July 10 Monday, 2023
Lesson 66 発言タイプ:指示⑤心に留めるよう指示する
☆Words & Phrases
**look forward to ~:
I’m looking forward to the onsen there.
**you mean,:
**hot spring:
Onsen? Oh, you mean hot springs.
**bear in mind:
Bear in mind that you are androids.
Be aware that the acids in the water might be harmful.
**bathing suit:
I’ll make a special bathing suit for you two.

☆Grammar and Vocabulary
①You and Frankie are going there again?
②What should we do then?
then のイメージ
then は「そのとき・それからそれなら」など、さまざまに訳される単語だがイメージは単純で – 「視線を移す」

☆Typical Expressions
Bear in mind that you are androids.
「心に留めておいて」 「忘れないでいて」
bear in mind(心に留める)は、この状況で使える典型的な表現。bear は「支える・耐える」で、心がアイデアを保持するということ。
①Keep in mind that there’s no free Wi-Fi.
→ keep in mind は「心にキープしておく」ということ。文全体はリポート文の形。
②Remember that this is just practice.
→ remember は「覚えている・忘れないでいる」という動詞で、命令文使えば「覚えていて」となる。
③Be aware that your performance is being evaluated.
→ aware は「気づいて自覚して」で、命令文で使えば「注意して忘れないで」を表す。公的な響きのあるカタい表現。
④Note that attendance is a factor in your final grade.
→ note は「注意を払う留意する」。かたくフォーマルな表現。
D: Okay everyone. It’s time for practice!
R: Now for these few phrases I want you to keep something in mind. That is “kome-jirushi※”. That for me is the nuance of these phrases. So keep in mind something, something… Remember that something, something… Be aware that something, something… These all have the very “kome-jirushi※” kind of feel to them. So keep that in mind as you practice.
D: Un, nice one. Okay guys. Here’s the first.
– Keep in mind that there’s no free Wi-Fi.
And again.
R: Okay! Let’s continue.
– Remember that this is just practice.
One more time.
D: Good work, so far. This next one is quite formal. And you’re more likely to see it in written English. But, it’s good to practice. So let’s try.
– Be aware that your performance is being evaluated.
Um, that’s long. Let’s try again.
R: Great! Now this last one is also found more often written. But as always let’s practice.
– Note that attendance is a factor in your final grade.
One more time.
D: That brings me back to my university classes. Great job, everyone.
R: You’re all fantastic! But remember that you don’t have to be perfect.
☆Typical Expressions in Action
①会議は駅の近くで開催しましょう。すべての人が車を持っているわけ ではないことを忘れないでください。
**hold a conference:
**not everyone:
**first-come, first-served:
**be sure to ~:
O: Hey guys. Why can’t you order risotto when you don’t have much time?
D: Well, a good risotto at a restaurant takes at least twenty minutes. You won’t have time to eat!
July 10 Monday, 2023
Lesson 66 発言タイプ:指示⑤心に留めるよう指示する
☆Words & Phrases
**look forward to ~: ~を楽しみにする
I’m looking forward to the onsen there.
**you mean,: つまり、ということは
**hot spring: 温泉
Onsen? Oh, you mean hot springs.
※ you mean, は相手の本当の意図を尋ねるときに使うフレーズです!
**bear in mind: 心に留める
Bear in mind that you are androids.
**aware: 気付いて、自覚して
**acid: 酸
**harmful: 有害な
Be aware that the acids in the water might be harmful.
※ might は「ひょっとして~かもしれない」ですね
**bathing suit: 水着
I’ll make a special bathing suit for you two.

☆Grammar and Vocabulary
①You and Frankie are going there again?
②What should we do then?
then のイメージ
then は「そのとき・それからそれなら」など、さまざまに訳される単語だがイメージは単純で – 「視線を移す」

☆Typical Expressions
Bear in mind that you are androids.
「心に留めておいて」 「忘れないでいて」
bear in mind(心に留める)は、この状況で使える典型的な表現。bear は「支える・耐える」で、心がアイデアを保持するということ。
①Keep in mind that there’s no free Wi-Fi.
→ keep in mind は「心にキープしておく」ということ。文全体はリポート文の形。
②Remember that this is just practice.
→ remember は「覚えている・忘れないでいる」という動詞で、命令文使えば「覚えていて」となる。
③Be aware that your performance is being evaluated.
→ aware は「気づいて自覚して」で、命令文で使えば「注意して忘れないで」を表す。公的な響きのあるカタい表現。
④Note that attendance is a factor in your final grade.
→ note は「注意を払う留意する」。かたくフォーマルな表現。
D: Okay everyone. It’s time for practice!
R: Now for these few phrases I want you to keep something in mind. That is “kome-jirushi※”. That for me is the nuance of these phrases. So keep in mind something, something… Remember that something, something… Be aware that something, something… These all have the very “kome-jirushi※” kind of feel to them. So keep that in mind as you practice.
D: Un, nice one. Okay guys. Here’s the first.
– Keep in mind that there’s no free Wi-Fi.
And again.
R: Okay! Let’s continue.
– Remember that this is just practice.
One more time.
D: Good work, so far. This next one is quite formal. And you’re more likely to see it in written English. But, it’s good to practice. So let’s try.
– Be aware that your performance is being evaluated.
Um, that’s long. Let’s try again.
R: Great! Now this last one is also found more often written. But as always let’s practice.
– Note that attendance is a factor in your final grade.
One more time.
D: That brings me back to my university classes. Great job, everyone.
R: You’re all fantastic! But remember that you don’t have to be perfect.
☆Typical Expressions in Action
Let’s hold the conference near to the station. Bear in mind that not
everyone has a car.
**hold a conference: 会議を開く
**not everyone: すべての人が~であるわけではない ※部分否定
Remember that we only have 30 minutes for lunch. Don’t order risotto.
※ risotto[rɪsˈɔːṭoʊ] の発音に注意です!
Note that tickets are sold first-come, first-served. Be sure to get in line early.
**first-come, first-served: 先着順に
**be sure to ~: 必ず~する
O: Hey guys. Why can’t you order risotto when you don’t have much time?
D: Well, a good risotto at a restaurant takes at least twenty minutes. You won’t have time to eat!
営業時間:平日 9:00~22:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階
お電話でのお問い合わせ 080-6900-1868