August 15 Monday, 2022
February 13 Monday, 2023
Lesson 55 従業員の課題を協議する
★Words and Phrases
I’m glad I caught you.
**HR (Human Resources):
I’m talking to Emma, the head of HR in Chennai.
Are we having trouble?
**come up:
I wouldn’t call it trouble, but a human-resources issue has come up.
**hang up:
I’ll hang up the phone now.
**pass on:
We thought it’ll be quicker for the three of us to discuss the issue together than to pass on messages to each other.
**make sense:
That makes sense. So, what’s the issue?
**i.e. (id est):
We have an issue of a skills shortage on the production lines, i.e., the performance of the workforce is lower than projected.
★Business Phrase of the Day
Let me come straight to the point.
come straight to the point は「単刀直入に言う」というフレーズ。
straight(まっすぐに)を省略した come to the point も同様に使われる。
straight を省略し、come の代わりに get を使って、get to the point ということもできる。
come straight to the point
come to the point
get to the point
In that case, why don’t you just get to the point?
**in that case: もしそうなら、その場合
Firstly, I ask everyone here to be honest and get straight to the point.
Let me focus on the income projection and go straight to the point.
**income projection: 収入予想
★Alternative Expressions
get down to business:
Let’s get down to business, shall we?
get down to it:
Please get right down to it. We don’t have much time left.
cut to the chase:
Please don’t beat around the bush. Just cut right to the chase.
**don’t beat around the bush:
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: Paula, I’ve got a problem that I need to deal with right now. Could you please attend the marketing meeting this afternoon on my behalf? The agenda is familiar to you, so you won’t be uncomfortable.
B: Actually, I have a meeting with ABC that I cannot cancel at the last minute. Someone from our department has to attend, right? Why don’t you ask Sam to attend instead? He’s probably free this afternoon.
**deal with:
**on my behalf:
**be familiar to ~:
**at the last minute:
August 15 Monday, 2022
February 13 Monday, 2023
Lesson 55 従業員の課題を協議する
★Words and Phrases
I’m glad I caught you.
**HR (Human Resources): 人事部(”人的資源” の意味)
I’m talking to Emma, the head of HR in Chennai.
※人事部は Peronnel department と以前は呼ばれていましたが、今はほとんど使われていません
Are we having trouble?
**come up: 生じる
I wouldn’t call it trouble, but a human-resources issue has come up.
**hang up: (電話を)切る、(受話器を)置く
I’ll hang up the phone now.
**pass on: ~を伝達する
We thought it’ll be quicker for the three of us to discuss the issue together than to pass on messages to each other.
**make sense: 理にかなっている
That makes sense. So, what’s the issue?
**shortage: 不足
**i.e. (id est): すなわち、言い換えれば ※元はラテン語※
**workforce: (企業などの)全従業員
**project: 推定する、予想する
We have an issue of a skills shortage on the production lines, i.e., the performance of the workforce is lower than projected.
※ project は
★Business Phrase of the Day
Let me come straight to the point.
come straight to the point は「単刀直入に言う」というフレーズ。
straight(まっすぐに)を省略した come to the point も同様に使われる。
straight を省略し、come の代わりに get を使って、get to the point ということもできる。
come straight to the point
come to the point
get to the point
In that case, why don’t you just get to the point?
**in that case: もしそうなら、その場合
Firstly, I ask everyone here to be honest and get straight to the point.
Let me focus on the income projection and go straight to the point.
**income projection: 収入予想
★Alternative Expressions
get down to business: 本題に入る
Let’s get down to business, shall we?
get down to it: 本題に入る
Please get right down to it. We don’t have much time left.
※ down to it の it は「話の内容」を指す
cut to the chase: すぐ本題に入る
Please don’t beat around the bush. Just cut right to the chase.
**beat around the bush: 狩りをするとき獲物が怖がらないように少しずつ草むらを叩いておびき寄せたところから
※イギリス英語では around の代わりに about を使う
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: Paula, I’ve got a problem that I need to deal with right now. Could you please attend the marketing meeting this afternoon on my behalf? The agenda is familiar to you, so you won’t be uncomfortable.
**deal with: 対処する
**on my behalf: 私に代わって
※ on behalf of ~ は「~の代わりに、~の代理として、~を代表して」でTOEIC頻出フレーズです!
**be familiar to ~: ~をよく知っている
B: Actually, I have a meeting with ABC that I cannot cancel at the last minute. Someone from our department has to attend, right? Why don’t you ask Sam to attend instead? He’s probably free this afternoon.
**at the last minute: 直前になって、ギリギリになってから
**instead: 代わりに