January 30 Thursday, 2025
Lesson 199 「名詞を説明」の復習
☆Words & Phrases
Hello. Do you remember me? – Wait a minute. I know you.
**crazy guy:
You’re the crazy guy who picked flowers from one of my properties.
Yes, how do you know that?
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
You’re the crazy guy who picked flowers from one of my properties.
picked の主語位置の空所 ( ) と the crazy guy が組み合わされ、修飾関係が作られている
The older man in this photo is Dr. Frank N. Stein.
この文の older は比較級で「より年をとった」ということ
比較級は、文中での扱いは原級(older の原級は old)と同じで特別なことはない

☆Target Forms
The older man in this photo is Dr. Frank N. Stein.
「英語では説明は後ろに置く」 – 日本語では修飾は前置き。私たちが英語が苦手なのは、この点でハンデを抱えているため
この文は「名詞 – 前置詞句」のコンビネーション
The older man を in this photo が説明する基本的な形
説明は後ろに置く – この規則は単純ですが、それが自分のものになるまでには徹底的な音読・暗唱が必要です。さぁ、しっかりと練習しましょう。
The older man
The older man in this photo
The older man in this photo is Dr. Frank N. Stein.
① The woman wearing glasses is Alyssa.
→ The woman を動詞-ing形で説明
② The area to aim for ( ) is the center.
→ The area を to不定詞で説明
for の後ろに The area と一致する空所 ( )があることに注意
③ I heard the news that you passed the test.
→ 同格節
the news を that以下の節で説明
④ I liked the answer that you gave ( ).
→ 関係代名詞節
R: Okay everyone. Are you ready to practice? Today, we are practicing the「説明ルール」, so as always「説明は後ろに」. So, the older man…「あー説明したーい!」Keep that in mind as we practicing, ready?
D: All right everyone. Here we go,
– the woman
– the woman wearing glasses
Full sentence,
– The woman wearing glasses is Alyssa.
D: Great work. Here is our next one,
– the area
– the area to aim for
– The area to aim for is the center.
R: Okay. Next example,
– the news
– the news that you passed the test
– I heard the news that you passed the test.
D: Great work. Let’s do one more, okay?
– the answer
– the answer that you gave
– I liked the answer that you gave.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
R&D: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
**name tag: 名札
**get to + 動詞原形:
Barbara: Hi everyone. This is Barbara. I just want to tell you all that you all did really great this month. Keep going!
Bill: Yeah man! You guys did such a great job!
January 30 Thursday, 2025
Lesson 199 「名詞を説明」の復習
☆Words & Phrases
Hello. Do you remember me? – Wait a minute. I know you.
こんにちは。僕のことを覚えていますか?- ちょっと待って。あなたのことは見覚えがあるわ。
※ I know you. は何か相手に不審な思いを抱いているニュアンスなので、使うときは注意!
**crazy guy: 変な人、変わった人
**property: 不動産、物件
You’re the crazy guy who picked flowers from one of my properties.
Yes, how do you know that?
※How did you know that? だと「どうして分かったのですか?」「それをどうやって知ったの?」→過去に起こったことをどうやって知ったのか?を聞いているイメージ
How do you know that?「どうして知ってるんですか?」→ どこでその情報を得たのか?や、何が根拠で知っているのか?など、情報の出所を知りたくて聞いているイメージです!
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
You’re the crazy guy who picked flowers from one of my properties.
picked の主語位置の空所 ( ) と the crazy guy が組み合わされ、修飾関係が作られている
The older man in this photo is Dr. Frank N. Stein.
この文の older は比較級で「より年をとった」ということ
比較級は、文中での扱いは原級(older の原級は old)と同じで特別なことはない

☆Target Forms
The older man in this photo is Dr. Frank N. Stein.
「英語では説明は後ろに置く」 – 日本語では修飾は前置き。私たちが英語が苦手なのは、この点でハンデを抱えているため
この文は「名詞 – 前置詞句」のコンビネーション
The older man を in this photo が説明する基本的な形
説明は後ろに置く – この規則は単純ですが、それが自分のものになるまでには徹底的な音読・暗唱が必要です。さぁ、しっかりと練習しましょう。
The older man
The older man in this photo
The older man in this photo is Dr. Frank N. Stein.
① The woman wearing glasses is Alyssa.
→ The woman を動詞-ing形で説明
② The area to aim for ( ) is the center.
→ The area を to不定詞で説明
for の後ろに The area と一致する空所 ( )があることに注意
③ I heard the news that you passed the test.
→ 同格節
the news を that以下の節で説明
④ I liked the answer that you gave ( ).
→ 関係代名詞節
R: Okay everyone. Are you ready to practice? Today, we are practicing the「説明ルール」, so as always「説明は後ろに」. So, the older man…「あー説明したーい!」Keep that in mind as we practicing, ready?
D: All right everyone. Here we go,
– the woman
– the woman wearing glasses
Full sentence,
– The woman wearing glasses is Alyssa.
D: Great work. Here is our next one,
– the area
– the area to aim for
– The area to aim for is the center.
R: Okay. Next example,
– the news
– the news that you passed the test
– I heard the news that you passed the test.
D: Great work. Let’s do one more, okay?
– the answer
– the answer that you gave
– I liked the answer that you gave.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
R&D: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
The cookies you baked ( ) were fantastic. You have to give me the recipe.
The people wearing name tags are all staff. You can ask any of them for assistance.
**name tag: 名札
It’s a story in which the main character saves a turtle. He gets to meet a princess.
**get to + 動詞原形: ~する機会を得る、~するようになる
Barbara: Hi everyone. This is Barbara. I just want to tell you all that you all did really great this month. Keep going!
Bill: Yeah man! You guys did such a great job!
名古屋駅前【AI×英会話】名古屋BEGビジネス英会話ジム – AIで鍛えるビジネスで使える英語力。仕事も日常も、一歩先へ。
営業時間:平日 9:00~21:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階