May 17 Tuesday, 2022
November 8 Tuesday, 2022
Lesson 17 工場を見学する(2)
★Words and Phrases
**after all:
This factory is huge!
You’re right. This is, after all, the biggest factory west of the Mississippi.
**in a day:
The amount of electricity we use here in a day is roughly the same as the city of Phoenix, Arizona.
**come off the line:
How many cars come off the line in a day?
**on site:
We have about 60,000 personnel here.
**twice the number:
That’s a lot of people…more than twice the number at Iroha!
A lot of them have been with us for several generations.
**move shop:
**owe to~:
We’ve often thought of moving shop, but we also owe a lot to this community…
**municipal government:
**port authority:
**you name it:
…which includes our suppliers, the municipal government, the port authorities, you name it.
I guess Romano has always been the fabric of society here!
★Business Phrase of the Day
We also owe a lot to this community.
owe to~ 「~に借りがある・世話になる」
I owe a great deal to my team in finishing off this project.
**finish off:
owe it to 人 to~:
We owe it to our children to make our planet sustainable.
I still owe you for the meal.
★Alternative Expressions
in debt:
I’ll do it because I’m forever in your debt.
benefit from:
The gym members greatly benefited from the upgrade of the facilities.
be indebted to:
I’m deeply indebted to you for your commitment and support.
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: The cross-strait tunnel project overcame many difficulties to reach completion. It’s a miracle we met the deadline they gave us.
B: I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been. It’s a credit to Japanese technology and time management.
May 17 Tuesday, 2022
November 8 Tuesday, 2022
Lesson 17 工場を見学する(2)
★Words and Phrases
**after all: 何といっても
This factory is huge!
You’re right. This is, after all, the biggest factory west of the Mississippi.
**amount: 量、総計、総額
**electricity: 電気、電力
**in a day: 一日で、一日に
**roughly: ざっと、概略的に
The amount of electricity we use here in a day is roughly the same as the city of Phoenix, Arizona.
**come off the line: 完成する=生産ラインから離れる(直訳)
How many cars come off the line in a day?
**60,000: sixty-thousand ※60と1000、です
**personnel: 人員
**on site: 工事現場、現地、現場
We have about 60,000 personnel on site.
※ personnel は「人事課、人事部」の意味もあります
**twice the number: 数の2倍
That’s a lot of people…more than twice the number at Iroha!
**generation: 同時代の人々、一世代
A lot of them have been with us for several generations.
**move shop: 移転する
※ shop というと「お店やさん」のイメージがあるが、モノを作ったり、修理したりするところも shop と表します
**owe to~: ~に借りがある
We’ve often thought of moving shop, but we also owe a lot to this community…
**municipal government: 地方政府、自治体
**port authority: 港湾局
**you name it: ~など何でも
…which includes our suppliers, the municipal government, the port authorities, you name it.
※ You name it!「何でも言ってごらん!」のニュアンス
**fabric: 基礎構造、骨組み、支え
I guess Romano has always been the fabric of society here!
★Business Phrase of the Day
We also owe a lot to this community.
owe to~ 「~に借りがある・世話になる」
I owe a great deal to my team in finishing off this project.
**finish off: 完全に仕事を終える
owe it to 人 to~:
We owe it to our children to make our planet sustainable.
※この文の owe は、借りがあるよりも「義務を負っている」と訳すとピッタリ
※ it = to make our planet sustainable
I still owe you for the meal.
※ I owe you a meal for helping me.「お礼に食事でも」
★Alternative Expressions
in debt: 借りがある
I’ll do it because I’m forever in your debt.
benefit from: 恩恵を受ける
The gym members greatly benefited from the upgrade of the facilities.
be indebted to: 感謝する
I’m deeply indebted to you for your commitment and support.
※indebted は、手を差し伸べてくれたことに対して丁寧に感謝の気持ちを伝える
**deeply: 深く、徹底的に、非常に
**commitment: 献身
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: The cross-strait tunnel project overcame many difficulties to reach completion. It’s a miracle we met the deadline they gave us.
**cross-strait: 海峡横断
**overcome: 打ち勝つ、乗り越える
**completion: 完成、完了
B: I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been. It’s a credit to Japanese technology and time management.
**credit: 信頼、信用