ラジオビジネス英語 2022年7月/1月号各放送まとめ

【ラジオビジネス英語】Lesson 44 投資促進庁と交渉する(2)

July 19 Tuesday, 2022
January 17 Tuesday, 2023
Lesson 44 投資促進庁と交渉する(2)

Words and Phrases

**initial plan:
Regarding the number of jobs we can create, our initial plan is 4,500.

With facility constraints, this number we cannot change.

**say~ :
**bring in ~:
Dr. Patel, say, for example, we bring in one of our suppliers with us.

Or can we invest in and increase the capacity of one of our existing suppliers in Chennai to accommodate 1,500 more people?

That sounds like a reasonable proposal.

**as flexible as possible:
I cannot make any promises, but I’ll assure you I will ask the governor to be as flexible as possible.

**get ~ on board:
I can’t say for sure, but we might be able to get more of our suppliers on board.

This would make numbers like 9,000 or 10,000 attainable targets.


Business Phrase of the Day

We might be able to get more of our suppliers on board.

get ~ on board は「(企画やアイディアに)〜を取り込む・参加させる」という意味のフレーズ


飛行機が出発するとき、Welcome on board! というアナウンスが入ったりする。

How can we get ABC on board?

be on board または bring ~ on board という言い方もある

The client has accepted the revised conditions and is now back on board.

We need to bring the CEO on board to go ahead with the project.


Alternative Expressions


The municipal government has tried to attract more tourists to the region.
**municipal government:

win over:
Mr. Chen’s persuasive argument won over the meeting participants.
**persuasive argument: 説得力のある論拠、説得力のある主張

How can we captivate potential investors for start-ups?
**potential investor:


Upgrade Your Communication Skills



A: If we were to increase our order from 100 to 150 units per month, would you be ready to give us a volume discount?

B: Thank you for your suggestion. As much as we’d like to increase the number of orders from your company, we would have to take the risk of holding more stock, so we would only be able to offer a 2% discount at best.

**volume discount:
**risk of holding stock:
**at best: 

July 19 Tuesday, 2022
January 17 Tuesday, 2023
Lesson 44 投資促進庁と交渉する(2)

Words and Phrases

**initial plan: 当初の計画

Regarding the number of jobs we can create, our initial plan is 4,500.


**constraint: 制約

With facility constraints, this number we cannot change.


**say~ : 〜だとしましょう
**bring in ~: 〜を引き込む、〜を連れてくる

Dr. Patel, say, for example, we bring in one of our suppliers with us.


**existing: 既存の
**accommodate: 収容する、供給する

Or can we invest in and increase the capacity of one of our existing suppliers in Chennai to accommodate 1,500 more people?


**reasonable: 合理的な、理にかなった
**proposal: 提案

That sounds like a reasonable proposal.


**assure: 保証する、約束する
**governor: 州知事
※官庁など政府機関の総裁を governor と呼ぶこともある

**as flexible as possible: できるだけ柔軟に〜

I cannot make any promises, but I’ll assure you I will ask the governor to be as flexible as possible.


**get ~ on board: 〜を取り込む、〜を参加させる
I can’t say for sure, but we might be able to get more of our suppliers on board.


**attainable: 達成可能な、手の届く
This would make numbers like 9,000 or 10,000 attainable targets.


Business Phrase of the Day

We might be able to get more of our suppliers on board.

get ~ on board は「(企画やアイディアに)〜を取り込む・参加させる」という意味のフレーズ


飛行機が出発するとき、Welcome on board! というアナウンスが入ったりする。

How can we get ABC on board?

be on board または bring ~ on board という言い方もある

The client has accepted the revised conditions and is now back on board.

We need to bring the CEO on board to go ahead with the project.


Alternative Expressions


attract: 呼び込む
The municipal government has tried to attract more tourists to the region.

**municipal government: 地方自治体


win over: (人)を引き込む、(人)を味方につける
Mr. Chen’s persuasive argument won over the meeting participants.

**persuasive argument: 説得力のある議論、説得力のある主張


captivate: 引き込む、引き付ける
How can we captivate potential investors for start-ups?

**potential investor: 潜在的な投資家


Upgrade Your Communication Skills



A: If we were to increase our order from 100 to 150 units per month, would you be ready to give us a volume discount?


**volume discount: ボリュームディスカウント、大量注文に対する値引き

B: Thank you for your suggestion. As much as we’d like to increase the number of orders from your company, we would have to take the risk of holding more stock, so we would only be able to offer a 2% discount at best.


**risk of holding stock: 在庫保有リスク
**at best: よくても、せいぜい

高校で英語に挫折した後、アメリカ旅行をきっかけに社会人で英語をやり直し、アメリカのアリゾナ州フェニックスにある企業で働きました。ホームシック🥺になりながらもアメリカ滞在は約5年に。 🌵 帰国後は名古屋で海外営業、輸出入関連業務、海外人材教育などに携わります。海外営業時代は英語で様々な国の顧客と交渉・折衝しながら英語でのコミュニケーション力を磨き…「Norikoがそう言うなら信じるよ!」と顧客に言われるほどの信頼関係を築くことに成功しました! 🌵 この英会話ジムは、アメリカで英語が不自由だったためにした、私の辛い経験から「これから海外に出ていく日本人に、同じような目にはあってほしくない!」という想いで運営しております。目指すところは、あなたの海外での成功と、日本の明るい未来です! 🌵 アメリカ大好きすぎてアメリカ大陸を3ヶ月かけて横断(往復)したこともアリ。若かった… 🌵 TOEIC925、IELTS7.0(OA)