June 26 Monday, 2023
Lesson 56 発言タイプ:アドバイスする③アドバイスに使える意外な表現
☆Words & Phrases
**ready for ~:
You have your history test tomorrow. – I’m ready for it.
**go over ~:
So let’s go over some facts.
What was the name of the first Roman emperor?
**name after ~:
And the month August is named after him.
Have you ever thought of becoming a history professor?
**thanks to ~:
Well, I’m interested in history now, thanks to you.
**If I were in your shoes ~:
**major in ~:
If I were in your shoes, I’d consider majoring in history in college.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
① Let’s go over some facts.
over のイメージ
overのイメージは「上に円弧(アーチ)」。アーチが2つ続けば「回転: ぐるぐる」につながる。
go over は「復習する・見直す」 – かつてやったことをぐるっと回ってもう一度行うということ。over のイメージが生きている。roll over and over(ゴロゴロ転がる)など、時折見られる over の使い方。
② The month August is named after him.
after のイメージ
name after ~ が「~にちなんで名付ける」となるのは、after のイメージが「ついていく」であるため。同じ名前を付けて「ついていく」ことが「ちなんで名付ける」ということ。
☆Typical Expressions
Have you ever thought of becoming a history professor?
① If I were in your shoes [place], I’d consider majoring in history in college.
If I were in your shoes は「あなたの靴を履いているなら→あなたの立場なら」ということ。
If I were in your place と言ってもOK。
文全体は 「If I were ~, I would…」の仮定法。
② If I were you, I’d be more frugal.
If I were you, I wouldn’t eat out all the time.
→「私があなたなら」も、当然アドバイスとして使うことができる。肯定・ 否定のどちらにも慣れておくとよい。
③ If it were me, I’d find another job.
If it were me, I’d get a bigger house.
If it were me, I’d ask more questions.
→ it は相手の直面した状況を指している。それを受けて「私だったら」とアドバイスにつなげている。
R: Okay guys. So today we’ll be talking about intonation and pitch.
D: All right. The first part of these sentences, you have a choice. Will you use “rising intonation” or “falling intonation”?
“Rising intonation” is more casual, and “falling intonation” is more serious.
Let’s listen to each. Are you up? All right. Let’s get to it!
– If I were in your shoes, I’d consider majoring in history in college.
– If I were in your place, I’d consider majoring in history in college.
R: Okay, let’s do a few more. Let’s try rising intonation with a high pitch for the first one.
– If I were you, I’d be more frugal.
Great. Let’s try the next one with a low pitch and falling intonation.
– If I were you, I wouldn’t eat outside all the time.
Do you see a difference?
D: All right. Now, listen to my intonation, and see if you can tell which I use.
– If it were me, I’d find another job.
– If it were me, I’d get a bigger house.
– If it were me, I’d ask more questions.
R: I know there was a lot of information. But you guys did awesome!
D: Great work, everyone!
☆Typical Expressions in Action
①もし私があなたの立場だったら、 昇給を要求するでしょうね。
**ask for ~ :
O: Hey guys. What’s the next stage in your career?
D: Umm… that’s a good question. Well, we’re doing radio now, so maybe TV? What about you, sensei? What’s the next stage in your career?
O: Hmm. I don’t know, but a comedian?
R: Next stage? What do you mean? …
June 26 Monday, 2023
Lesson 56 発言タイプ:アドバイスする③アドバイスに使える意外な表現
☆Words & Phrases
**ready for ~: ~の準備ができている
You have your history test tomorrow. - I’m ready for it.
明日は歴史の試験があるのよね – もう準備はできています。
※ ready for ~ の for は「向かって」なので、「~に向かって準備ができている=ready for ~」です!
So let’s go over some facts.
**emperor: 皇帝
What was the name of the first Roman emperor?
**name after ~: ~にちなんで名付ける
And the month August is named after him.
※ the month = August で同格です。the month の説明として August が並べられています。the month of August と of をつけても同じ同格表現でOKです!
Have you ever thought of becoming a history professor?
※ Have you ever ~ は現在完了形の経験用法です。ever = at any time で「いつのときでも良いのだけれど」が「経験」に結びついています
**thanks to ~: ~のおかげで
Well, I’m interested in history now, thanks to you.
**If I were in your shoes ~: もし私があなたの立場なら~
**consider: 熟考する、検討する、よく考える
**major in ~: ~を専攻する
If I were in your shoes, I’d consider majoring in history in college. – I might.
