ラジオビジネス英語 2022年9月/3月号各放送まとめ

【ラジオビジネス英語】Lesson 61 竣工式で社長がスピーチする①

August 29 Monday, 2022
February 27 Monday, 2023
Lesson 61 竣工式で社長がスピーチする①

Words and Phrases

Now, can we have a few words from Anton Meyer, CEO of Iroha-Romano Motor Corporation?

**completion ceremony:
Thank you for taking the time today to attend the completion ceremony for our new plant.

**on behalf of ~:
On behalf of the whole company, I’d like to welcome you all.

I must confess that, when I cut the tape earlier, my hands were trembling with excitement.

**be grateful for ~:
**allow A to ~:
I’m truly grateful for your kind support, which has allowed us to start a new chapter for Iroha-Romano here in Chennai.

**originally planned:
We were able to upscale our production facility to a greater extent than originally planned.


Business Phrase of the Day

I’m truly grateful for your kind support.

be grateful for ~ は「~に感謝をしている」という意味のフレーズ。

Thank you for ~ よりも「恩に着る、恩を感じる」というニュアンスが強くなる。


We should be grateful for the immigrants propping up the dwindling workforce.
**prop up:


・be grateful to ~

I’m grateful to you all for contributing to this challenging task.


・be grateful ~

I would be grateful if anyone could give me any information about the matter.


Alternative Expressions


I really appreciate your thoughtful and kind advice on my future career.

express one’s gratitude:
I’d like to express my sincere gratitude for your financial support.

be thankful:
We were just thankful that it had stopped raining shortly before the match began.


Upgrade Your Communication Skills



Finally, we have reached the opening day of the shopping center. Our air conditioning system seems to be working well. We can be proud of our involvement. After all, it’s the biggest shopping mall in Malaysia. 

This project is an important milestone for our future business in Asia, and I’m excited to tell you that there are more deals in the pipeline. Thanks to you all for your excellent work, and let’s keep this up.

**seem to ~:
**after all:
**in the pipeline:
**let’s keep this up: 

August 29 Monday, 2022
February 27 Monday, 2023
Lesson 61 竣工式で社長がスピーチする①

Words and Phrases

Now, can we have a few words from Anton Meyer, CEO of Iroha-Romano Motor Corporation?

※ can we have a few words from ~ で「~よりごあいさつ申し上げます」なんですね!覚えておきたい言い回しです。


**attend: 出席する、参列する
**completion ceremony: 竣工式

Thank you for taking the time today to attend the completion ceremony for our new plant.


**on behalf of ~: ~を代表して、~の代わりに(チームや組織を代表してあいさつなどをするときに使われる決まり文句です)

On behalf of the whole company, I’d like to welcome you all.


**confess: 告白する
**earlier: 前に
**tremble: 震える

I must confess that, when I cut the tape earlier, my hands were trembling with excitement.


**truly: 全く、本当に、真に
**be grateful for ~: ~に感謝している

**allow A to ~: Aが~するのを可能にする

I’m truly grateful for your kind support, which has allowed us to start a new chapter for Iroha-Romano here in Chennai.


**upscale: 規模を拡大する
**extent: 範囲、規模、広がり
**originally planned: 当初の予定

We were able to upscale our production facility to a greater extent than originally planned.


Business Phrase of the Day

I’m truly grateful for your kind support.

be grateful for ~ は「~に感謝をしている」という意味のフレーズ。

Thank you for ~ よりも「恩に着る、恩を感じる」というニュアンスが強くなる。


We should be grateful for the immigrants propping up the dwindling workforce.

**immigrant: (外国からの)移民、移住者
**prop up: 下支えする、てこ入れする


・be grateful to ~

I’m grateful to you all for contributing to this challenging task.

**contributing: 寄与する、貢献する


・be grateful ~

I would be grateful if anyone could give me any information about the matter.

※ I would be grateful ~ は「そうしてくれたらありがたい」と丁寧な言い方です


Alternative Expressions


appreciate: ありがたいと思う
I really appreciate your thoughtful and kind advice on my future career.


express one’s gratitude: 感謝の意を表す
I’d like to express my sincere gratitude for your financial support.

**gratitude: 感謝、感謝の気持ち、報恩の念
**sincere: 心の底からの

※レストランなどで払う「チップ」を gratitude と表現することもあります!


be thankful: (危険や困難が去ったことに)安堵する
We were just thankful that it had stopped raining shortly before the match began.

**shortly before:(時間的に)~の少し前に
**shortly: 間もなく、すぐに、近いうちに、近々
**match: 試合


Upgrade Your Communication Skills



Finally, we have reached the opening day of the shopping center. Our air conditioning system seems to be working well. We can be proud of our involvement. After all, it’s the biggest shopping mall in Malaysia. 


**seem to ~: ~のように見える
**involvement: 関与、関係
**after all:(何だかんだ言っても)結局のところ、やはり


This project is an important milestone for our future business in Asia, and I’m excited to tell you that there are more deals in the pipeline. Thanks to you all for your excellent work, and let’s keep this up.


**milestone: 画期的出来事、節目
**in the pipeline: 進行中で、完成しかかって
**let’s keep this up: この調子で頑張りましょう



proud of our involvement
important milestone
excited to tell you, more deals
excellent work
Let’s keep this up!

名古屋BEGビジネス英会話ジム、代表兼パーソナルトレーナー。 高校で挫折した英語を社会人でやり直し、アメリカのアリゾナ州フェニックスにある企業で働く。ホームシックになりながらも勤め上げる。 帰国後は名古屋で海外営業、輸出入関連業務、海外人材教育などに携わった後に英語講師へ。 海外営業時代は英語で様々な国の顧客とやり取りし、交渉し、コミュニケーションを取り営業をおこない、「Norikoがそう言うなら信じるよ!」と言われるほどの信頼関係を築く。 英語の勉強が続けられない…という生徒さんたちの悩みを受けて「強制的に英語を継続させる」英会話パーソナルトレーナーに進化しました。 アメリカ大好きすぎて北米大陸を3ヶ月かけて横断(往復)したこともアリ。若かった…。