April 12 Tuesday, 2022
October 4 Tuesday, 2022
Lesson 5 キャリアについて質問し合う
★Words and Phrases
So, Henry, how long have you been working for Romano?
Oh, that’s a question that makes me feel old.
**straight out of:
I entered the company straight out of college in ‘97.
What was it like?
**lag behind:
**the 80s (the eighties):
We were lagging behind German cars in the 80s.
When I joined Romano, the Japanese were everywhere.
**go out of business:
It was tough for US carmakers – a lot of American suppliers went out of business.
**stay alive:
We really had to globalize to stay alive.
Japan had somewhat recovered from the big recession in the 90s.
**ups and downs:
I guess we all have our ups and downs.
**be about to:
**electric revolution:
And now, the electric revolution is about to swallow us whole!
★Business Phrase of the Day
We were lagging behind German cars in the 80s.
lag behind は「後れを取る」という意味のフレーズ。
lag の原意は「のろのろ歩く、ぐずぐずする」で、lag behind は「後ろをのろのろ歩く」、つまり「遅れている」となる。
We stopped to wait for a pupil who was lagging behind.
Japan is lagging behind other developed countries in digitalization.
**developed countries:
→ lag behind は一般的に「他の人/物よりも発展や進展が遅い」という意味で使われる
Development for the new drug was lagging in progress.
→ lagging だけでも使える
★Alternative Expressions
behind schedule:
We’re only a week behind schedule, so we’ll still be able to catch up.
**catch up:
fall behind:
I’ve been busy this week, so I’m falling behind on my report.
We are long overdue for a complete overhaul of the pension system.
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: So, it’s almost been a year since you were transferred from marketing to HR. How are you finding your job?
B: I’m surprised by how much I love the job. I didn’t think I was cut out for HR, but I guess sometimes you don’t realize you’re suited to a job until you’ve done it.
**be transferred to:
**cut out:
How are you finding your job?
April 12 Tuesday, 2022
October 4 Tuesday, 2022
Lesson 5 キャリアについて質問し合う(日本語訳・解説付き)
★Words and Phrases
So, Henry, how long have you been working for Romano?
Oh, that’s a question that makes me feel old.
※ a question は me を feel old にさせる(make)、です。
**straight out of: ~を出てそのまま、~からそのまま
I entered the company straight out of college in ‘97.
What was it like?
**lag behind: 後れを取る
**the 80s (the eighties): 80年代
We were lagging behind German cars in the 80s.
When I joined Romano, the Japanese were everywhere.
※ 一般的には、
the + 国籍=「〇〇人」「〇〇国民」で、the Japanese は「日本人・日本国民」となります。
~ the Japanese were everywhere.
その前にドイツやアメリカ(の自動車会社)について話しているので、この the Japanese も「日本人・日本国民」ではなく「日本の自動車会社」と解釈するのが自然です。
**supplier: サプライヤー、部品供給会社
**go out of business: 倒産する
It was tough for US carmakers – a lot of American suppliers went out of business.
**stay alive: 生き続ける、命をつなぐ、生きながらえる
We really had to globalize to stay alive.
**somewhat: 多少、幾分
※ a little よりちょっと多い感じです
**recover: 回復する、取り戻す
**recession: 景気後退、不景気
Japan had somewhat recovered from the big recession in the 90s.
**ups and downs: 良いときと悪いとき、浮き沈み
I guess we all have our ups and downs.
**be about to: まさに…せんとする、まさに…しようとしている
**electric revolution: 電動化、電力革命
**swallow: 呑み込む
And now, the electric revolution is about to swallow us whole!
★Business Phrase of the Day
We were lagging behind German cars in the 80s.
lag behind は「後れを取る」という意味のフレーズ。
lag の原意は「のろのろ歩く、ぐずぐずする」で、lag behind は「後ろをのろのろ歩く」、つまり「遅れている」となる。
We stopped to wait for a pupil who was lagging behind.
**pupil: 生徒
※ stop の使い方に注意!
stopped to wait: 待つために止まった
stopped waiting: 待つのをやめた
Japan is lagging behind other developed countries in digitalization.
**digitalization: デジタル化
**developed countries: 先進諸国
→ lag behind は一般的に「他の人/物よりも発展や進展が遅い」という意味で使われる
Development for the new drug was lagging in progress.
**development: 開発、発展、発達
**drug: 薬、薬品、麻薬
**progress: 進展、進歩
→ lagging だけでも使える
★Alternative Expressions
behind schedule: 予定より遅れて
We’re only a week behind schedule, so we’ll still be able to catch up.
**catch up: 追いつく
fall behind: 遅れる
I’ve been busy this week, so I’m falling behind on my report.
overdue: 期限を過ぎた
We are long overdue for a complete overhaul of the pension system.
**due: 期限
**complete: 全くの、完全な
**overhaul: 徹底的に見直す
**pension: 年金
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: So, it’s almost been a year since you were transferred from marketing to HR. How are you finding your job?
B: I’m surprised by how much I love the job. I didn’t think I was cut out for HR, but I guess sometimes you don’t realize you’re suited to a job until you’ve done it.
**be transferred to: 転勤になる、所属が変わる
**transfer: 動かす、運ぶ
**HR: Human Resources、人事部
**cut out: ~に打ち勝つ、~に適させる、しにくくする
※ HRに適されているとは思っていなかった=HRに向いているとは思っていなかった、ですね!cut は過去分詞形です。
How are you finding your job?
→ 仕事の様子ややりがいを聞くときに便利なフレーズ!