May 13 Friday, 2022
Lesson 25 今週のReview
☆Listening Challenge
What will Masaya buy?
A: Colorful socks
B: Cute dragons
C: Character socks
Which of the following is true?
A: Roxy has a fever.
B: Roxy’s Grandpa is more used to Fahrenheit than Celsius.
C: The room temperature is too high for Roxy.
What advice does the station staff give Caspar?
A: To check all his belongings before getting off the train.
B: To always have his passport.
C: To describe his bag in detail.
What did Deena and Masaya have?
A: A delicious, luxury burger
B: The biggest hamburger Masaya had ever eaten
C: A hamburger that takes 15 minutes to cook
☆Say it in English
1⃣ 遠距離恋愛中のあなた。昨日は「おつき合い1ヶ月記念日」だったのに、ボーイフレンドから電話はありませんでした。翌日電話をかけてきた彼に怒りをぶつけます。
Boyfriend: Sorry I didn’t give you a call. It’s because I…
2⃣ あなたはカメラマンで、ファッションモデルの撮影をしています。撮影がしばらく続いたため、モデルが疲れてしまったよう。モニターでモデルと写真を確認しながら休憩を提案しましょう。
Fashion model: I’m a bit tired.
**~, don’t you think?
O: Hey, Roza. You work as a model, and do photography, too, right?
R: That’s right.
O: Any tips?
R: Sure. Well, I have a couple of tips for photography.
One thing that beginners often do is, they put the subject
in a middle of the frame.
So I would suggest to offset the subject from the middle.
That will give a little bit more than an artistic photo.
Also, I suggest following photographers whose photos you like, and of course, practice, practice, practice!
May 13 Friday, 2022
Lesson 25 今週のReview
☆Listening Challenge
What will Masaya buy?
A: Colorful paints
B: Cute dragons
C: Character socks
Which of the following is true?
A: Roxy has a fever.
B: Roxy’s Grandpa is more used to Fahrenheit than Celsius.
C: The room temperature is too high for Roxy.
What advice does the station staff give Caspar?
A: To check all his belongings before getting off the train
B: To always have his passport
C: To describe his bag in detail
What did Deena and Masaya have?
A: A delicious, luxury burger
B: The biggest hamburger Masaya had ever eaten
C: A hamburger that takes 15 minutes to cook
☆Say it in English
1⃣ 遠距離恋愛中のあなた。昨日は「おつき合い1ヶ月記念日」だったのに、ボーイフレンドから電話はありませんでした。翌日電話をかけてきた彼に怒りをぶつけます。
Boyfriend: Sorry I didn’t give you a call. It’s because I…
Listen. You’re not taking our relationship seriously.
・take ~ seriously は「~を真剣に考える」。take の「受け入れる」から出てくる意味合い
**seriously: 真剣に
I can’t take it anymore. It’s time to say goodbye.
・I can’t take it anymore. はまとめて覚えること!
・It’s time to~ は「~するときが来た」
2⃣ あなたはカメラマンで、ファッションモデルの撮影をしています。撮影がしばらく続いたため、モデルが疲れてしまったよう。モニターでモデルと写真を確認しながら休憩を提案しましょう。
Fashion model: I’m a bit tired.
OK, let’s take a break. We’ve already taken a lot of pictures.
・take a break は「一休みする」
・take picture は「写真を撮る」
By the way, take a look at these. We can do better, don’t you think?
・take a look at~ は「ちょっと~を見る」。気軽なフレーズ
**~, don’t you think?: そうは思わない?
O: Hey, Roza. You work as a model, and do photography, too, right?
R: That’s right.
O: Any tips?
R: Sure. Well, I have a couple of tips for photography.
One thing that beginners often do is, they put the subject
in a middle of the frame.
So I would suggest to offset the subject from the middle.
That will give a little bit more than an artistic photo.
Also, I suggest following photographers whose photos you like, and of course, practice, practice, practice!
See you next week!