April 26 Tuesday, 2022
October 18 Tuesday, 2022
Lesson 11 ミーティングを終わらせる
★Words and Phrases
**time frame:
We need to establish our positions regarding models, quantity, battery suppliers, location of the new factory, and time frame.
**intend to:
I’ll ask our people on how they intend to tackle all this.
**quite a lot:
We’ve talked quite a lot.
It’s quarter to seven – time for breakfast.
Tokyo is 14 hours ahead of us, so 6 a.m. our time would be…8 p.m. in Tokyo.
**push it:
Is that pushing it?
**early bird:
Let’s keep it this way. I’m an early bird, so it’s fine.
**come in:
Sorry to keep you coming in early – really appreciate it.
Not at all.
★Business Phrase of the Day
I’ll ask our people on how they intend to tackle all this.
tackle は「(難しい問題に)取り組む、(難題を)処理する」という意味の動詞。
・tackle poverty
・tackle crime
のように、tackle の次に課題が来る。
The government needs to tackle the declining birthrate problem.
**declining birthrate problem:
If we are able to tackle this logistics issue, the plan should work.
★Alternative Expressions
deal with:
I need to deal with the backlog of work right away.
**right away:
Was the client satisfied with the way we handled the complaints?
Sooner or later, the government has to address the debt issue.
**sooner or later:
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: It was nice catching up after a long time. Being able to fill each other in through actual conversation is much more straightforward.
B: Yes, it’s not easy to get the message across just by email. I look forward to talking to you in person soon.
**catch up:
**in person:
It was nice catching up after a long time. と、理由も添えて伝えている。
April 26 Tuesday, 2022
October 18 Tuesday, 2022
Lesson 11 ミーティングを終わらせる
★Words and Phrases
**establish: 成立させる、打ち立てる、制定する、確立する
**position: スタンス、姿勢、ポジション、位置
**quantity: 量(⇔ quality: 質)
**time frame:(物事を行うのに必要な)期間、スケジュール感
We need to establish our positions regarding models, quantity, battery suppliers, location of the new factory, and time frame.
**intend to: するつもり、つもりでいる
**tackle: (難しい問題に)取り組む、(難題を)処理する
I’ll ask our people on how they intend to tackle all this.
**quite a lot: かなりたくさん
We’ve talked quite a lot.
**quarter: 4 分の1、四半分、15分、25セント、四半期
It’s quarter to seven – time for breakfast.
※ to は →(矢印)を表す前置詞。
quarter to seven は 「quarter → seven」つまり「7時に向かって15分 = 7時15分前」です
**ahead: 前方に、前方へ、前方へ(進んで)
Tokyo is 14 hours ahead of us, so 6 a.m. our time would be…8 p.m. in Tokyo.
**push it: 極端な行動に出る、やりすぎ、要求を押す
Is that pushing it?
それは押していますか?=やりすぎですか?→ それはさすがに遅いですか?
**early bird: 早起きの人(early riser とも言う)
Let’s keep it this way. I’m an early bird, so it’s fine.
※反対は night owl(夜型の人、宵っぱりの人)です。
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
**come in:(オンライン会議に)入る
**appreciate: ありがたいと思う、感謝する
Sorry to keep you coming in early – really appreciate it.
・thank + 人
・appreciate + 事柄
Not at all.
全くない = とんでもないです。
★Business Phrase of the Day
I’ll ask our people on how they intend to tackle all this.
tackle は「(難しい問題に)取り組む、(難題を)処理する」という意味の動詞。
・tackle poverty(貧困に取り組む)
・tackle crime (犯罪に取り組む)
のように、tackle の次に課題が来る。
The government needs to tackle the declining birthrate problem.
**decline: 傾く、下を向く、衰える、堕落する、退歩する、減退する、下落する
**declining birthrate problem: 少子化問題
If we are able to tackle this logistics issue, the plan should work.
**logistics: 物流
**work: 上手くいく、利き目がある、具合よくいく
★Alternative Expressions
deal with: ~を処理する(問題などを処理するイメージ)
I need to deal with the backlog of work right away.
**backlog: 遅れて溜まったもの、残務
**right away: 今すぐに、さっさと
Was the client satisfied with the way we handled the complaints?
**complaint: 不平、苦情、ぐち
※ claim は「強く主張する、要求する、請求する」です!
Sooner or later, the government has to address the debt issue.
**sooner or later: 遅かれ早かれ
**debt: 債務、借金、負債
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: It was nice catching up after a long time. Being able to fill each other in through actual conversation is much more straightforward.
**catch up: 先行するものに追いつくこと
**straightforward: 複雑でない、簡単な
B: Yes, it’s not easy to get the message across just by email. I look forward to talking to you in person soon.
**across: …を横切って、…を渡って
**in person: 体面で
It was nice catching up after a long time. と「話しができて嬉しかった」と、理由も添えて伝えている。