August 23 Tuesday, 2022
February 21 Tuesday, 2023
Lesson 59 対応策を見出す
★Words and Phrases
**no matter how ~:
Sadly, no matter how much the technology develops, we can’t make the time difference any smaller.
**call for ~:
Busy times call for long hours. That’s just life.
So, can we expect a productive solution from Dallas?
**for the short term:
Yes, the new joiners seem to have good hands-on experience, so it makes two other skilled staff available for Chennai, at least for the short term.
**apply for ~:
**work permit:
As for the two staff I mentioned yesterday, they’ve already applied for a work permit in India.
**according to ~:
**be granted:
According to the Indian embassy in Tokyo, the visa should be granted in a week or so.
**sort ~ out:
Hopefully, this will sort things out.
★Business Phrase of the Day
Hopefully, this will sort things out.
sort out は「〜を解決する」という意味のフレーズで、難しい問題をうまく処理する、という時に使われる。
目的語が短いときは sort ~ out、長いときは sort out ~ という語順になる
We’ve finally sorted out the software glitch.
I’m pleased that we’ve sorted out all the outstanding issues.
sort itself out で「自然に解決する」
Eventually, it will sort itself out.
★Alternative Expressions
Our in-house lawyer helped us resolve the ambiguities in the contract.
What do you think is the best way to settle the complaint from the customer?
iron out:
Let’s iron out this potential issue before it gets too late.
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
相手に感謝の気持ちを伝えるときは、Thank you. に一言添えるように工夫する。
A: Thank you for your help with this very difficult task. To be honest, I didn’t expect to find a solution so quickly. In particular, I was impressed with the versatility of your legal arsenal. I would never have thought of that solution.
B: Well, somehow, the idea just came up. Anyway, I’m glad that the problem has been resolved. I may ask for your help should our department face issues. After all, this is a give-and-take relationship.
**To be honest:
**in particular:
**After all:
※ should は if と同じ役割
August 23 Tuesday, 2022
February 21 Tuesday, 2023
Lesson 59 対応策を見出す
★Words and Phrases
**sadly: 悲しいことに
**no matter how ~: どんなに~であろうとも
Sadly, no matter how much the technology develops, we can’t make the time difference any smaller.
**call for ~: ~を必要とする、~を要求する
Busy times call for long hours. That’s just life.
**productive: 生産的な
So, can we expect a productive solution from Dallas?
**joiner: 進んで参加する人(ここでは新しく採用した従業員のこと)
**hands-on: 実務に携わる、実地の
※ =手を乗せた、から「直接実務に携わっている」という意味になる
**available: 利用できる、手が空いている、求めに応じてくれる
**for the short term: 短期的に、短期的には
Yes, the new joiners seem to have good hands-on experience, so it makes two other skilled staff available for Chennai, at least for the short term.
**apply for ~: 〜を申請する
**work permit: 労働許可、労働許可証
As for the two staff I mentioned yesterday, they’ve already applied for a work permit in India.
**according to ~: 〜によれば、〜の〜の言うところによると
**be granted: 認可される、許可される
According to the Indian embassy in Tokyo, the visa should be granted in a week or so.
**hopefully: 願わくば、できれば、うまくいけば
**sort ~ out: 〜を解決する
Hopefully, this will sort things out.
★Business Phrase of the Day
Hopefully, this will sort things out.
sort out は「〜を解決する」という意味のフレーズで、難しい問題をうまく処理する、という時に使われる。
目的語が短いときは sort ~ out、長いときは sort out ~ という語順になる
We’ve finally sorted out the software glitch.
**glitch: (機械・機器に発生する)不具合、問題、故障、技術的なミス
I’m pleased that we’ve sorted out all the outstanding issues.
**outstanding: 未解決の、未払いの、未処理の
sort itself out で「自然に解決する」
Eventually, it will sort itself out.
**eventually: いずれは、いつかは、最終的には
★Alternative Expressions
resolve: 解決する(難しい問題を処理する)
Our in-house lawyer helped us resolve the ambiguities in the contract.
**ambiguity: 曖昧さ、不明確さ
settle: 解決する(議論や論争を終わらせる、意見の相違を解決する)
What do you think is the best way to settle the complaint from the customer?
**complaint: クレーム、不平、不満、苦情
complement は「補完物、補足、補足物」
compliant は「(仕様・規格・規約などに)準拠した」→コンプライアンス
compliment は「褒め言葉、賛辞」
iron out: (相違点などを)調整する
Let’s iron out this potential issue before it gets too late.
※ iron out = アイロンでシワを伸ばす = 問題のない状態にする
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
相手に感謝の気持ちを伝えるときは、Thank you. に一言添えるように工夫する。
A: Thank you for your help with this very difficult task. To be honest, I didn’t expect to find a solution so quickly. In particular, I was impressed with the versatility of your legal arsenal. I would never have thought of that solution.
**To be honest: 正直に言って、正直なところ
**in particular: 特に
**versatility: 多才、多用途性
**arsenal: 武器 →元々は軍事用語だが、ビジネス上の「武器」にも使える
B: Well, somehow, the idea just came up. Anyway, I’m glad that the problem has been resolved. I may ask for your help should our department face issues. After all, this is a give-and-take relationship.
**somehow: ともかくも
**After all: (いろいろ言ってみたが)やはり、(何だかんだ言っても)結局のところ
※ should は if と同じ役割