ラジオビジネス英語 2022年9月/3月号各放送まとめ

【ラジオビジネス英語】Lesson 68 社内の会合でスピーチをする②

September 13 Tuesday, 2022
March 14 Tuesday, 2023
Lesson 68 社内の会合でスピーチをする②

Words and Phrases

**live up to ~:
The Chinese character for “ka” has the connotation of “respectable,” while “na” means “beautiful,” so I’ll do my best to live up to my name.

Your enthusiasm and patience during the test run enabled us to move things forward.

I wish you every success.

Over to you, Henry.

**in that sense:
I think when people hear the word Texas, they think of cowboys, but in that sense, I’m probably the least Texan guy from my office!

**be into ~:
I’ve always been into my motorcycles and cars.

The merger gave us new opportunities to broaden our activities.

**take ~ by storm:
I can’t wait to see the first Indian-made Iroha-Romano cars taking the world by storm!


Business Phrase of the Day

I’ve always been into my motorcycles and cars.

be into ~ は「〜にはまっている」というフレーズ。

What are you into lately? などと聞いたり聞かれたりする。


I’ve been totally into jazz since I watched a live performance last year.

You mean you’re into watching airplanes taking off and landing?
**take off:

I hear that you’ve been into playing futsal lately.


Alternative Expressions


be crazy about ~:
My mom is crazy about K-pop.

be hooked on ~:
I’ve been hooked on the soap opera ever since I watched the first episode.
**soap opera:

be absorbed in ~:
I was so absorbed in playing piano that I lost track of time.


Upgrade Your Communication Skills



I refresh my body and soul by putting myself in a natural, quiet environment in the mountains or forests. When the brain and body are working at full capacity, stress and fatigue can build up rapidly, so I sometimes need a retreat.

That said, I can’t go far away every weekend. So I sometimes stay in hotels where I can refresh myself while in the city. I can take a dip in the pool, read a book, eat healthy food…It’s very relaxing and refreshing.

**build up:

**That said,:

September 13 Tuesday, 2022
March 14 Tuesday, 2023
Lesson 68 社内の会合でスピーチをする②

Words and Phrases

**connotation: 意味合い
**respectable: 尊敬に値する、立派な
**live up to ~: (人生観や主義など)に恥じない行動をとる

The Chinese character for “ka” has the connotation of “respectable,” while “na” means “beautiful,” so I’ll do my best to live up to my name.


**enthusiasm: 熱意
**patience: 忍耐
**enable: 〜を可能にする

Your enthusiasm and patience during the test run enabled us to move things forward.


I wish you every success.

Over to you, Henry.


**in that sense: そういう意味では
I think when people hear the word Texas, they think of cowboys, but in that sense, I’m probably the least Texan guy from my office!


**be into ~: 〜にはまっている
I’ve always been into my motorcycles and cars.


**broaden: 広げる
The merger gave us new opportunities to broaden our activities.


**take ~ by storm: 〜を席巻する、〜を驚かせる、〜を魅了する(あっと言わせる、旋風を巻き起こすニュアンス)
I can’t wait to see the first Indian-made Iroha-Romano cars taking the world by storm!


Business Phrase of the Day

I’ve always been into my motorcycles and cars.

be into ~ は「〜にはまっている」というフレーズ。

What are you into lately? (最近何にはまってる?)などと聞いたり聞かれたりする。


I’ve been totally into jazz since I watched a live performance last year.


You mean you’re into watching airplanes taking off and landing?

**take off: 離陸する
**land: 着陸させる


I hear that you’ve been into playing futsal lately.


Alternative Expressions


be crazy about ~: 〜に夢中になっている
My mom is crazy about K-pop.


be hooked on ~: 〜にはまる
I’ve been hooked on the soap opera ever since I watched the first episode.

※ hook は「つかまえる」で hooked は「つかまる」です

**soap opera: メロドラマ、昼メロ


be absorbed in ~: 〜に没頭する
I was so absorbed in playing piano that I lost track of time.

※ be absorbed は「吸収される」なので吸い込まれるイメージ


Upgrade Your Communication Skills



I refresh my body and soul by putting myself in a natural, quiet environment in the mountains or forests. When the brain and body are working at full capacity, stress and fatigue can build up rapidly, so I sometimes need a retreat.


**fatigue: 疲労
**build up: 高まる、増大する
**rapidly: どんどん、急速に
**retreat: 避難、引きこもり、静修、リトリート


That said, I can’t go far away every weekend. So I sometimes stay in hotels where I can refresh myself while in the city. I can take a dip in the pool, read a book, eat healthy food…It’s very relaxing and refreshing.


**That said,: そうは言っても、とは言え
**dip: 軽く泳ぐこと

高校で英語に挫折した後、アメリカ旅行をきっかけに社会人で英語をやり直し、アメリカのアリゾナ州フェニックスにある企業で働きました。ホームシック🥺になりながらもアメリカ滞在は約5年に。 🌵 帰国後は名古屋で海外営業、輸出入関連業務、海外人材教育などに携わります。海外営業時代は英語で様々な国の顧客と交渉・折衝しながら英語でのコミュニケーション力を磨き…「Norikoがそう言うなら信じるよ!」と顧客に言われるほどの信頼関係を築くことに成功しました! 🌵 この英会話ジムは、アメリカで英語が不自由だったためにした、私の辛い経験から「これから海外に出ていく日本人に、同じような目にはあってほしくない!」という想いで運営しております。目指すところは、あなたの海外での成功と、日本の明るい未来です! 🌵 アメリカ大好きすぎてアメリカ大陸を3ヶ月かけて横断(往復)したこともアリ。若かった… 🌵 TOEIC925、IELTS7.0(OA)