ラジオビジネス英語 2022年8月/2月号各放送まとめ

【ラジオビジネス英語】Lesson 52 アメリカ側の交渉結果を聞く

August 8 Monday, 2022
February 6 Monday, 2023
Lesson 52 アメリカ側の交渉結果を聞く

Words and Phrases

**in short:
In short, No.

**large-volume production:

There’s simply not enough time, and they don’t have experience in large-volume production.



I asked if they could increase their output in their current factory in Mexico, but that would mean building a new factory.


**all the way:

Also, it’s not cost-effective to ship from Mexico all the way to India.


If they can guarantee the quality, wouldn’t it be easier to ask them to supply us?


**willing to ~:
**quality control:

There are other battery makers with factories there, but those willing to supply us all have issues with quality control.


**it comes down to ~:
I guess it all comes down to Asakura’s production capacity.


Business Phrase of the Day

I guess it all comes down to Asakura’s production capacity.

it comes down to ~ は「それは結局~だ」という意味のフレーズ。



It all comes down to how much funding we get through crowdfunding.

It all comes down to whether or not we want to invest in Brazil.

Effectively, it comes down to how the audience reacts.


Alternative Expressions


Ultimately, the CEO has the final say.
**final say:

In the end:
In the end, the customer was satisfied with our response.

Eventually, they got married and moved to Melbourne.


Upgrade Your Communication Skills



A: Regarding the location of a regional headquarters in Asia, the tax benefits are only incidental and should be judged from the perspective of smooth business management and business expansion. So that leaves Bangkok and Singapore.

B: It’s hard to tell between the two cities. Instead of concentrating our resources in one place, we could place our sales and marketing in Bangkok and accounting and other administrative functions in Singapore. What do you think?

**that leaves ~:

**administrative function:

August 8 Monday, 2022
February 6 Monday, 2023
Lesson 52 アメリカ側の交渉結果を聞く

Words and Phrases

**in short: 要するに、手短に言えば
In short, No.


**simply: 簡単に、平易に、単純に
**large-volume production: 大量生産

There’s simply not enough time, and they don’t have experience in large-volume production.


**output: 生産高、生産
**current: 現在の
**could: ~ということもあり得る、もしかして~できるのではないだろうか、~もないことはない

I asked if they could increase their output in their current factory in Mexico, but that would mean building a new factory.

※ could と would は助動詞の過去形ではなく仮定的な使い方です


**cost-effective: 費用対効果の高い、費用効率の良い
**all the way: はるばる

Also, it’s not cost-effective to ship from Mexico all the way to India.


**guarantee: 保証する、請け合う
If they can guarantee the quality, wouldn’t it be easier to ask them to supply us?


**willing to ~: ~する準備はできている、~してもかまわない


We’re willing to pay 1 million yen.

**quality control: 品質管理

There are other battery makers with factories there, but those willing to supply us all have issues with quality control.


**it comes down to ~: それは突き詰めると~だ、それは~に行きつく
I guess it all comes down to Asakura’s production capacity.


Business Phrase of the Day

I guess it all comes down to Asakura’s production capacity.

it comes down to ~ は「それは結局~だ」という意味のフレーズ。




It all comes down to how much funding we get through crowdfunding.

It all comes down to whether or not we want to invest in Brazil.

Effectively, it comes down to how the audience reacts.

**effectively: 事実上、実質的に


Alternative Expressions


Ultimately: 最終的に
Ultimately, the CEO has the final say.

**final say: 最終決定権


In the end: 最終的には
In the end, the customer was satisfied with our response.

※ In the end は「いろいろあったけど最後は…」というニュアンスです


Eventually: 最終的に、やがて
Eventually, they got married and moved to Melbourne.



Upgrade Your Communication Skills



A: Regarding the location of a regional headquarters in Asia, the tax benefits are only incidental and should be judged from the perspective of smooth business management and business expansion. So that leaves Bangkok and Singapore.


**regional: 地域の
**incidental: 付随して起こる、二次的な
**perspective: 見方、態度、視点
**expansion: 拡大
**that leaves ~: 残りは~ですね


B: It’s hard to tell between the two cities. Instead of concentrating our resources in one place, we could place our sales and marketing in Bangkok and accounting and other administrative functions in Singapore. What do you think?


**administrative function: 管理機能


高校で英語に挫折した後、アメリカ旅行をきっかけに社会人で英語をやり直し、アメリカのアリゾナ州フェニックスにある企業で働きました。ホームシック🥺になりながらもアメリカ滞在は約5年に。 🌵 帰国後は名古屋で海外営業、輸出入関連業務、海外人材教育などに携わります。海外営業時代は英語で様々な国の顧客と交渉・折衝しながら英語でのコミュニケーション力を磨き…「Norikoがそう言うなら信じるよ!」と顧客に言われるほどの信頼関係を築くことに成功しました! 🌵 この英会話ジムは、アメリカで英語が不自由だったためにした、私の辛い経験から「これから海外に出ていく日本人に、同じような目にはあってほしくない!」という想いで運営しております。目指すところは、あなたの海外での成功と、日本の明るい未来です! 🌵 アメリカ大好きすぎてアメリカ大陸を3ヶ月かけて横断(往復)したこともアリ。若かった… 🌵 TOEIC925、IELTS7.0(OA)