May 24 Tuesday, 2022
November 15 Tuesday, 2022
Lesson 20 ミーティングで問題点に切り込む
★Words and Phrases
**go below:
Was there anything you felt went below your expectations?
**limited exposure:
It’s difficult to say with the limited exposure I’ve had today, but the number of monthly recalls seems like a lot.
**come to terms with~:
**in terms of:
**quality control:
I worry Tokyo may have difficulty coming to terms with Dallas in terms of quality control.
**used to:
We used to aim for zero recalls, but they always happen.
**what matters is~:
I think what matters is how you deal with them.
**apart from:
Do your suppliers have other customers apart from Romano?
**not really:
**as long as~:
**meet one’s quality needs:
Well, not really… but we’re fine, as long as they meet our quality needs.
**rely on:
**set a goal:
**so that~:
I mean, Iroha also has suppliers who really on us, but we set goals for them so that they strive to improve their cost and quality performance.
**stand on one’s own feet:
**in case:
**run into:
**tough time:
That way, they can stand on their own feet in case we run into tough times.
**lead to:
That effort leads to fewer recalls, right?
★Business Phrase of the Day
What matters is how you deal with them.
What matters is ~ 「重要なのは~だ」
What matters is how we raise our profile in the local market.
What matters is that we can attract the best and brightest global talent.
The result wasn’t great, but there was a lot to learn from the process. That’s what matters.
★Alternative Expressions
come down to:
It all comes down to how much money can be spent on basic research.
**basic research:
the point:
The point is we have to finish the project on time.
**on time:
the bottom line:
There are many factors to be considered, but here’s the bottom line.
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: I feel that traditional marketing methods are becoming less popular these days. Do you think there’s room for reviewing the ratio of web marketing?
B: When you say review, you mean increase its percentage, right? I think that depends on what the web advertising will involve.
・自分の意見として言う場合は、I feel や I think を付けてハッキリと「自分の意見である」ことを示す。付けなければそれは事実として言っていることになる。
**traditional marketing method:
**these days:
**depend on~:
May 24 Tuesday, 2022
November 15 Tuesday, 2022
Lesson 20 ミーティングで問題点に切り込む
★Words and Phrases
**go below: ~を下回る、~より低くなる
**expectation: 予期、予想、期待、期待されていること
Was there anything you felt went below your expectations?
**exposure: 身を置くこと、さらすこと
**limited exposure: 限られた部分しか見ていないこと
**seem: (…と)見える、思われる
It’s difficult to say with the limited exposure I’ve had today, but the number of monthly recalls seems like a lot.
**difficulty: 難しさ、困難(名詞)
※ difficult は形容詞で「 困難な、難しい、理解しにくい」
**come to terms with~: ~と折り合いをつける、~を受け入れる
**in terms of: ~に関して、~の観点から(言うと、見ると)
**quality control: 品質管理
I worry Tokyo may have difficulty coming to terms with Dallas in terms of quality control.
**used to: 以前は~だった(過去の状態を表す)
**aim: 狙う、目指す
We used to aim for zero recalls, but they always happen.
**what matters is~: 重要なのは~である
I think what matters is how you deal with them.
**supplier: サプライヤー、(材料や部品などの)供給元
**apart from: ~は別として
Do your suppliers have other customers apart from Romano?
**not really: それほどでもない
**as long as~: ~する限り
**meet one’s quality needs: ~の品質ニーズを満たす
Well, not really… but we’re fine, as long as they meet our quality needs.
**rely on: ~を頼りにする、~を信頼する
**set a goal: 目標を設定する
**so that~: ~できるように
**strive: (達成しようと)努力する、骨を折る
I mean, Iroha also has suppliers who really on us, but we set goals for them so that they strive to improve their cost and quality performance.
**stand on one’s own feet: 自律する
**in case: 万が一、念のため
**run into: ~に突入する、~に衝突する、~にぶち当たる
**tough time: 厳しい時期、辛い時期
That way, they can stand on their own feet in case we run into tough times.
**effort: 努力
**lead to: ~に通じる、~につながる
That effort leads to fewer recalls, right?
★Business Phrase of the Day
What matters is how you deal with them.
What matters is ~ 「重要なのは~だ」
What matters is how we raise our profile in the local market.
**raise: 上げる raise – raised – raised
※ rise は「上がる」rise – rose – risen
**profile: 注目度、目立ち具合
What matters is that we can attract the best and brightest global talent.
**attract: 引きつける
**brightest: 最も聡明な
※ bright「輝いている、利口な、頭の良い、聡明な、頭脳明晰な」の最上級
**talent: 才能、才能あふれる人
The result wasn’t great, but there was a lot to learn from the process. That’s what matters.
★Alternative Expressions
come down to: 決め手となるのは~だ、~に行きつく
It all comes down to how much money can be spent on basic research.
**basic research: 基礎研究
the point: 重要なこと
The point is we have to finish the project on time.
**on time: 予定通りの、期日どおりの、期限に間に合う
the bottom line: 最重要ポイント
There are many factors to be considered, but here’s the bottom line.
**consider: 考慮する
**factor: 要素
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: I feel that traditional marketing methods are becoming less popular these days. Do you think there’s room for reviewing the ratio of web marketing?
B: When you say review, you mean increase its percentage, right? I think that depends on what the web advertising will involve.
・自分の意見として言う場合は、I feel や I think を付けてハッキリと「自分の意見である」ことを示す。付けなければそれは事実として言っていることになる。
**traditional marketing method: 従来のマーケティング手法
**these days: 最近
※ recently も「最近」だが、recently は現在完了か過去形の動詞とともに用い、 現在形では用いないので注意!
**review: 見直す、再検討する、復習する、振り替える
**ratio: 比率
**depend on~: ~による