July 4 Monday, 2022
January 2 Monday, 2023
Lesson 37 チェンナイ市内に入る
★Words and Phrases
We’re entering downtown!
It was so scary to drive the narrow roads in Tokyo, but this is a different game.
**mean nothing:
Everything’s so sudden and random! The lanes mean nothing here.
If this car survives a week without a scratch or a bump, I’ll give you a medal.
Oh my god, we’re being tailgated.
There’s no bad intent – this is just the way everyone drives here.
Why do they honk all the time? Do they have horns attached to the brake pedal?
★Business Phrase of the Day
You need to show other drivers that you’re not giving way.
give way「道を譲る」というフレーズ。一般的には「取って代わられる」という意味。
A give way to B で「A が B に道を与える」
You must give way to buses when they’re leaving the bus stop.
Make sure you give way to cars coming from the right at a roundabout.
Telephone calls are giving way to emails, particularly in business.
★Alternative Expressions
yield to:
Watch out! You have to stop and yield to pedestrians here.
let ~ past:
Let the oncoming car past.
make way for ~:
I stopped to make way for a truck to go past.
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: In Indian films, there’s almost always a very long dance scene. I’ve heard that in cinemas, when a dancing scene begins, the audience stands up and start screaming and dancing. Am I exaggerating a bit?
B: No, not at all. Song and dance are central to the daily lives of all Indians. As there are a lot of languages spoken in India, song and dance are used as common methods of emotional expression. Without dance, a movie would be incomplete.
**almost always:
**common method:
**emotional expression:
July 4 Monday, 2022
January 2 Monday, 2023
Lesson 37 チェンナイ市内に入る
★Words and Phrases
**downtown: 市街地、商業地区、繁華街、ビジネス街、中心街
We’re entering downtown!
**scary: 怖い、恐ろしい
It was so scary to drive the narrow roads in Tokyo, but this is a different game.
**random: でたらめの、乱雑な
**mean nothing: なにも意味しない
Everything’s so sudden and random! The lanes mean nothing here.
**scratch: すり傷、ひっかき傷
**bump: ぶつかること、(車の)軽い衝突事故
If this car survives a week without a scratch or a bump, I’ll give you a medal.
**tailgate: 前の車の後ろにピッタリついて走る(車間が狭い状態のこと)
Oh my god, we’re being tailgated.
**intent: 意図
There’s no bad intent – this is just the way everyone drives here.
悪意はありません – これがここでの運転の仕方なんですよ。
**honk: クラクションを鳴らす
**horn: クラクション
Why do they honk all the time? Do they have horns attached to the brake pedal?
★Business Phrase of the Day
You need to show other drivers that you’re not giving way.
give way「道を譲る」というフレーズ。一般的には「取って代わられる」という意味。
A give way to B で「A が B に道を与える」
You must give way to buses when they’re leaving the bus stop.
Make sure you give way to cars coming from the right at a roundabout.
**roundabout: 環状/円形交差点、回り道
Telephone calls are giving way to emails, particularly in business.
**particularly: 特に
★Alternative Expressions
yield to: ~に譲る、譲歩する
Watch out! You have to stop and yield to pedestrians here.
**pedestrian: 歩行者
let ~ past: ~を先に行かせる
Let the oncoming car past.
make way for ~: ~に道を空ける
I stopped to make way for a truck to go past.
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: In Indian films, there’s almost always a very long dance scene. I’ve heard that in cinemas, when a dancing scene begins, the audience stands up and start screaming and dancing. Am I exaggerating a bit?
**almost always: 大抵、ほとんどの場合、ほぼ必ず
**exaggerate: (実際以上に)大げさに言う、誇張する、強調しすぎる
B: No, not at all. Song and dance are central to the daily lives of all Indians. As there are a lot of languages spoken in India, song and dance are used as common methods of emotional expression. Without dance, a movie would be incomplete.
**common method: 共通方法
**emotional expression: 感情表現
**incomplete: 不完全な、不十分な