情の高揚」を伴う形。ダイアログにある Me, too.(私も)と同種の意味だが、それより「私のものも同じだよ!」という強い同調が感じられる
I’m sure some of them will contribute to the world someday.
この文は、動詞句 am sure の後ろで確信の内容を説明している

☆Target Forms
Teaching is a rewarding but demanding job.
この文の、rewarding but demanding(やりがいはあるが、きつい)もその例。単体の形容詞と同様に、タイプを指定する修飾
ここで大切なのは、いくつかの単語をカタマリとして扱う意識。rewarding but demanding をカタマリとして意識しましょう。
rewarding but demanding
Teaching is a rewarding but demanding job.
① It was a long and difficult journey.
→ and でつなぐことも頻繁にある
② It was a long, though easy test.
It was a long, albeit easy test.
→ though ~ と albeit ~ は「~だけれど」
③ All my students are bright and hardworking.
→ ここではbe動詞の後ろ「説明語句」の位置に形容詞フレーズが置かれており、主語の説明となる
D: All right. It is time for today’s practice, everyone. Today we’ll link some adjectives together using conjunctions. It’s a “two-for-one” feeling. Remember them as a chunk. We have conjunctions like and, but, though, albeit. There is many different flavors, so let’s practice them together.
R: All right. Repeat after us,
– long and difficult
– It was a long and difficult journey.
D: Great work. Let’s keep going,
– long, though easy
– It was a long, though easy test.
Let’s try “albeit” now,
– It was a long, albeit easy test.
R: Okay. And one more,
– bright and hardworking
All together,
– All my students are bright and hardworking.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
There is no quick and easy way to lose weight. It takes time,
**quick and easy: 手早く簡単な ※よく使われるコンビネーション
**way: 方法
**take time: 時間がかかる =「時間を(手に取って)使う」ということ
This is a sturdy but very heavy table. It requires four people to lift it.
**sturdy: 頑丈な・丈夫な
**require:(~を)要求する ※「必要性」が感じられる単語
Ed is an honest and trustworthy person. He’s perfect for the job.
**trustworthy: 信用できる
**perfect: 適任な
O: Hey guys. “There is no quick and easy way to lose weight.” True, right?
D: If it’s quick, it won’t be easy. And if it’s easy, it won’t be quick.
R: Well, the important thing is to be happy in the body that you are in. Sensei, you are perfect and beautiful as you are.
O: I know.
名古屋駅前【AI×英会話】名古屋BEGビジネス英会話ジム – AIで鍛えるビジネスで使える英語力。仕事も日常も、一歩先へ。
営業時間:平日 9:00~21:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階