ラジオビジネス英語 2022年6月/12月号各放送まとめ

【ラジオビジネス英語】Lesson 28 日本の道路を走る

June 13 Monday, 2022
December 5 Monday, 2022
Lesson 28 日本の道路を走る

Words and Phrases

**take ~ for a spin:
OK, let’s take the car for a spin.

I’ll show you the scenic route.

How far is it to the hotel?
It’ll be about 90 minutes.

**feel sharp:
I’m feeling sharp.

OK. Let’s take this route.

Wow, the roads are so well maintained! What are these cars with yellow plates?

Highways charge tolls – which is used to maintain the road surface.

**as for~:
**tax break:
As for the yellow plates, we call them “Kei” cars. Japan has a tax break for cars under 660cc.

**fare well:
But I can see how they’d fare well in the narrow roads here.


Business Phrase of the Day

I’m interested to see what the roads in Tokyo are like.



I’m interested to see how Shanghai has changed during the last five years.

I’m interested to hear how things went.

I’m interested to know about the progress of the project.


Alternative Expressions


become interested:
I’ve become more interested in classical music.

be curious:
I’m curious to find out why Steve left the company.
**find out:

be keen:
I’m keen to know which crop varieties have survived the change in climate.
**crop varieties:


Upgrade Your Communication Skills



A: What amazes me when I walk through the backstreets of Tokyo is how tightly people park their cars in the narrow parking spaces of their houses. It’s a symbol of Japanese precision

B: Indeed. Sometimes the driver has to get in and out of the car from the passenger side. I guess that’s not something you have to deal with when driving the wide roads in America.


**passenger side:
**deal with:

June 13 Monday, 2022
December 5 Monday, 2022
Lesson 28 日本の道路を走る

Words and Phrases

**take ~ for a spin: ~を回転させる
OK, let’s take the car for a spin.

**scenic: 景色の良い
I’ll show you the scenic route.

How far is it to the hotel?

It’ll be about 90 minutes.

**feel sharp: 頭が冴えている
I’m feeling sharp.

OK. Let’s take this route.

**maintain: 保つ、保持する、維持する
Wow, the roads are so well maintained! What are these cars with yellow plates?

**toll: 通行料
Highways charge tolls – which is used to maintain the road surface.

**as for~: ~に関しては、~はどうかと言うと
**tax break: 減税
As for the yellow plates, we call them “Kei” cars. Japan has a tax break for cars under 660cc.

**fare well: 上手くいく
※ badly well: 上手くいかない
But I can see how they’d fare well in the narrow roads here.


Business Phrase of the Day

I’m interested to see what the roads in Tokyo are like.



I’m interested to see how Shanghai has changed during the last five years.

I’m interested to hear how things went.

I’m interested to know about the progress of the project.
**progress: 前進、進展、進捗


Alternative Expressions


become interested: 興味を持つようになる
I’ve become more interested in classical music.

※ become を使うことで「~するようになる」というニュアンスが出る


be curious: 知りたい!
I’m curious to find out why Steve left the company.

**find out: (事実・真相などを)見いだす、発見する、解明する


be keen: とても興味がある=強い興味を示す
I’m keen to know which crop varieties have survived the change in climate.

**crop varieties: 作物品種
**survive: 生き残る、存続する


Upgrade Your Communication Skills



A: What amazes me when I walk through the backstreets of Tokyo is how tightly people park their cars in the narrow parking spaces of their houses. It’s a symbol of Japanese precision.

**amaze: 仰天させる、感心させる、びっくりさせる
**backstreet: 裏通り、舞台裏
**tightly: きつく、堅く、しっかりと
**precision: 正確さ


B: Indeed. Sometimes the driver has to get in and out of the car from the passenger side. I guess that’s not something you have to deal with when driving the wide roads in America.

**passenger side: 助手席側
※ passenger は車では「同乗者」という意味です

**deal with: 対応する、取り組む

高校で英語に挫折した後、アメリカ旅行をきっかけに社会人で英語をやり直し、アメリカのアリゾナ州フェニックスにある企業で働きました。ホームシック🥺になりながらもアメリカ滞在は約5年に。 🌵 帰国後は名古屋で海外営業、輸出入関連業務、海外人材教育などに携わります。海外営業時代は英語で様々な国の顧客と交渉・折衝しながら英語でのコミュニケーション力を磨き…「Norikoがそう言うなら信じるよ!」と顧客に言われるほどの信頼関係を築くことに成功しました! 🌵 この英会話ジムは、アメリカで英語が不自由だったためにした、私の辛い経験から「これから海外に出ていく日本人に、同じような目にはあってほしくない!」という想いで運営しております。目指すところは、あなたの海外での成功と、日本の明るい未来です! 🌵 アメリカ大好きすぎてアメリカ大陸を3ヶ月かけて横断(往復)したこともアリ。若かった… 🌵 TOEIC925、IELTS7.0(OA)