March 13 Thursday, 2025
Lesson 229 wh疑問文の完成
☆Words & Phrases
**the other day:
Hey, Kelly, thanks for inviting my friend Joe Kobayashi to your program the other day.
**party animal:
Thanks for suggesting him as a guest. He’s funny. He seemed like a real party animal.
**speaking of ~:
**St. Patrick’s Day:
Speaking of parties, are we going to hold a St. Patrick’s Day party this year?
**be down for ~:
Oh, good idea. He can tell jokes at the party. – Right? He’d be down for that, I’m sure.
O: Why “down“?
D: Ah, that’s actually very interesting. So…imagine a list of people who will join. Right? We’ll write your name down. From that, we say “I’m down to do something,” “I’m down for something.”
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
Thanks for inviting my friend Joe Kobayashi to your program the other day.
この文の my friend Joe Kobayashi は「説明ルール: 説明は後ろに置く」が生み出す最も単純な形のひとつ「同格」である
my friend と言った後、説明の意識で Joe Kobayashi を続けること
He seemed like a real party animal.
He = like a real party animal(本当の大のパーティー好きのよう)
だが、seemed が使われているため、その意味が文全体にオーバーラップして、
He = like a real party animal(に見えた)

☆Target Forms
Who would you like to come to the party?
you would like ( ) to come to the party
の would like の目的語が空所 ( ) になっており、そこが who のターゲット -「あなたは誰がパーティーに来るのを欲しているのですか?」となっている
Who would you like ( ) to come to the party?
① What kinds of questions do you want ( ) to be asked during the interview?
→ want 以下は、キーセンテンスと同じ「to不定詞」を使った目的語説明型(SVOC)で、wantの目的語が空所。
② How did you find the film ( )?
→ find を使った目的語説明型(SVOC)
find A B(AをBだと思う)という形で説明語句が空所。
③ Who do you think ( ) is best for the job?
→ think の後ろに節を置いたリポート文。is の主語に空所。
D: Okay everyone. It’s time for today’s practice. There is one last stop on the way to mastering「wh疑問文」. These questions have a gap. It’s important to mind them but don’t pause when we actually say them, okay? Let’s practice together.
R: All right. Repeat after us,
– What kinds of questions do you want to be asked during the interview?
D: Great work. Keep it up,
– How did you find the film?
R: And one more,
– Who do you think is best for the job?
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
**acquired taste:
O: “Who does he think he is?”
R: I know he has no right to be…
O: “Who do you think you are?”
D: Ah, I get it. You are doing drills.
O: Yes, I’m doing drills. It’s important, isn’t it?
March 13 Thursday, 2025
Lesson 229 wh疑問文の完成
☆Words & Phrases
**the other day: 先日、この間
Hey, Kelly, thanks for inviting my friend Joe Kobayashi to your program the other day.
**party animal: パーティーが大好きな人
Thanks for suggesting him as a guest. He’s funny. He seemed like a real party animal.
**speaking of ~: ~と言えば
**St. Patrick’s Day: 聖パトリックデー(アイルランドの守護聖人である聖パトリックの命日を記念して3月17日に祝われる)
Speaking of parties, are we going to hold a St. Patrick’s Day party this year?
※speaking of ~「~と言えば」は、話題をポンと変えるときに使います。重要表現です!
※hold は「催す」で、be held は「催される」です。こちらもよく使われる表現です!
**be down for ~: ~にとても乗り気/賛成で
Oh, good idea. He can tell jokes at the party. – Right? He’d be down for that, I’m sure.
ああ、いい考えね。彼ならパーティーでジョークを言ってくれるから – だろう?彼ならきっと大乗り気さ。
O: Why “down“?
D: Ah, that’s actually very interesting. So…imagine a list of people who will join. Right? We’ll write your name down. From that, we say “I’m down to do something,” “I’m down for something.”
あー、それとても面白いんだよ。参加する人のリストを想像してみて。君の名前をリストに「書き留める(write down)」よね。そこから「~にとても乗り気/賛成で」という意味で I’m down to do something とか I’m down for something って言うようになったんだ。
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
Thanks for inviting my friend Joe Kobayashi to your program the other day.
この文の my friend Joe Kobayashi は「説明ルール: 説明は後ろに置く」が生み出す最も単純な形のひとつ「同格」である
my friend と言った後、説明の意識で Joe Kobayashi を続けること
He seemed like a real party animal.
He = like a real party animal(本当の大のパーティー好きのよう)
だが、seemed が使われているため、その意味が文全体にオーバーラップして、
He = like a real party animal(に見えた)

☆Target Forms
Who would you like to come to the party?
you would like ( ) to come to the party
あなたは ( ) にパーティーに来てもらいたい
の would like の目的語が空所 ( ) になっており、そこが who のターゲット -「あなたは誰がパーティーに来るのを欲しているのですか?」となっている
Who would you like ( ) to come to the party?
① What kinds of questions do you want ( ) to be asked during the interview?
→ want 以下は、キーセンテンスと同じ「to不定詞」を使った目的語説明型(SVOC)で、wantの目的語が空所。
② How did you find the film ( )?
→ find を使った目的語説明型(SVOC)
find A B(AをBだと思う)という形で説明語句が空所。
③ Who do you think ( ) is best for the job?
→ think の後ろに節を置いたリポート文。is の主語に空所。
D: Okay everyone. It’s time for today’s practice. There is one last stop on the way to mastering「wh疑問文」. These questions have a gap. It’s important to mind them but don’t pause when we actually say them, okay? Let’s practice together.
R: All right. Repeat after us,
– What kinds of questions do you want to be asked during the interview?
D: Great work. Keep it up,
– How did you find the film?
R: And one more,
– Who do you think is best for the job?
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
Who does he think he is ( )? He has no right to be so rude.
**rude: 不作法な、無礼な
You tried natto? How did you find it ( )? For some people it’s an acquired taste.
**acquired taste: ゆっくり獲得される味、ゆっくり好きになる味
How long do you think your meeting will go for ( )? Will you be able to finish before five?
※go は「続く」のニュアンスで使われています!
O: “Who does he think he is?”
R: I know he has no right to be…
O: “Who do you think you are?”
D: Ah, I get it. You are doing drills.
O: Yes, I’m doing drills. It’s important, isn’t it?
名古屋駅前【AI×英会話】名古屋BEGビジネス英会話ジム – AIで鍛えるビジネスで使える英語力。仕事も日常も、一歩先へ。
営業時間:平日 9:00~21:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階