February 27 Thursday, 2025
Lesson 219 指定ルール・説明ルール
☆Words & Phrases
I noticed that you mentioned me.
Oh, yeah, it just kind of came out naturally. I hope that’s OK.
I don’t mind. We are a couple now, right?
**more than ~:
You’re more than my girlfriend, Masami.
**take off:
Right, and our shogi classroom business is taking off.
O: Hey David. Can you explain the nuance of this “taking off”?
D: Oh sure. Just imagine, a high speed, speeding up, up, up, up… And ends up into the sky, like a plane, taking off, into the air.
That’s what I like about you.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
It just kind of came out naturally.
You’re always serious.
kind of の位置と意味と、always の位置はすでに学習済み!
That’s what I like about you.
この文で使われた、what I like about you は wh節。wh語で始めながらも疑問の意味を持たない、文の部品。
what 以降は疑問形ではなく平叙文になっており、それがこの形を見抜くヒントです!

☆Target Forms
We need to take it more seriously.
この文の more seriously は、take it(それに取り組む)という動詞フレーズの後ろにあるので「説明ルール」によりその説明、つまり「もっと真剣に(それに取り組む)」となる
では、同じ seriously でも文頭に置いた場合はどうなるか?
Seriously, you need to find a job.
英語をマスターするには位置に対する感度を上げることが何より必要です。take it の後ろに説明の意識で表現を並べてみましょう。
take it more seriously
We need to take it more seriously.
① Happily, no one was injured in the accident.
→ 文頭に happily = 話し手の評価
② They lived happily ever after.
→ lived の後ろに happily を置いてその説明 – 物語の最後の定番「幸せに暮らしました」です!
③ We have a list to check off as we go.
**check off:
→ a list の後ろに to不定詞 = a list の説明
④ You need to make a to-do list.
→ to-do が list の前 = listのタイプを指定
R: Okay everyone. It’s time to practice. Just focus on the natural rhythm and the melody, the flow of the sentences as you practice.
D: All right everyone. Here we go,
– Happily, no one was injured in the accident.
D: Keep going,
– They lived happily ever after.
R: Okay. Next one,
– We have a list to check off as we go.
D: All right. And let’s go with one more,
– You need to make a to-do list.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
**I wonder ~:
**still though:
**no laughing matter:
**be respectful of ~:
O: “Seriously, this is no laughing matter!”
D: Why… I’m… sorry, I wasn’t…
O: “Seriously, this is no laughing matter!”
D: Ah okay. There we go. Now I got it. Sensei, are you just practicing?
O: Oh, yes, I am.
D: Ah, this time yeah.
R: But seriously… sensei, your jokes lately are no laughing matter.
February 27 Thursday, 2025
Lesson 219 指定ルール・説明ルール
☆Words & Phrases
**notice: 気付く
I noticed that you mentioned me.
※notice は、何かが「感覚領域に入って来る」だから「あっ」と気が付く、ですね!
**naturally: 自然に、当然ながら
Oh, yeah, it just kind of came out naturally. I hope that’s OK.
※「それが問題じゃないといいんだけど」は I hope that’s OK. 覚えておきたい一言です!( ..)φメモメモ
**mind: 気にする
**couple: 恋人(同士)
I don’t mind. We are a couple now, right?
**more than ~: ~を超えて
You’re more than my girlfriend, Masami.
**take off:(計画や仕事が)軌道に乗る
Right, and our shogi classroom business is taking off.
O: Hey David. Can you explain the nuance of this “taking off”?
ねえ、デイビッド。「taking off」のニュアンスを説明してくれる?D: Oh sure. Just imagine, a high speed, speeding up, up, up, up… And ends up into the sky, like a plane, taking off, into the air.
もちろん!想像してみて、高速で加速して…どんどん上へ、上へ、上へ…そして最終的に空へ飛び立つ。まるで飛行機が離陸するみたいに「taking off」して空に向かう感じだよ。
That’s what I like about you.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
It just kind of came out naturally.
You’re always serious.
kind of の位置と意味と、always の位置はすでに学習済み!
That’s what I like about you.
この文で使われた、what I like about you は wh節。wh語で始めながらも疑問の意味を持たない、文の部品。
what 以降は疑問形ではなく平叙文になっており、それがこの形を見抜くヒントです!

☆Target Forms
We need to take it more seriously.
この文の more seriously は、take it(それに取り組む)という動詞フレーズの後ろにあるので「説明ルール」によりその説明、つまり「もっと真剣に(それに取り組む)」となる
では、同じ seriously でも文頭に置いた場合はどうなるか?
Seriously, you need to find a job.
英語をマスターするには位置に対する感度を上げることが何より必要です。take it の後ろに説明の意識で表現を並べてみましょう。
take it more seriously
We need to take it more seriously.
① Happily, no one was injured in the accident.
→ 文頭に happily = 話し手の評価
② They lived happily ever after.
→ lived の後ろに happily を置いてその説明 – 物語の最後の定番「幸せに暮らしました」です!
③ We have a list to check off as we go.
**check off: (リストなどの項目を)チェックして完了の印をつける
→ a list の後ろに to不定詞 = a list の説明
④ You need to make a to-do list.
→ to-do が list の前 = listのタイプを指定
R: Okay everyone. It’s time to practice. Just focus on the natural rhythm and the melody, the flow of the sentences as you practice.
D: All right everyone. Here we go,
– Happily, no one was injured in the accident.
D: Keep going,
– They lived happily ever after.
R: Okay. Next one,
– We have a list to check off as we go.
D: All right. And let’s go with one more,
– You need to make a to-do list.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
Look at that dog barking. I wonder what’s happening.
**bark: 吠える
**I wonder ~: ~かしらと思う ※頭に大きな「クエスチョンマーク (?)」がある状況を表しています
They say, “Barking dogs seldom bite.” Still though, they are loud.
**seldom: めったに~しない
**bite: 噛む
**still though: それでも、それにしても ※前の内容を認め「でも」と続ける言い回し
**loud: うるさい
Seriously, this is no laughing matter. Let’s be respectful of other people’s feelings.
**no laughing matter: 笑い事ではない
**be respectful of ~: ~を尊重する
**feeling: 感情
O: “Seriously, this is no laughing matter!”
D: Why… I’m… sorry, I wasn’t…
O: “Seriously, this is no laughing matter!”
D: Ah okay. There we go. Now I got it. Sensei, are you just practicing?
O: Oh, yes, I am.
D: Ah, this time yeah.
R: But seriously… sensei, your jokes lately are no laughing matter.
名古屋駅前【AI×英会話】名古屋BEGビジネス英会話ジム – AIで鍛えるビジネスで使える英語力。仕事も日常も、一歩先へ。
営業時間:平日 9:00~21:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階