June 14 Tuesday, 2022
December 7 Tuesday, 2022
Lesson 29 神社に立ち寄る
★Words and Phrases
**get off:
So, let’s get off over here.
**pop by:
**lucky charm:
**road safety:
We can pop by a shrine and I’ll get you a lucky charm for road safety.
**stick to:
Some of them you can stick to your car, others you can hang inside your car.
Sometimes Catholics from the Hispanic community have crosses hanging inside their cars.
But I think the majority of people put decals or small flags for their colleges or favorite sports teams on their cars.
**for all to see:
In Japan, hardly anybody would put a symbol of their college on their car for all to see.
★Business Phrase of the Day
Hardly anybody would put a symbol of their college on their car.
hardly = almost not と同様の意味だが、hardly はそれだけで否定の意味合いを持つので not は不要。
I hardly remember the days I spent with my parents in Vietnam.
I can hardly believe they’re not happy with our generous proposal.
I hardly know anyone in this venue.
★Alternative Expressions
Although I rarely get jetlag, I’m struggling with it on this trip.
I have little doubt that our new service will hit the ground running.
**hit the ground running:
very occasionally:
Very occasionally, the CEO comes to our office.
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: I learned that shrines express gratitude and reverence toward the gods of nature, while temples are places to worship the Buddha. What is the main difference in terms of appearance?
B: Probably the gate. The torii gate at the entrance to a shrine separates the gods from the everyday world inhabited by mortals. The gates of temples have an entrance-like meaning rather than marking a division of worlds.
**in terms of appearance:
**everyday world inhabited:
**rather than:
June 14 Tuesday, 2022
December 7 Tuesday, 2022
Lesson 29 神社に立ち寄る
★Words and Phrases
**get off: 降りる
So, let’s get off over here.
**pop by: 立ち寄る
**lucky charm: お守り
**road safety: 交通安全
We can pop by a shrine and I’ll get you a lucky charm for road safety.
※欧米の lucky charm は four-leaf clover(四つ葉のクローバー)でした
**stick to: くっつく、張り付く
**hang: 吊るす、掛ける
Some of them you can stick to your car, others you can hang inside your car.
**cross: 十字架
Sometimes Catholics from the Hispanic community have crosses hanging inside their cars.
Catholics (from the Hispanic community) = S
have = V
crosses = O
hanging = C
Catholics は 持っている(have)、hanging した crosses を
SVOC の文の特徴は、O=C もしくは O と C が「主語・述語」の関係になります。
**decal: ステッカー
But I think the majority of people put decals or small flags for their colleges or favorite sports teams on their cars.
**hardly: ほとんど~ない、とても~ない
**for all to see: 皆に見えるように
In Japan, hardly anybody would put a symbol of their college on their car for all to see.
★Business Phrase of the Day
Hardly anybody would put a symbol of their college on their car.
hardly = almost not と同様の意味だが、hardly はそれだけで否定の意味合いを持つので not は不要。
I hardly remember the days I spent with my parents in Vietnam.
I can hardly believe they’re not happy with our generous proposal.
**generous: 寛大な、気前のよい
**proposal: 提案
I hardly know anyone in this venue.
**venue: 会場
★Alternative Expressions
rarely: あまり~ない、めったに~ない
Although I rarely get jetlag, I’m struggling with it on this trip.
little: ほとんど~ない
I have little doubt that our new service will hit the ground running.
**hit the ground running: 軌道に乗る、すぐに成果が出る
very occasionally: ごくたまに
Very occasionally, the CEO comes to our office.
※ occasionally は「たまに」なので、very occasionally で「ごくたまに」となる
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: I learned that shrines express gratitude and reverence toward the gods of nature, while temples are places to worship the Buddha. What is the main difference in terms of appearance?
**gratitude: 感謝、感謝の気持ち
**reverence: 畏敬の念、尊敬、崇敬、崇拝
**worship: (神に対する)崇拝、賛美
**in terms of appearance: 外観の点
B: Probably the gate. The torii gate at the entrance to a shrine separates the gods from the everyday world inhabited by mortals. The gates of temples have an entrance-like meaning rather than marking a division of worlds.
**probably: 高い確実性で、十中八九は、多分、恐らく
**everyday world inhabited: 日常の世界、俗世
**mortal: 死を免れない、人間の、人類の
**rather than: ~よりはむしろ