※ If I were in your shoes, I’d ~ の I’d = I would です。「考えるでしょうね」というニュアンスですね
※ may は「~かも知れない」で半々の可能性です。might は「ひょっとして~するかもしれない」でさらに可能性が下がります
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
① Let’s go over some facts.
over のイメージ
overのイメージは「上に円弧(アーチ)」。アーチが2つ続けば「回転: ぐるぐる」につながる。
go over は「復習する・見直す」 – かつてやったことをぐるっと回ってもう一度行うということ。over のイメージが生きている。roll over and over(ゴロゴロ転がる)など、時折見られる over の使い方。
② The month August is named after him.
after のイメージ
name after ~ が「~にちなんで名付ける」となるのは、after のイメージが「ついていく」であるため。同じ名前を付けて「ついていく」ことが「ちなんで名付ける」ということ。
☆Typical Expressions
Have you ever thought of becoming a history professor?
① If I were in your shoes [place], I’d consider majoring in history in college.
If I were in your shoes は「あなたの靴を履いているなら→あなたの立場なら」ということ。
If I were in your place と言ってもOK。
文全体は 「If I were ~, I would…」の仮定法。
② If I were you, I’d be more frugal.
If I were you, I wouldn’t eat out all the time.
もし私があなたなら、外食ばかりはしな いでしょう。
→「私があなたなら」も、当然アドバイスとして使うことができる。肯定・ 否定のどちらにも慣れておくとよい。
③ If it were me, I’d find another job.
If it were me, I’d get a bigger house.
If it were me, I’d ask more questions.
→ it は相手の直面した状況を指している。それを受けて「私だったら」とアドバイスにつなげている。
R: Okay guys. So today we’ll be talking about intonation and pitch.
D: All right. The first part of these sentences, you have a choice. Will you use “rising intonation” or “falling intonation”?
“Rising intonation” is more casual, and “falling intonation” is more serious.
Let’s listen to each. Are you up? All right. Let’s get to it!
– If I were in your shoes, I’d consider majoring in history in college.
– If I were in your place, I’d consider majoring in history in college.
R: Okay, let’s do a few more. Let’s try rising intonation with a high pitch for the first one.
– If I were you, I’d be more frugal.
Great. Let’s try the next one with a low pitch and falling intonation.
– If I were you, I wouldn’t eat outside all the time.
Do you see a difference?
D: All right. Now, listen to my intonation, and see if you can tell which I use.
– If it were me, I’d find another job.
– If it were me, I’d get a bigger house.
– If it were me, I’d ask more questions.
R: I know there was a lot of information. But you guys did awesome!
D: Great work, everyone!
☆Typical Expressions in Action
もし私があなたの立場だったら、 昇給を要求するでしょうね。
If I were in your shoes, I’d ask for a raise.
**ask for ~ :~を要求する、~を求める
If I were you, I’d start thinking about the next stage in my career.
If it were me, I’d consider moving closer to the city center.
※ it は相手の状況を受けています。
※ consider の目的語が動詞句的内容である場合は、to不定詞ではなく動詞-ing形を選ぶこと!
O: Hey guys. What’s the next stage in your career?
D: Umm… that’s a good question. Well, we’re doing radio now, so maybe TV? What about you, sensei? What’s the next stage in your career?
O: Hmm. I don’t know, but a comedian?
R: Next stage? What do you mean? …
June 26 Monday, 2023
Lesson 56 発言タイプ:アドバイスする③アドバイスに使える意外な表現
☆Words & Phrases
明日は歴史の試験があるのよね – もう準備はできています。
① もし私があなたの立場だったら、大学で歴史を専攻しようかと考えるでしょう。
If I were in your shoes は「あなたの靴を履いているなら→あなたの立場なら」ということ。
If I were in your place と言ってもOK。
文全体は 「If I were ~, I would…」の仮定法。
② もし私があなたなら、もっと倹約するでしょうね。
もし私があなたなら、外食ばかりはしな いでしょう。
→「私があなたなら」も、当然アドバイスとして使うことができる。肯定・ 否定のどちらにも慣れておくとよい。
③ もし私なら、別の仕事を見つけるでしょうね。
→ it は相手の直面した状況を指している。それを受けて「私だったら」とアドバイスにつなげている。
営業時間:平日 9:00~22:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階
お電話でのお問い合わせ 080-6900-1868