February 20 Monday, 2023
Lesson 216 原因・理由のフロー②
R: Hey everyone! Akino Roza here.
You know, I’m glad relationships between us aren’t difficult.
C: Chris McVay here. Are you think so?
I was just gonna say, maybe it’s because we have no strange rules here. In fact, we have no rules at all as far as our openings are concerned. Let’s go!
☆Words & Phrases
I heard that you were a member of the shoji club.
That’s right, I was. I quit a long time ago.
**kind of:
Relationships between people were kind of difficult.
Do you know why the club has that strange rule?
You mean about no dating being allowed?
☆Grammar & Vocabulary
① Relationships between people were kind of difficult.
指定ルールとkind of
kind ofは「ちょっと・なんとなく」で、断定的な表現を避け言葉を濁すときに用いられる便利なフレーズ。
ここでは difficult の印象を和らげるために使われている。
kind of が difficult の「前」に使われていることに注意。
この kind of は difficult の「レベル」を指定する表現であるため、「指定ルール:指定は前に置く」により、その前に置かれている。
② Do you know why the club has that strange rule?
wh語である why の後に平叙文が続く wh節が使われている。wh節は、疑問の意味を全く持たない文の部品。「なぜクラブには、あの奇妙な規則がある(のか)」ということ。
wh語の後ろに疑問形が続く wh疑問文と明確に区別すること。
Why does the club have that strange rule?【wh疑問文】
☆Key Sentence & Feel English
It’s because he liked one of the members, and another member started dating her.
It’s because ~
That’s because ~
① That’s because you didn’t study hard enough.
That’s because I had no money.
That’s because he never liked her.
→ That’s because ~. の文。It’s because ~. よりも、「それはね」としっかり現状や結果を指す感触で使われる。
② That’s why he made that rule.
That’s why our textbooks are so popular.
→ That’s why ~ は「それが~の理由だ」。理由を that で指して使う。
③ The reason for his success is that ~.
The reason for her popularity is that ~.
The reason for their breakup is that ~.
→ reason(理由)をそのまま使うこともできる。
The reason for ~ は「~の理由」
for that reason は「その理由で」
④ The reason why I didn’t call you was that my battery was dead.
The reason that I didn’t call you was that my battery was dead.
The reason I didn’t call you was that my battery was dead.
→「the reason why + 節」
why の代わりに that を用いたり、直接節を続けたりすることもできる。
☆Expression in Action
O: Hey guys. We should always read instructions carefully, right?
C: Recently I bought some bookshelves. And I thought this is the easiest thing in the world. So I didn’t look at the instructions. It was a disaster!
R: (Japanese)
O: Yeah, they would be so detailed.
February 20 Monday, 2023
Lesson 216 原因・理由のフロー②
R: Hey everyone! Akino Roza here.
You know, I’m glad relationships between us aren’t difficult.
C: Chris McVay here. Are you think so?
I was just gonna say, maybe it’s because we have no strange rules here. In fact, we have no rules at all as far as our openings are concerned. Let’s go!
☆Words & Phrases
I heard that you were a member of the shoji club.
※ I heard(聞いた)の内容を that以下の節で説明する「リポート文」です!
**quit: やめる、中止する
That’s right, I was. I quit a long time ago.
※ quit は、quit – quit – quit(現在形 – 過去形 – 過去分詞形)ですね。この文では過去形です。
**relationship: (人と人などの)関係、結びつき
**kind of: (表現を和らげて)ちょっと
Relationships between people were kind of difficult.
**strange: 奇妙な、不思議な
Do you know why the club has that strange rule?
**mean: 意味する
**date: デートする(動詞)
**allow: 許す、可能にする、与える
You mean about no dating being allowed?
※ You mean ~ は、相手の真意を尋ねるフレーズです。
☆Grammar & Vocabulary
① Relationships between people were kind of difficult.
指定ルールとkind of
kind ofは「ちょっと・なんとなく」で、断定的な表現を避け言葉を濁すときに用いられる便利なフレーズ。
ここでは difficult の印象を和らげるために使われている。
kind of が difficult の「前」に使われていることに注意。
この kind of は difficult の「レベル」を指定する表現であるため、「指定ルール:指定は前に置く」により、その前に置かれている。
② Do you know why the club has that strange rule?
wh語である why の後に平叙文が続く wh節が使われている。wh節は、疑問の意味を全く持たない文の部品。「なぜクラブには、あの奇妙な規則がある(のか)」ということ。
wh語の後ろに疑問形が続く wh疑問文と明確に区別すること。
Why does the club have that strange rule?【wh疑問文】
☆Key Sentence & Feel English
It’s because he liked one of the members, and another member started dating her.
It’s because ~
That’s because ~
① That’s because you didn’t study hard enough.
That’s because I had no money.
That’s because he never liked her.
→ That’s because ~. の文。It’s because ~. よりも、「それはね」としっかり現状や結果を指す感触で使われる。
② That’s why he made that rule.
That’s why our textbooks are so popular.
→ That’s why ~ は「それが~の理由だ」。理由を that で指して使う。
③ The reason for his success is that ~.
The reason for her popularity is that ~.
The reason for their breakup is that ~.
→ reason(理由)をそのまま使うこともできる。
The reason for ~ は「~の理由」
for that reason は「その理由で」
④ The reason why I didn’t call you was that my battery was dead.
The reason that I didn’t call you was that my battery was dead.
The reason I didn’t call you was that my battery was dead.
→「the reason why + 節」
why の代わりに that を用いたり、直接節を続けたりすることもできる。
☆Expression in Action
That’s because you didn’t read the instructions carefully.
**instruction: 指示、指令、取扱説明書
That’s why we lost the match.
**lose: 失う、負ける
※ lose は、lose – lost – lost と変化します
The reason why I didn’t tell you is that I didn’t want to upset you.
**upset 動揺する
O: Hey guys. We should always read instructions carefully, right?
C: Recently I bought some bookshelves. And I thought this is the easiest thing in the world. So I didn’t look at the instructions. It was a disaster!
R: (Japanese)
O: Yeah, they would be so detailed.
February 20 Monday, 2023
Lesson 216 原因・理由のフロー②
☆Words & Phrases
※ I heard(聞いた)の内容を that以下の節で説明する「リポート文」です!
※ You mean ~ は、相手の真意を尋ねるフレーズです。
① それは、君が十分一生懸命学ばなかったから。
→ That’s because ~. の文。It’s because ~. よりも、「それはね」としっかり現状や結果を指す感触で使われる。
② それが、彼があの規則を作った理由です。
→ That’s why ~ は「それが~の理由だ」。理由を that で指して使う。
③ 彼の成功の理由は、~。
→ reason(理由)をそのまま使うこともできる。
The reason for ~ は「~の理由」
for that reason は「その理由で」
④ The reason why I didn’t call you was that my battery was dead.
The reason that I didn’t call you was that my battery was dead.
The reason I didn’t call you was that my battery was dead.
→「the reason why + 節」
why の代わりに that を用いたり、直接節を続けたりすることもできる。