May 20 Friday, 2022
Lesson 30 今週の Review
☆Listening Challenge
Where does Roxy want to go?
A: A Lovely city like Oxford
B: A place her grandfather has visited before
C: A place farther away than London
Which of the following is true?
A: Wayne’s wife cooked all the dishes.
B: Ms. Stravinsky played the piano.
C: Wayne will drive Ms. Stravinsky home.
What are the two people doing?
A: They’re filming.
B: They’re writing a new song.
C: They’re trying to find a title for the song.
What will the man do?
A: He will sell his collection of figures.
B: He will find a new hobby.
C: He will open the Persian rug store.
☆Say it in English
1⃣ 宝くじに当たったあなた。でも何に使ったのか、お金はとっくに無くなっています。
Dad: Where has all the money gone?
**Easy come, easy go:
2⃣ あなたは親友のケンを同僚に引き合わせようとしています。ケンは少し内気ですが、ステキな人です。
Coworker: What kind of guy is Ken?
**bright future:
O: Actually, I’m a bit shy.
R: Yeah, it’s too bad you don’t have a great personality.
C: As everybody knows, I’m a lot more shy than Sensei.
May 20 Friday, 2022
Lesson 30 今週の Review
☆Listening Challenge
Where does Roxy want to go?
A: A Lovely city like Oxford
B: A place her grandfather has visited before
C: A place farther away than London
Which of the following is true?
A: Wayne’s wife cooked all the dishes.
B: Ms. Stravinsky played the piano.
C: Wayne will drive Ms. Stravinsky home.
What are the two people doing?
A: They’re filming.
B: They’re writing a new song.
C: They’re trying to find a title for the song.
What will the man do?
A: He will sell his collection of figures.
B: He will find a new hobby.
C: He will open the Persian rug store.
☆Say it in English
1⃣ 宝くじに当たったあなた。でも何に使ったのか、お金はとっくに無くなっています。
Dad: Where has all the money gone?
I don’t know where all the money has gone. But I don’t care.
・where 以下は wh節。「どこにお金が行った(のか)」←疑問文ではなく文の部品。
・I don’t care. は「気にしない」。
As the saying goes, “Easy come, easy go,” right?
・as は「=(イコール)」。「ことわざで言うのと同じに」ということ
**saying: ことわざ
**Easy come, easy go: 簡単に手に入るものは、簡単に失なわれる
2⃣ あなたは親友のケンを同僚に引き合わせようとしています。ケンは少し内気ですが、ステキな人です。
Coworker: What kind of guy is Ken?
He may be a little shy, but he has a great personality and a bright future.
・may ~, but… 「~かも知れませんが、…です」。譲歩を表す常套句。
I’m sure you’ll come to like him.
・come to ~ 「~になる」
**personality: 人柄、人格
**bright future: 明るい未来
O: Actually, I’m a bit shy.
R: Yeah, it’s too bad you don’t have a great personality.
C: As everybody knows, I’m a lot more shy than Sensei.
See you next week!