July 11 Monday, 2022
January 9 Monday, 2023
Lesson 40 投資促進庁の説明を受ける(1)
★Words and Phrases
**foreign direct investment:
Could you give us an overview of foreign direct investment in Tamil Nadu State?
**be eyed:
India has always been eyed by the globe as an attractive destination to do business, and Tamil Nadu has experienced spectacular growth in the three decades since India liberalized its economy in 1991.
**be home to~:
Chennai is home to major automobile companies.
**global hub:
**component manufacture:
The region has tremendous prestige as a global hub for automotive component manufacturers.
**driving force:
What was the driving force behind this growth?
**well-developed infrastructure:
The main drive is well-developed infrastructure.
We have an excellent road and rail network alongside seven airports.
The state’s coastline is around 1,000 km, dotted by four major ports.
**thanks to~:
**geographic advantage:
Thanks to its geographic advantages, Tamil Nadu has become a powerhouse for logistics and exports.
★Business Phrase of the Day
What was the driving force behind this growth?
driving force は「原動力、推進力」という意味のフレーズ。driving には「導いていく」「駆り立てる」という意味があり、force(力)と組み合わせて「原動力」となる。
Do you think electric cars will be a driving force behind this company’s growth?
**electric car:
The government argues that an increase in wages will become a driving force for consumer spending.
★Alternative Expressions
I believe the biggest single driver of growth is the abundance of a highly educated workforce.
I hope the new law will act as a catalyst for change in mindset in the workplace.
The TTP should become an engine for economic growth among member countries.
**TTP (Trans-Pacific Partnership):
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
多少大げさでも聞いているうちに「なるほど!」となるような sales pitch(売り込みの口調)を使って上手くアピールする
A: As you say, business isn’t just about making profit. It’s about designing a better world. We provide unique and authentic advice that helps your business grow without compromise while contributing to our planet.
B: I’m interested to hear your proposal. While profit isn’t our end goal, we need to be successful in our business in order to be able to commit to our stakeholders.
**as you say:
**end goal:
**in order to~:
July 11 Monday, 2022
January 9 Monday, 2023
Lesson 40 投資促進庁の説明を受ける(1)
★Words and Phrases
**overview: 要約、要旨、概説
**foreign direct investment: 海外直接投資
Could you give us an overview of foreign direct investment in Tamil Nadu State?
**be eyed: 注目される、目を向けられる
**globe: 世界、地球
**spectacular: 目覚ましい、劇的な
**liberalize: 自由化する
India has always been eyed by the globe as an attractive destination to do business, and Tamil Nadu has experienced spectacular growth in the three decades since India liberalized its economy in 1991.
**be home to~: ~の本拠地である
Chennai is home to major automobile companies.
**tremendous: ものすごい、とてつもない
**prestige: 名声、高い評判
**global hub: 世界的な拠点
**component manufacture: 部品メーカー
The region has tremendous prestige as a global hub for automotive component manufacturers.
※ make a tremendous effort 「並々ならぬ努力をする」
**driving force: 原動力、推進力
What was the driving force behind this growth?
**well-developed infrastructure: よく整備されたインフラ
The main drive is well-developed infrastructure.
**alongside~: ~と並んで
We have an excellent road and rail network alongside seven airports.
**coastline: 海岸線
The state’s coastline is around 1,000 km, dotted by four major ports.
**thanks to~: ~のおかげで
**geographic advantage: 地理的な優位性
**powerhouse: 一大拠点、力の中心地
**logistics: 物流
Thanks to its geographic advantages, Tamil Nadu has become a powerhouse for logistics and exports.
★Business Phrase of the Day
What was the driving force behind this growth?
driving force は「原動力、推進力」という意味のフレーズ。driving には「導いていく」「駆り立てる」という意味があり、force(力)と組み合わせて「原動力」となる。
Do you think electric cars will be a driving force behind this company’s growth?
**electric car: 電気自動車
The government argues that an increase in wages will become a driving force for consumer spending.
**argue: 主張する、正当だと論じる
**wage: 賃金
★Alternative Expressions
driver: 原動力
I believe the biggest single driver of growth is the abundance of a highly educated workforce.
**abundance: 豊かさ、豊富さ
catalyst: 触媒、促進の働きをするもの
I hope the new law will act as a catalyst for change in mindset in the workplace.
**mindset: 考え方、物の見方
**workplace: 仕事場、職場
engine: エンジン(社会に大きな変化をもたらす原動力)、起爆剤
The TTP should become an engine for economic growth among member countries.
**TTP (Trans-Pacific Partnership): 環太平洋パートナーシップ
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
多少大げさでも聞いているうちに「なるほど!」となるような sales pitch(売り込みの口調)を使って上手くアピールする
A: As you say, business isn’t just about making profit. It’s about designing a better world. We provide unique and authentic advice that helps your business grow without compromise while contributing to our planet.
**as you say: あなたが言うとおり
**authentic: 本物の、正真正銘の、真正の
**compromise: 譲歩、妥協、歩み寄り
B: I’m interested to hear your proposal. While profit isn’t our end goal, we need to be successful in our business in order to be able to commit to our stakeholders.
**proposal: 提案
**end goal: 最終目標
**in order to~: ~するために
**stakeholder: 出資者、利害関係者