September 19 Monday, 2022
March 20 Monday, 2023
Lesson 70 転勤の打診を受ける
★Words and Phrases
There’s something that I’d like to talk to you about.
I’m all ears, Anton. What is it?
It’s about your new assignment.
**head (verb):
**corporate strategy planning:
I want both of you to head the corporate strategy planning team.
**lead (verb):
**the next level:
We need people like you to lead a team to the next level.
What a surprise!
It’ll probably be challenging, but it could be really rewarding.
You know what? Coincidentally, my wife asked me the other day if I had a chance to work in Japan.
Take your time and have a think.
**in private:
I’ll talk to you in private before heading home.
★Business Phrase of the Day
It’ll probably be challenging, but it could be really rewarding.
challenging but rewarding は「大変だがやりがいのある」という言い回しで相性のいい組み合わせ。
challenging: 難易度が高くて大変そうではあるものの、苦痛ではなく、面白い、挑戦しがいのある
rewarding: 手ごたえがあって、幸福感・充実感を得られる
The development of new medicine was challenging but very rewarding.
**new medicine: 新薬
We are committed to providing challenging but rewarding educational programs.
※ commit は「約束する、責任を持つ」なので、We are committed to ~ は「~に尽力する」となります
rewarding の名詞形は reward(報酬)という意味で使われることが多い。「やりがい」ではない!
My current job is tough, but the rewards are considerable.
★Alternative Expressions
The job requires a lot of effort, but it’s really fulfilling to see the patients satisfied.
Business trips can be stressful, but I’m always excited when I visit this country.
Building a dam deep in these mountains isn’t easy, but it’ll definitely be worthwhile for this country.
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: So, you’ve contributed greatly to the development of our Asian business since you joined this department. Actually, Mr. Sato in Hanoi will be assigned back to Osaka, and I’m looking for a replacement – would you like to work in Vietnam?
B: I’d love to. I’ve always wanted to work in Southeast Asia, and I’ve built up a good relationship with the local employees in Hanoi. If I get to work in Vietnam, I would learn Vietnamese to further strengthen the trust.
**be assigned:
**build up:
**get to work:
September 19 Monday, 2022
March 20 Monday, 2023
Lesson 70 転勤の打診を受ける
★Words and Phrases
There’s something that I’d like to talk to you about.
I’m all ears, Anton. What is it?
※ I’m all ears. は直訳が「私はすべて耳です」で、それくらい「興味津々です」「真剣に聞いています」ということです
**assignment: 任務、債務
It’s about your new assignment.
**head (verb): (リーダーとしてチームなどを)統括する
**corporate strategy planning: 経営戦略立案
I want both of you to head the corporate strategy planning team.
**lead (verb): 導く
**the next level: 次のレベル
We need people like you to lead a team to the next level.
What a surprise!
**challenging: 大変な、困難な
**rewarding: やりがいのある
It’ll probably be challenging, but it could be really rewarding.
**coincidentally: 偶然にも
You know what? Coincidentally, my wife asked me the other day if I had a chance to work in Japan.
Take your time and have a think.
**in private: 個別に、2人で
I’ll talk to you in private before heading home.
※この head も動詞ですが、「向かう」という意味です。
★Business Phrase of the Day
It’ll probably be challenging, but it could be really rewarding.
challenging but rewarding は「大変だがやりがいのある」という言い回しで相性のいい組み合わせ。
challenging: 難易度が高くて大変そうではあるものの、苦痛ではなく、面白い、挑戦しがいのある
rewarding: 手ごたえがあって、幸福感・充実感を得られる
The development of new medicine was challenging but very rewarding.
**new medicine: 新薬
We are committed to providing challenging but rewarding educational programs.
※ commit は「約束する、責任を持つ」なので、We are committed to ~ は「~に尽力する」となります
rewarding の名詞形は reward(報酬)という意味で使われることが多い。「やりがい」ではない。
My current job is tough, but the rewards are considerable.
★Alternative Expressions
fulfilling: 満たされた(幸せ・満足感を感じるときに使う)
The job requires a lot of effort, but it’s really fulfilling to see the patients satisfied.
**patient: 患者
excited: ワクワクした
Business trips can be stressful, but I’m always excited when I visit this country.
※ stressful(ストレスの多い)と exciting(ワクワクした)が対比で使われています
worthwhile: やる価値がある
Building a dam deep in these mountains isn’t easy, but it’ll definitely be worthwhile for this country.
★Upgrade Your Communication Skills
A: So, you’ve contributed greatly to the development of our Asian business since you joined this department. Actually, Mr. Sato in Hanoi will be assigned back to Osaka, and I’m looking for a replacement – would you like to work in Vietnam?
**greatly: 大いに、非常に
**development: 発達、発展、進行
**be assigned: 任命される
**replacement: 後任者、交代のスタッフ
B: I’d love to. I’ve always wanted to work in Southeast Asia, and I’ve built up a good relationship with the local employees in Hanoi. If I get to work in Vietnam, I would learn Vietnamese to further strengthen the trust.
**build up: 築き上げる、作り上げる
**get to work: 仕事につく、仕事を始める
**strengthen: 強化する、強固にする