March 12 Wednesday, 2025
Lesson 228 大きなwh語
☆Words & Phrases
Do you know that new girl Roxy from Japan?
She’s in Professor Peacock’s Introductory Archaeology class.
What kind of music does she like? – Mainly Japanese pop songs.
I used to live in Japan. – Seriously? I didn’t know that.
**grad (uate) school:
Before starting grad school, I was in Gunma Prefecture for a year.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
Are you friends with her?
この文の friends が複数形なのは「友達同士」を意味しているため。この文は、友達同士の関係かどうかを尋ねている
I used to live in Japan.
used to
used to は「かつて〜だった、かつて~したものだった」で「現在はそうではない」にフォーカスがある

☆Target Forms
Where in Japan did you live?
この文の Where in Japan (日本のどこ) はその例
この文は「3点セット (①空所、②wh 語、③疑問形)」を備えたいつものwh疑問文で、Where did you live? と同じ形をしている
Where in Japan
Where in Japan did you live (場所)?
① What kind of music does she like?
→ What kind of music 全体がwh語
What does she like? と同じように気楽に作れる
② How tall are you?
How old are you?
How far is it?
How much is that?
→ how(どれくらい)は、大きなwh語を頻繁に作る
③ Whose car is that?
→ whose は「所有格」を尋ねることのできるwh語
「Whose +名詞 (誰の~)」は頻繁に使われる
④ Which of these four flavors tastes the best?
→ 大きなwh語は自作できるので、気楽に作り出してくださいね!
R: All right everyone. It’s time to practice. Today, I want you to focus on getting used to the feeling of these「大きなwh語」. All right. So, repeat after us and really feel it with your body as you are saying it.
D: All right everyone. Let’s jump in,
– What kind of music, What kind of music
– What kind of music does she like?
D: Great work. All right. Now let’s try “how”.
– How tall
– How tall are you?
– How old
– How old are you?
– How far
– How far is it?
– How much
– How much is that?
R: All right. Keep going,
– Whose car, Whose car
– Whose car is that?
D: All right and one more. It’s a long one, so do your best.
– Which of these four flavors, Which of these four flavors
– Which of these four flavors tastes the best?
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
**Exactly when ~?:
R: Hey guys. Which part of the lesson was your favorite? We hoped whole thing.
D: Don’t forget to review.
March 12 Wednesday, 2025
Lesson 228 大きなwh語
☆Words & Phrases
Do you know that new girl Roxy from Japan?
※that new girl「あの新しい女の子」の that は「あの」という形容詞です!
**introductory: 入門的な
**archaeology: 考古学
She’s in Professor Peacock’s Introductory Archaeology class.
**mainly: 主に、大部分は
What kind of music does she like? – Mainly Japanese pop songs.
彼女はどんな音楽が好きなんだい?- ほとんどは日本のポップソングね。
**Seriously?: それって本当?/マジで?
I used to live in Japan. – Seriously? I didn’t know that.
前に、日本に住んでいたことがあるから – それって本当の話?そうとは知らなかったわ。
**grad (uate) school: 大学院
**prefecture: 県、府
Before starting grad school, I was in Gunma Prefecture for a year.
☆Grammar and Vocabulary
Are you friends with her?
この文の friends が複数形なのは「友達同士」を意味しているため。この文は、友達同士の関係かどうかを尋ねている
I used to live in Japan.
used to
used to は「かつて〜だった、かつて~したものだった」で「現在はそうではない」にフォーカスがある

☆Target Forms
Where in Japan did you live?
この文の Where in Japan (日本のどこ) はその例
この文は「3点セット (①空所、②wh 語、③疑問形)」を備えたいつものwh疑問文で、Where did you live? と同じ形をしている
Where in Japan
Where in Japan did you live (場所)?
① What kind of music does she like?
→ What kind of music 全体がwh語
What does she like? と同じように気楽に作れる
② How tall are you?
How old are you?
How far is it?
How much is that?
→ how(どれくらい)は、大きなwh語を頻繁に作る
③ Whose car is that?
→ whose は「所有格」を尋ねることのできるwh語
「Whose +名詞 (誰の~)」は頻繁に使われる
④ Which of these four flavors tastes the best?
→ 大きなwh語は自作できるので、気楽に作り出してくださいね!
R: All right everyone. It’s time to practice. Today, I want you to focus on getting used to the feeling of these「大きなwh語」. All right. So, repeat after us and really feel it with your body as you are saying it.
D: All right everyone. Let’s jump in,
– What kind of music, What kind of music
– What kind of music does she like?
D: Great work. All right. Now let’s try “how”.
– How tall
– How tall are you?
– How old
– How old are you?
– How far
– How far is it?
– How much
– How much is that?
R: All right. Keep going,
– Whose car, Whose car
– Whose car is that?
D: All right and one more. It’s a long one, so do your best.
– Which of these four flavors, Which of these four flavors
– Which of these four flavors tastes the best?
D: Unlock your potential.
R: Repetition is the key!
D&R: Great work.
☆Grammar in Action
Where in Oregon are you from? I have family there.
Exactly when did you realize your wallet was missing? Retrace your footsteps.
**Exactly when ~?: 正確にはいつ ~?
**retrace: 引き返す、回顧する
**footsteps: 足跡・足音 →「これまでの行動」を比喩的に表している
What kind of books do you read? I’ve been reading a lot of philosophy lately.
**philosopy: 哲学
※read a lot of philosophy で「たくさん哲学を読む」です。カジュアルな言い方です
R: Hey guys. Which part of the lesson was your favorite? We hoped whole thing.
D: Don’t forget to review.
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