April 2 Tuesday, 2024
Lesson 2 英語は「配置の言葉」主語の位置にあればそれは主語②
☆Words & Phrases
**early flight:
Takuma, it’s time for bed. We have an early flight tomorrow.
Aren’t you sleepy?
**check ~ out:
I know, but I want to check out more ramen shops.
**looking forward to ~:
Yes, I’m looking forward to eating real ramen in Japan again.
Exactly. Man, all the foreign tourists making these videos know good places in Japan.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
① It‘s time for bed.
it は「受ける」単語
it は「それ」と訳されるが、this(これ)や that(あれ)のような「指す」単語ではなく、「受ける」単語
日本語では言語化されない「状況を受ける単語」、それが it
② Give me a few minutes.
目的語は必ず「~に・・・を」の順に並べること!英語は「配置の言葉」(✖)Give a few minutes me. と目的語の位置を変えると、意味が変わってしまい伝わらない!
☆Target Forms
Watching videos for long hours isn’t good for your eyes.
例文の主語の位置にフォーカス!この文では isn’t の前が主語の位置。ここに「動詞-ing形」(を中心とするフレーズ)を置けば、自動的に主語と見なされる
動詞-ing形を使ったフレーズは「~する」というカタマリ。こちらも to不定詞と同様に、文のさまざまな場所で使われるが「主語の位置に置けば、主語」
Watching videos for long hours isn’t good for your eyes.
Watching videos for long hours → 主語
is(n’t) → 動詞
① Waiting is difficult.
→ 主語の位置に気軽に waiting を置く
② Swimming is fun.
③ Making friends is not easy.
→ 動詞-ing形も動詞句(動詞を中心としたフレーズ)をまとめることができる
D: Okay. Today we’ll practice “ing from” as the subject. The key is the plain form plus “ing.” Okay? So let’s jump in and practice.
R: Listen to the rhythm, and connect all the words as you say them. Okay guys? Ready? Let’s go,
– waiting, waiting
– Waiting is difficult.
One more time,
– waiting, waiting
– Waiting is difficult.
D: Good work. Let’s keep going,
– swimming, swimming
– Swimming is fun.
And natural speed,
– Swimming is fun.
R: Keep going!
– making friends, making friends
– Making friends is not easy.
One more time,
– making friends, making friends
– Making friends is not easy.
D: Unlock your potential!
R: Repetition is the key!
D & R Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
O: Hey David. Do you like jogging? I prefer going to the gym. Working out is better for my health.
D: Really? I’m not a big fan of gym culture. So… I’d prefer to get outside.
O: Uh-huh. How about you, Roza?
R: Well, I don’t really like jogging or the gym. I prefer to ride horses.
April 2 Tuesday, 2024
Lesson 2 英語は「配置の言葉」主語の位置にあればそれは主語②
☆Words & Phrases
**early flight:(旅客機の)早朝便
Takuma, it’s time for bed. We have an early flight tomorrow.
Aren’t you sleepy?
**check ~ out: ~を詳しく調べる
I know, but I want to check out more ramen shops.
**looking forward to ~: ~を楽しみにしている
Yes, I’m looking forward to eating real ramen in Japan again.
※ look forward to ~ の to は前置詞です。なのでその後ろは(動)名詞になります!
**man: ああ、まったく
Exactly. Man, all the foreign tourists making these videos know good places in Japan.
※この文の主語は「all the foreign tourists making these videos」で、動詞が「know」ですね!
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
① It‘s time for bed.
it は「受ける」単語
it は「それ」と訳されるが、this(これ)や that(あれ)のような「指す」単語ではなく、「受ける」単語
日本語では言語化されない「状況を受ける単語」、それが it
② Give me a few minutes.
目的語は必ず「~に・・・を」の順に並べること!英語は「配置の言葉」(✖)Give a few minutes me. と目的語の位置を変えると、意味が変わってしまい伝わらない!
☆Target Forms
Watching videos for long hours isn’t good for your eyes.
例文の主語の位置にフォーカス!この文では isn’t の前が主語の位置。ここに「動詞-ing形」(を中心とするフレーズ)を置けば、自動的に主語と見なされる
動詞-ing形を使ったフレーズは「~する」というカタマリ。こちらも to不定詞と同様に、文のさまざまな場所で使われるが「主語の位置に置けば、主語」
Watching videos for long hours isn’t good for your eyes.
Watching videos for long hours → 主語
is(n’t) → 動詞
① Waiting is difficult.
→ 主語の位置に気軽に waiting を置く
② Swimming is fun.
③ Making friends is not easy.
→ 動詞-ing形も動詞句(動詞を中心としたフレーズ)をまとめることができる
D: Okay. Today we’ll practice “ing from” as the subject. The key is the plain form plus “ing.” Okay? So let’s jump in and practice.
R: Listen to the rhythm, and connect all the words as you say them. Okay guys? Ready? Let’s go,
– waiting, waiting
– Waiting is difficult.
One more time,
– waiting, waiting
– Waiting is difficult.
D: Good work. Let’s keep going,
– swimming, swimming
– Swimming is fun.
And natural speed,
– Swimming is fun.
R: Keep going!
– making friends, making friends
– Making friends is not easy.
One more time,
– making friends, making friends
– Making friends is not easy.
D: Unlock your potential!
R: Repetition is the key!
D & R Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
Jogging is good for your health.
※ your は目の前にいる「あなたの」という使い方以外に、一般的な人々を表す使い方があります!
Making onigiri is simple. I’ll teach you.
※ I’ll [I will] では「意志の will(~するよ)」が使われています
Eating rice with a fork is tough. May I use a spoon?
※ with a fork の「with」は「道具のwith(~で・~を使って)」
※ May I ~? は目上の人に許可を求める言い回し
O: Hey David. Do you like jogging? I prefer going to the gym. Working out is better for my health.
D: Really? I’m not a big fan of gym culture. So… I’d prefer to get outside.
O: Uh-huh. How about you, Roza?
R: Well, I don’t really like jogging or the gym. I prefer to ride horses.
営業時間:平日 9:00~22:00 土曜日 9:00~19:00(日祝休み)
〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅2丁目40-16 名駅野村ビル 5階