ラジオビジネス英語 2022年9月/3月号各放送まとめ

【ラジオビジネス英語】Lesson 65 質疑応答に対応する②

September 6 Tuesday, 2022
March 7 Tuesday, 2023
Lesson 65 質疑応答に対応する②

Words and Phrases

**round up:
We have to round things up now, so we’ll take one last question.

So, the person in the second row.

You’re stressing the importance of this plant for your company.

** be positioned as ~:
**flagship plant:
Is it positioned as Iroha-Romano’s flagship plant in Asia?

**role to play:
Each plant has its role to play.

**no doubt:
We don’t have what we would call “a flagship plant,” but Chennai is no doubt a plant of extreme strategic importance for Iroha-Romano.

Depending on future market developments and the quality of the cars produced at this plant, it has the potential to become our flagship plant.


Business Phrase of the Day

We have to round things up now.

round up は「まとめる、集める」という意味のフレーズ



When calculating a deduction, please round up to the next $1,000.



We need to round up some more participants for the seminar.

We’ve rounded up a couple of interactive presentation ideas.


Alternative Expressions


Unfortunately, that’s just about all we have time for today.

I’m afraid the time is running out, so let’s wrap up today’s takeaways.
**run out:

If there are no further questions, I’ll finish there.


Upgrade Your Communication Skills



A: When it comes to carbon neutrality, people mostly talk about electric cars and motorbikes, but I think we should be looking more seriously at shifting to public transport. May I ask your opinion on this point?

B: It’s an interesting question, but I’m not an expert on public transport, and I’m afraid it goes a bit beyond the scope of this presentation. Would anyone in the room like to comment?

**carbon neutrality:
**public transport:
**on this point:

September 6 Tuesday, 2022
March 7 Tuesday, 2023
Lesson 65 質疑応答に対応する②

Words and Phrases

**round up: まとめる、集める
We have to round things up now, so we’ll take one last question.


**row: 列
So, the person in the second row.

※一般的(座席や文章など)には「列 = row、行 = line」です。

※エクセルでは「列 = column、行 = row」です。


**stress: (~を)強調する、重視する
You’re stressing the importance of this plant for your company.


** be positioned as ~: ~として位置づけられる
**flagship plant: 旗艦工場
※ flagship は元々は軍隊用語。もっとも重要な船に旗を立てたことから。flagship store(旗艦店)や flagship brand(旗艦ブランド)

Is it positioned as Iroha-Romano’s flagship plant in Asia?


**role to play: 果たすべき役割、担当役割
Each plant has its role to play.


**no doubt: 間違いなく
**strategic: 戦略的な、極めて重要な

We don’t have what we would call “a flagship plant,” but Chennai is no doubt a plant of extreme strategic importance for Iroha-Romano.


**potential: 可能性、ポテンシャル

Depending on future market developments and the quality of the cars produced at this plant, it has the potential to become our flagship plant.


Business Phrase of the Day

We have to round things up now.

round up は「まとめる、集める」という意味のフレーズ



When calculating a deduction, please round up to the next $1,000.





We need to round up some more participants for the seminar.

We’ve rounded up a couple of interactive presentation ideas.

**interactive: 双方向の、インタラクティブな


Alternative Expressions


Unfortunately, that’s just about all we have time for today.


I’m afraid the time is running out, so let’s wrap up today’s takeaways.

**run out: もうない、使い果たす、使い尽くす
**takeaways: 持ち帰り → (話し合いや協議などで持ち上がった)重要な情報、覚えておくべき重要点


If there are no further questions, I’ll finish there.

※締めの一言としてよく使われます!there は「前の質問に答えたところ」です


Upgrade Your Communication Skills



A: When it comes to carbon neutrality, people mostly talk about electric cars and motorbikes, but I think we should be looking more seriously at shifting to public transport. May I ask your opinion on this point?


**carbon neutrality: カーボンニュートラル

**public transport: 公共交通機関
**on this point: この点について

B: It’s an interesting question, but I’m not an expert on public transport, and I’m afraid it goes a bit beyond the scope of this presentation. Would anyone in the room like to comment?


**beyond: ~を越えて、~を過ぎて
**scope: (研究、活動などの)範囲



It’s an interesting question, ~ 


Would anyone in the room like to comment?


名古屋BEGビジネス英会話ジム、代表兼パーソナルトレーナー。 高校で挫折した英語を社会人でやり直し、アメリカのアリゾナ州フェニックスにある企業で働く。ホームシックになりながらも勤め上げる。 帰国後は名古屋で海外営業、輸出入関連業務、海外人材教育などに携わった後に英語講師へ。 海外営業時代は英語で様々な国の顧客とやり取りし、交渉し、コミュニケーションを取り営業をおこない、「Norikoがそう言うなら信じるよ!」と言われるほどの信頼関係を築く。 英語の勉強が続けられない…という生徒さんたちの悩みを受けて「強制的に英語を継続させる」英会話パーソナルトレーナーに進化しました。 アメリカ大好きすぎて北米大陸を3ヶ月かけて横断(往復)したこともアリ。若かった…。