ラジオビジネス英語 2022年8月/2月号各放送まとめ

【ラジオビジネス英語】Lesson 57 英文メール「採用の書類選考に協力する」

August 17 Wednesday, 2022
February 15 Wednesday, 2023
Lesson 57 英文メール「採用の書類選考に協力する」

Today’s Email


Subject: Screening process

Thank you for sending the candidates’ CVs and cover letters.

Considering the role as an accounting manager, I think that two of the 12 candidates stand out.

・Taro Heinemann
Taro has substantial experience in accounting in a German automobile parts company in Bengaluru, so he should be familiar with the job.

・Ogawa Kiko
Kiko is a returnee from the UK and has a strong academic background. She worked in an automobile company in France for three years, so she may be suited to a global company like ours.

This is just my impression, so ultimately it’s your call. I hope you’ll find someone that suits the job.

Good luck!

**stand out:
**it’s your call: 


Emma’s Reply

Hi Kana

Thank you for taking the time to go through the CVs.

I also thought the two you mentioned are strong candidates. I’d like to add three more people for the first round of interviews.

Since the interviews are online, would you be able to participate for Taro and Kiko? I’d like you to see how proficient they are in a Japanese business environment, both culturally and linguistically.

If you can help us, could you let us know when is convenient for you next week or the week after?

Many thanks

**go through:
**the first round of interviews:
**next week or the week after: 


Your Turn

Hi Emma

I’m not an HR professional, but I’d be happy to help you as much as I can.

I’m afraid my schedule is almost full next week. As for the week after next, I’ll only be available for a couple of time slots.



**as much as ~:
**time slot:



Why not fill vacancies with internal recruiting first?
**why not ~?:
**internal recruiting:

What I consider important are mental toughness and sound judgment.
**mental toughness:
**sound judgment:

We’re looking for someone with vision and drive who can lead projects and motivate a team.

August 17 Wednesday, 2022
February 15 Wednesday, 2023
Lesson 57 英文メール「採用の書類選考に協力する」

Today’s Email


Subject: Screening process

Thank you for sending the candidates’ CVs and cover letters.

**CV: 履歴書(英)
**resume: 履歴書、レジュメ(米)


Considering the role as an accounting manager, I think that two of the 12 candidates stand out.

**stand out: 突出する、目立つ


・Taro Heinemann

Taro has substantial experience in accounting in a German automobile parts company in Bengaluru, so he should be familiar with the job.

**substantial: かなりの、相当な


・Ogawa Kiko

Kiko is a returnee from the UK and has a strong academic background. She worked in an automobile company in France for three years, so she may be suited to a global company like ours.

→ has a strong academic background の strong は「しっかりした」という意味。solid を使ってもOK

**returnee: 帰国子女、帰国者
**suit: 合う、適合する


This is just my impression, so ultimately it’s your call. I hope you’ll find someone that suits the job.

**ultimately: 最後に、最終的に
**it’s your call: あなたの判断に委ねる
※ call は「決定 = decision」という意味

Good luck!


Emma’s Reply

Hi Kana

Thank you for taking the time to go through the CVs.

**go through: 検討する


I also thought the two you mentioned are strong candidates. I’d like to add three more people for the first round of interviews.

**mention: 言及する、触れる
**the first round of interviews: 一次面接


Since the interviews are online, would you be able to participate for Taro and Kiko? I’d like you to see how proficient they are in a Japanese business environment, both culturally and linguistically.

**since: ~なので、~だから
**participate: 参加する
**proficient: 熟達した、堪能な
**linguistically: 言語的に、言語学的に


If you can help us, could you let us know when is convenient for you next week or the week after?

**next week or the week after: 来週か再来週

Many thanks


Your Turn

Hi Emma

I’m not an HR professional, but I’d be happy to help you as much as I can.

**as much as ~: ~だけ(多く)


I’m afraid my schedule is almost full next week. As for the week after next, I’ll only be available for a couple of time slots.

**time slot: 時間帯



I’d be happy to attend the second round of interviews, if that’s OK with you.

**I’d be happy ~: 喜んで~する

I could join the second round of interviews, if that would help.





Why not fill vacancies with internal recruiting first?

**why not ~?: ~してはどうだろう?
**internal recruiting: 社内公募


What I consider important are mental toughness and sound judgment.

**mental toughness: 精神的な強さ、メンタルの強さ、気力
**sound judgment: 的確な判断力、健全な判断


We’re looking for someone with vision and drive who can lead projects and motivate a team.

**drive: 意欲、活力、気力、やる気

名古屋BEGビジネス英会話ジム、代表兼パーソナルトレーナー。 高校で挫折した英語を社会人でやり直し、アメリカのアリゾナ州フェニックスにある企業で働く。ホームシックになりながらも勤め上げる。 帰国後は名古屋で海外営業、輸出入関連業務、海外人材教育などに携わった後に英語講師へ。 海外営業時代は英語で様々な国の顧客とやり取りし、交渉し、コミュニケーションを取り営業をおこない、「Norikoがそう言うなら信じるよ!」と言われるほどの信頼関係を築く。 英語の勉強が続けられない…という生徒さんたちの悩みを受けて「強制的に英語を継続させる」英会話パーソナルトレーナーに進化しました。 アメリカ大好きすぎて北米大陸を3ヶ月かけて横断(往復)したこともアリ。若かった…。