July 25 Thursday, 2024
Lesson 79 目的語の拡張 -「to不定詞」「動詞-ing形」の選択で意味が変わる動詞
D: And I’m David Evans. All right, let’s close with the good one.
☆Words & Phrases
**get dressed up:
Wow, Alexis, you got all dressed up for your friends tonight.
We’re going to a nice restaurant for dinner and drinks.
Sounds elegant. French food?
Caspar, remember to feed Umi tonight.
**make sure ~:
And make sure it’s a mixture of dry and wet food.
**take after ~:
I know. She’s a picky eater. – Right, she takes after you.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
We’re going to a nice restaurant for dinner and drinks.
Make sure it’s a mixture of dry and wet food.
make sure ~ は「必ず〜するようにする」というフレーズ。この文は make sure の内容を説明するリポート文の形。
make sure は、頻度の高いフレーズ。

☆Target Forms
Remember to feed Umi tonight.
動詞 remember は目的語として「to不定詞」「動詞-ing形」のどちらも使うことができるが、意味が変わるため注意が必要
「動詞-ing形」が使われると 「(過去の行為を)覚えている」となり、
I remember talking to her.
「to不定詞」は「これから」のニュアンス を含むため「(これから)~することを覚えている・忘れない」となり、
to feed Umi tonight
Remember to feed Umi tonight.
talking to her
I remember talking to her.
① Don’t forget to lock the door.
I’ll never forget going to Australia.
→ remember と同じ対比
forget + to不定詞は「(これから)~することを忘れる」
forget + 動詞-ing形は「~したことを忘れる」
② I’ll try to wake up earlier.
I tried taking deep breaths.
try + to不定詞「(これから)~しようと試みる・頑張る」
try + 動詞-ing形 「(実際に)やってみる」
D: All right everyone, it’s time to practice! As sensei explained, there are important differences between “to-infinitives” and “-ing”. But understanding is only one step. Using them will help you become more comfortable, and with being comfortable, comes being more confident.
R: Let’s begin,
– to lock the door
– Don’t forget to lock the door.
Now, for “-ing”,
– going to Australia
– I’ll never forget going to Australia.
D: All right. Now let’s try a few using “try”,
– to wake up earlier
– I’ll try to wake up earlier.
– taking deep breaths
– I tried taking deep breaths.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
**clean socks:
**turn out ~:
R: Remember guys. You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to use the English, you know.
D: That’s right. Remember to do your best!
July 25 Thursday, 2024
Lesson 79 目的語の拡張 -「to不定詞」「動詞-ing形」の選択で意味が変わる動詞
D: And I’m David Evans. All right, let’s close with the good one.
☆Words & Phrases
**get dressed up: おめかしをする、おしゃれする
Wow, Alexis, you got all dressed up for your friends tonight.
※get all dressed up の all は意味を強調しています
We’re going to a nice restaurant for dinner and drinks.
※この文の drinks は、お酒の入った飲み物を指しています
Sounds elegant. French food?
**feed: (~に)食物を与える
Caspar, remember to feed Umi tonight.
**make sure ~: 必ず~するようにする
And make sure it’s a mixture of dry and wet food.
**picky: えり好みする
**take after ~: ~に似ている
I know. She’s a picky eater. – Right, she takes after you.
わかっているさ。あの子は好みがうるさいからね – そうよ、あなたに似たのよ。
※ picky eater は「好き嫌いがある人」のことですね
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
We’re going to a nice restaurant for dinner and drinks.
Make sure it’s a mixture of dry and wet food.
make sure ~ は「必ず〜するようにする」というフレーズ。この文は make sure の内容を説明するリポート文の形。
make sure は、頻度の高いフレーズ。

☆Target Forms
Remember to feed Umi tonight.
動詞 remember は目的語として「to不定詞」「動詞-ing形」のどちらも使うことができるが、意味が変わるため注意が必要
「動詞-ing形」が使われると 「(過去の行為を)覚えている」となり、
I remember talking to her.
「to不定詞」は「これから」のニュアンス を含むため「(これから)~することを覚えている・忘れない」となり、
to feed Umi tonight
Remember to feed Umi tonight.
talking to her
I remember talking to her.
① Don’t forget to lock the door.
I’ll never forget going to Australia.
→ remember と同じ対比
forget + to不定詞は「(これから)~することを忘れる」
forget + 動詞-ing形は「~したことを忘れる」
② I’ll try to wake up earlier.
I tried taking deep breaths.
try + to不定詞「(これから)~しようと試みる・頑張る」
try + 動詞-ing形 「(実際に)やってみる」
D: All right everyone, it’s time to practice! As sensei explained, there are important differences between “to-infinitives” and “-ing”. But understanding is only one step. Using them will help you become more comfortable, and with being comfortable, comes being more confident.
R: Let’s begin,
– to lock the door
– Don’t forget to lock the door.
Now, for “-ing”,
– going to Australia
– I’ll never forget going to Australia.
D: All right. Now let’s try a few using “try”,
– to wake up earlier
– I’ll try to wake up earlier.
– taking deep breaths
– I tried taking deep breaths.
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
Remember to bring extra socks. Nothing is worse than not having clean socks.
**extra: 余分の・追加の
**worse: より悪い(badの比較級)
**clean socks: きれいな靴下
Don’t forget to charge your phone. There are no outlets where we’re going.
**outlet: コンセント
I tried making gnocchi at home. It turned out great! I brought some for you.
**gnocchi: ニョッキ
**turn out ~: ~ということになる
R: Remember guys. You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to use the English, you know.
D: That’s right. Remember to do your best!
営業時間:平日 9:00~22:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階