ラジオビジネス英語 2022年9月/3月号各放送まとめ

【ラジオビジネス英語】Lesson 69 英文メール「新聞社の依頼を受ける」

September 14 Wednesday, 2022
March 15 Wednesday, 2023
Lesson 69 英文メール「新聞社の依頼を受ける」

Today’s Email



Subject: Re: Request for Press Interview

Dear Dr Patel

Thank you for your email. I’m delighted by the interest our project is receiving from the press.

Regarding your request, Henry and I are happy to do an interview. It is a great honor that a national economic newspaper is showing interest in our new plant.

I’m afraid we only have the following time slots available, but would any of them work for you?

Wed 21 10:00 to 12:00
Thurs 22 13:00 onwards


**be delighted:
**regarding ~: 

**I’m afraid ~:
**time slot:


Patel’s Reply

Hi Kana

Thank you for agreeing to this request on such short notice.

They can make it on Thursday. Shall we fix at 15:00-16:00 on Thursday 22?

I am attaching the interview questions from them. The interviewer is Anik Kumar. He is a friend of mine from when I studied engineering at the Hindustan Institute of Technology. Some questions might be a bit difficult to answer, but I hope they will write a positive article that will help enhance your reputation.


PS: Please address me as “Sunil.” I think it’s about time.

**short notice:
**make it:


Your Turn

Hi Sunil

The date and time you specified is fine. Thank you for the interview questions. It is very reassuring to know that the interviewer is a friend of yours.

I have one request to make: our public relations officer says she would like to observe the interview. Would that be all right?



**public relations officer:



The presence of a Spanish interpreter is reassuring.

Just to be on the safe side, I extended the guarantee from one to five years.

Visiting a secluded shrine puts my mind at ease.

September 14 Wednesday, 2022
March 15 Wednesday, 2023
Lesson 69 英文メール「新聞社の依頼を受ける」

Today’s Email



Subject: Re: Request for Press Interview
件名:Re: プレスインタビューの依頼

Dear Dr Patel

Thank you for your email. I’m delighted by the interest our project is receiving from the press.

**press: マスコミ、報道陣、記者団
**be delighted: 嬉しく思う


Regarding your request, Henry and I are happy to do an interview. It is a great honor that a national economic newspaper is showing interest in our new plant.


**regarding ~: ~に関して、~について


I’m afraid we only have the following time slots available, but would any of them work for you?

Wed 21 10:00 to 12:00
Thurs 22 13:00 onwards


**I’m afraid ~: 残念ながら~、申し訳ないのですが~
**time slot: 時間帯
**onward: 前方へ、先へ、進んで




Patel’s Reply

Hi Kana

Thank you for agreeing to this request on such short notice.


**short notice: 直前の知らせ、突然の知らせ


They can make it on Thursday. Shall we fix at 15:00-16:00 on Thursday 22?


**make it: 都合をつける、成し遂げる


I am attaching the interview questions from them. The interviewer is Anik Kumar. He is a friend of mine from when I studied engineering at the Hindustan Institute of Technology. Some questions might be a bit difficult to answer, but I hope they will write a positive article that will help enhance your reputation.


**interviewer: インタビュアー、インタビューする人
※インタビューされる人、は interviewee

**enhance: 高める、強める


PS: Please address me as “Sunil.” I think it’s about time.



Your Turn

Hi Sunil

The date and time you specified is fine. Thank you for the interview questions. It is very reassuring to know that the interviewer is a friend of yours.


**specify: 明確に述べる
**reassure: (人を)安心させる、(人に)自信を与える


I have one request to make: our public relations officer says she would like to observe the interview. Would that be all right?

**public relations officer: 広報係、広報担当者
**observe: 観察する、見学する



No worries if that’s too much of a hassle.

・hassle は「面倒なこと、煩わしいこと」

・No worries. は Don’t worry. と同じ意味のフレーズ


If it’s difficult, please disregard this matter.

・disregard は「無視する」なので、disregard this matter で「この件を忘れる」となる





The presence of a Spanish interpreter is reassuring.

**interpreter: 通訳者


Just to be on the safe side, I extended the guarantee from one to five years.

※ just to be on the safe side は「安全な側にいるだけのために」=念のため


Visiting a secluded shrine puts my mind at ease.

**seclude: (人を)引きこもらせる、(場所を)隔絶させる

高校で英語に挫折しましたが、アメリカ旅行をきっかけに社会人で英語をやり直し、アメリカのアリゾナ州フェニックスにある企業で働きました。ホームシック🥺になりながらもアメリカ滞在は約5年に🌵 帰国後は名古屋で海外営業、輸出入関連業務、海外人材教育などに携わります。海外営業時代は英語で様々な国の顧客と交渉・折衝しながら英語でのコミュニケーション力を磨き…「Norikoがそう言うなら信じるよ!」と顧客に言われるほどの信頼関係を築くことに成功しました! 🌵 その後、英会話スクールでの講師を経て🌵「英語の勉強が続けられない」「英語が話せるようにならない、どうやったら話せるようになるの?」とお悩みの日本人英語学習者が、本当に英語を話せるようになって①世界で活躍できるようになる②海外で悔しい思いをしない③英語が話せないコンプレックスを失くす!ためのスクールを作りたいという想いから、名古屋BEGビジネス英会話ジムを立ち上げました 🌵 アメリカ大好きすぎてアメリカ大陸を3ヶ月かけて横断(往復)したこともアリ。若かった… 🌵 TOEIC925、IELTS7.0(OA)