June 3 Monday, 2024
Lesson 41 基本文型 説明型 – 過去分詞を説明語句に
☆Words & Phrases
Dr. Stein, how are you today? – Fine, thank you, Jeannie. What do you have there?
**oil painting:
It’s an oil painting…of me! Was this painted by an artist?
I didn’t know you could paint.
Which art studio? – It is one started by a man named Bob. – Amazing!
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
This is a present for you.
for のイメージ
前置詞 for は多岐にわたる意味合いで使われるが、イメージは「向かって」
この文の for はその典型例。プレゼントがあなたに「向かって」であることを示している

I went to an art studio.
to のイメージは「指し示す」
for と似たイメージだが、 距離感はなく「ココ!」と指す感じ
この文では an art studio を指さして「ココに行った」と言っている

☆Target Forms
Was this painted by an artist?
受動態を難しく考えないこと。説明型の説明語句に過去分詞を置いただけの形ですよ。We are friends. とまったく変わるところのない、ただのbe動詞文。疑問文も、いつものようにbe動詞を主語の前に置くだけで作ることができます。
painted by an artist
Was this painted by an artist?
① This photo was taken by my father.
→ by は行為者を表している
② The roof was covered with snow.
→ cover は「覆う」
前置詞 with は「道具(~を使って)」を表しているので「雪を使って覆われた」ということ
③ We weren’t seen by anyone.
→ see の過去分詞は seen
D: All right. It’s time for today’s practice. These sentences use the passive voice「受動態ね」, but it’s easy to use. It’s similar to use in any regular adjective. So treat it the same way.
R: Okay guys, repeat after us,
– taken by my father, taken by my father
– This photo was taken by my father.
One more time,
– This photo was taken by my father.
D: All right, good work. Let’s keep it up!
– covered with snow, covered with snow
– The roof was covered with snow.
R: Keep going,
– seen by anyone, seen by anyone
– We weren’t seen by anyone.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
**get along:
**by hand:
O: Wow! What a beautiful photo of me. But this photo was taken by…
D: Oh, by me.
O: Oh. And re-touched by…
R: Me!
June 3 Monday, 2024
Lesson 41 基本文型 説明型 – 過去分詞を説明語句に
☆Words & Phrases
Dr. Stein, how are you today? – Fine, thank you, Jeannie. What do you have there?
スタイン博士、今日のご気分はいかがですか? – いいよ、ありがとう、ジーニー。そこに持っているのは何だい?
※ What do you have there? は、以前バスに酔ったエモリさんが酔い止めをくれたシンディに言っていましたね!
**oil painting: 油絵
It’s an oil painting…of me! Was this painted by an artist?
※ of me の of は、前の語句の説明する、それだけの意図で使われる前置詞です。あまりイメージがありません。ここの of me は、oil painting of me「私を描いた油絵」ということですね!
I didn’t know you could paint.
※ didn’t know 主節の動詞句が過去形なので、従属節の can は could となります。時制の一致が起こっていますね!
**Amazing!: すばらしい!すごい!
Which art studio? – It is one started by a man named Bob. – Amazing!
どこの美術教室で? – ボブという男性が始めた教室です – すばらしい!
※ one は、前の文の studio を繰り返さないために使われている代名詞の働きを持っていますね!
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
This is a present for you.
for のイメージ
前置詞 for は多岐にわたる意味合いで使われるが、イメージは「向かって」
この文の for はその典型例。プレゼントがあなたに「向かって」であることを示している

I went to an art studio.
to のイメージは「指し示す」
for と似たイメー ジだが、 距離感はなく「ココ!」と指す感じ
この文では an art studio を指さして「ココに行った」と言っている

☆Target Forms
Was this painted by an artist?
受動態を難しく考えないこと。説明型の説明語句に過去分詞を置いただけの形ですよ。We are friends. とまったく変わるところのない、ただのbe動詞文。疑問文も、いつものようにbe動詞を主語の前に置くだけで作ることができます。
painted by an artist
Was this painted by an artist?
① This photo was taken by my father.
→ by は行為者を表している
② The roof was covered with snow.
→ cover は「覆う」
前置詞 with は「道具(~を使って)」を表しているので「雪を使って覆われた」ということ
③ We weren’t seen by anyone.
→ see の過去分詞は seen
D: All right. It’s time for today’s practice. These sentences use the passive voice「受動態ね」, but it’s easy to use. It’s similar to use in any regular adjective. So treat it the same way.
R: Okay guys, repeat after us,
– taken by my father, taken by my father
– This photo was taken by my father.
One more time,
– This photo was taken by my father.
D: All right, good work. Let’s keep it up!
– covered with snow, covered with snow
– The roof was covered with snow.
R: Keep going,
– seen by anyone, seen by anyone
– We weren’t seen by anyone.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
We were introduced by a friend. He thought we’d get along.
**introduce: 紹介する
**get along: 仲よくする・反りが合う
※ we’d = we would となっているのは時制の一致が起こっているためです!
Was this picture drawn by hand? It looks like a photograph!
**by hand: 手で・手書きで
I wasn’t born in Aichi, but I lived there for many years.
※ born は bear の過去分詞で「生まれる」を表します
O: Wow! What a beautiful photo of me. But this photo was taken by…
D: Oh, by me.
O: Oh. And re-touched by…
R: Me!
営業時間:平日 9:00~22:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階