September 5 Monday, 2022
March 6 Monday, 2023
Lesson 64 質疑応答に対応する①
★Words and Phrases
**take questions:
Now, we’re happy to take questions from the floor. Yes, the person in the pink shirt.
**the ratio of A to B:
According to the press release, the ratio of electric to hybrid cars is 35:65 at the start, but do you have any plan to increase the production of electric vehicles in the future?
I was expecting that kind of question.
We’ve set a target of 50% for electric cars within two years after the launch of operations, and we’re committed to this target.
**if needed:
We’ll monitor the market development closely and review our strategy anytime if needed.
★Business Phrase of the Day
Does that answer your question?
Does that の that は「自分の答え」を指している。つまり、「私の答えはあなたの質問に答えていますか?」が直訳。
answer の代わりに address を使うこともできる
Does that address your question in enough detail?
make sense もよく使われる
Does that make sense?
Have I answered your question?
★Alternative Expressions
Did I make myself clear?
Is that the kind of answer you were looking for?
Is that what you were referring to?
**refer to ~:
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: Thank you for your answer. I couldn’t have thought of it myself. I think the ideas you just mentioned could be used in our company.
B: My pleasure. I hope it works well. So, any other questions? ,,, You’re all still thinking on this one? … Well, something a lot of people have asked me is what HR systems are needed to retain employees abroad.
September 5 Monday, 2022
March 6 Monday, 2023
Lesson 64 質疑応答に対応する①
★Words and Phrases
**take questions: 質問を受ける
**floor: (このダイアログでは)会場
Now, we’re happy to take questions from the floor. Yes, the person in the pink shirt.
※ from the floor で「会場から」
**the ratio of A to B: AとBの比率
According to the press release, the ratio of electric to hybrid cars is 35:65 at the start, but do you have any plan to increase the production of electric vehicles in the future?
プレスリリースによると、スタート時の電気自動車とハイブリッド車の比率は 35:65 とのことですが、将来的に電気自動車の生産台数を増やす予定はあるのでしょうか?
I was expecting that kind of question.
**launch: 開始、着手、立ち上げ
※ 開始する、着手する、乗り出す、という動詞での使い方もあり
We’ve set a target of 50% for electric cars within two years after the launch of operations, and we’re committed to this target.
**monitor: (動きや状況などを)観察する
**closely: 非常に注意深く、入念に
**review: 見直す、再調査する
**if needed: 必要に応じて、必要なら
We’ll monitor the market development closely and review our strategy anytime if needed.
★Business Phrase of the Day
Does that answer your question?
Does that の that は「自分の答え」を指している。つまり、「私の答えはあなたの質問に答えていますか?」が直訳。
answer の代わりに address(対処する)を使うこともできる
Does that address your question in enough detail?
make sense(理にかなっている)もよく使われる
Does that make sense?
Have I answered your question?
★Alternative Expressions
Did I make myself clear?
Is that the kind of answer you were looking for?
Is that what you were referring to?
**refer to ~: 〜を参照する、〜に注意を向ける
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: Thank you for your answer. I couldn’t have thought of it myself. I think the ideas you just mentioned could be used in our company.
**thought: 考え、思いつき
B: My pleasure. I hope it works well. So, any other questions? ,,, You’re all still thinking on this one? … Well, something a lot of people have asked me is what HR systems are needed to retain employees abroad.
**retain: (~を)持ち続ける、(~を)保っている
something a lot of people have asked me is… と、よく寄せられる質問を引き合いに出して場をつないでいる。
A question that often comes up is… (よくある質問としては~)も覚えておくと便利なフレーズ!